Weekly Channel – July 12 – July 18, 2015
May we use energy spirals to interface the physical plane with the infinite, to feel, as we feel wind, to manifest, to heal, to bridge ourselves from the dense to the infinite?
Yes, this can be particularly effective at times when you feel cemented, mired into the denseness of your world. This is one of infinite ways in which you can perceive the vibrational nature of the infinite energy. We talk often about vibration for this purpose – it is a way of bridging the dense to the infinite. The dense appears immutable, completely solid, on the surface, but is is really pure energy in a crystallized form. Upon closer subtlety, the dense is vibrating, and this is inherent in all forms of energy, and this perception leads you to the infinite connection. Now, this spiral, or vortex, method you are happening upon is your intro to combining your deliberation of physical plane precipitation with the infinite energy. This opens the gateway to functioning at various energy levels, as you are directly accessing the dense precipitation. Our recommendation is to momentarily pause and set your energy level to your desired level just prior to engaging in this powerful activity. You are free to swim in vortices at the lower energy levels. However you often ask about elevating feelings and mind states, and swimming at the higher energy levels is more conducive for the higher level mind states. Our firs suggestion is that you meditatively go within yourself and feel the energy spiraling, and notice the subtle effects that it has in your own body. This will engage you quickly in motives for your own somatic balancing. You are just now beginning to overcome the doubt and disbelief about how effective and swift your own somatic balancing can occur. This method enters the stage at a time when the veil of disbelief is lifted. Begin within thyself, and you will discover effective ways to use this knowledge.
In perceiving this within myself, I am wondering how much to watch and allow the energy spirals to develop, and how much to initiate the process with my own intention. Perhaps it is a balancing of the two.
It is your intention, but this intention is of a more universal energetic nature than your intentions in the dense world that translate into actions. Like, when you decide to get up and turn on a light switch, you first get the desire for the light to be on, and then you summon up the energy to move that dense body over to the light switch and physically reach out and turn it. When you set an intention to obtain some goal in the dense world, you get an energy of desire and a mental concentration and tension about it that will help to impress it upon your memory. This spiral merging of intention and energetic vortices is more of a subtle, which would appear to you more like allowing than intending. That is why you are asking this question. You know that you have an intention but it doesn’t feel right to try to force the spirals to form or force the direction they go, so you are in between doing just that and doing nothing. You are on the right track. Keep doing it this way, and you will get more of the feel of it. This is part of the reason why we told you to begin within yourself. You need to learn the feel of this before you go outward and effect the dense precipitations. Another reason is that this effects inner healing. This will influence your health at the emotional and mental level, which is prudent before you go about in the world with the kind of power that this knowledge will afford you.
When I feel at my lowest points, and look into my mental states, it seems that almost always there is something bothering me that has to do with other humans. I just don’t know how to make myself feel better about this.
Your infinite energetic state encompasses all humans, and everything else. Being in human form, your organic existence brings you into contact with others of that human form. This makes the human frequency prominent and strikes a chord of resonance that is vibrating in the human elemental realm. Such frequency is contrasting with the high frequency mind states that you seek, and that is why you have come to this question.
Is there a viable method for feeling better when involved in this, or should I just resign myself to it being this way since I am living in the human elemental realm?
You are of a high frequency energy, and resigning yourself to a lower frequency would not be viable. The method for feeling better must entail shifting your frequency, and this includes focus in the mental area. One skill that you can develop is to mentally focus in multiple dimensions amidst the details of the dense realm. If you can focus directly, then you can use time to leverage your threads of intersection with the infinite. Time is used indirectly. You are feeling the lower frequency from the dense world, and time is a relative perception that hooks into that world. You allow the higher frequency mind states to enter as you open the door to awareness of the timelessness of the infinite dimensional realm. You just need to gather the mental awareness of the concept of time and at the same time the awareness of the infinite dimensions. This reveals that time is anchored into the world of the human elementals, and catapults your awareness into the infinite realm of which you naturally focus.
I see. The trick in doing things like this is to gain focus in the mental realm while the drama in the physical world is going on. That is when I seem to have trouble doing it. I get busy. I get caught up in relationships with other humans, and along comes a point where I feel myself in a lower state. Sometimes I just feel like isolating myself from the world and the people in it, so at least I know what I am dealing with. I know that is not the answer, but it still feels that way. I guess I have to remember to slip in moments of the kind of focus we are talking about here. As you are pointing out, the infinite is timeless, and the mental focus has no time constraints, so the perception that a certain amount ot time is needed to focus is really an illusion of the physical world.
You have a key point here when you say “slip in moments of the kind of focus we are talking about here”. This is of all importance because yes, there are no time constraints and once your mental focus is directed in a way that spins you into the infinite realm awareness, it opens the gateway to shifting your frequency in the human elemental realm. It should become a second nature kind of habit to remember to do this, because the dense energy continues to flood you while you are humanly involved, so the direction to the infinite must be renewed on a regular basis. No time like the present!
Let us move onward.