Weekly Channel – June 28 – July 4, 2015
What is the substance of thought? What is the density of thought? How can thought be converted to density? How can the dense be converted to thought? Into pure energy?
Your own density is the access point, through the solar plexus chakra. Directly you perceive the energetic. Your own being is energetic while appearing dense. This is your access point. Bring your attention to your solar plexus chakra and you can see through all sensory perceptors the energetic essence. You at the same time know and feel your density. This opens the gate to awareness that there is no difference and that it is a matter of focus and perception. You focus on both energetic and dense at the same time. Now, thought is continuous in its flow – mental energy. The threaded dimensional states of thought and feeling are intertwined, and the feeling is the interface with the dense. As you focus your attention in the solar plexus as we have described, your transmission of thought to dense state would be advisable to correlate with feelings that you would seek. The feeling state is the medium of continuity along which the thought energy transitions from mental energy into dense energy, via your interaction with the solar plexus chakra, holding the energetic essence and the density in focus together. Elevate your feeling states whence you undertake this practice. It is very powerful.
We have talked before about invoking light beams to directly elevate the feeling states.
Yes, the third eye chakra is involved here. Your energetic/dense engagement is similar to how we have described the solar plexus interaction earlier, yet the focus is on the feeling states that are not so much like physical substance, as a medium for transmission. The relative reactions you have to the feeling states are a mechanism to guide you through your perceptions. The direct interaction, initially through the third eye chakra, is your means to take the feeling states into a reaction that you choose, and to prepare to invoke the manifestation of thought power into dense precipitation.
Thoughts are a continuous stream. Often they appear to be discrete, but when you enter the energetic stream of manifesting thought density, it is the feeling – thought duplex which creates the energetic transmission. This is somewhat loosely analogous to the generation of electromagnetic waves through the motion of the dense magnets. Thoughts which appear discrete in a filtered perception are such because they are high generators of feeling states. More of the dense plane parameter known as time is dwelt on the high generators of feeling states, for a particular thought generating being. You will learn to step out of the usual filtered interplay in the dense plane, and directly perceive the energetic stream of thought, coupled with the energetic stream of feeling. This is how your solar plexus becomes a gateway for manifestation in the dense. Your adept recognition of feeling states, and your habitual interaction with your third eye to effect the choice feeling states will interface directly with your manifestation through the thought stream.
Guide me to a path of habitual interaction toward elevating feeling states.
Find a trigger, such as a physical object, or a time of day, or a particular being. Use the trigger or multiple triggers to alert you to notice your feeling state at the moment the trigger triggers your attention. Whatever your feeling state is, at that moment, engage in the third eye chakra, drawing in light beams infused with the intention to elevate your feeling state. Persist with this and this will become more habitual than the common human method of subconsciously being triggered by past bad events that lower the feeling state. You will directly, intentionally, consciously take your feeling states to an ever more elevated level.
How about using feeling states as a trigger?
You will be advised to use caution here, because there is a directional factor in the worldly plane that is part of your default navigation mechanism. Your tendency is to use the lousy feeling states as motivation for change. If you rely on lousy feeling states to trigger you for motivation to directly engage the light beams to elevate your feeling states, then you are constructing a lousy/good duality. That is all well and good for primitive life forms, but what we are talking about here is rising above the pool of dense drama that encroaches on your high energy being and the elevated, exalted states of expression. Choose triggers that are not emotionally wired for specific feeling states. When you awaken in the morning is a good one. When you spot a certain number on a clock. When you see a particular color. When you brush your teeth. Choose one and begin to work with this. Choose others and allow yourself to transform and gain freedom from the errant perception that you must be an emotional slave to conditions on the dense plane. Others do it that way. Let them do their own thing. You choose to move in the high energy direction.
Thoughts transmission in the mental plane appear to move much more rapidly than the feeling states which are more integrated with the dense plane. How is it that thought and feeling states intertwine and interact together? On the dense plane there appears to be a delay in what we call time, between the infusion of light through the third eye chakra toward elevating the feeling states, and the perception that the feeling states have shifted. How do we work with this, while traversing the dense planes, in a way that we can continuously perceive the intertwining of the thought and feeling states? A third dimension perspective question to express this would be “after initiating change in feeling states through the light beams pulled in through the third eye chakra, what do we do between that point in time and when the feeling states have changed?”.
One insight to a facet of the intertwining of thoughts and feeling states is gained through contemplating the transmission of light through another medium such as water. Light indeed transmits through water, yet it is changed, and if the water goes deep enough the light can be invisible because the effects have been so transmuted through processing through the medium. This is an intertwining of the light, which is light and has a resting state of moving extremely fast from the dense plane perspective, and water, which is dense. This is one insight. The other, temporal, aspect is evident in the observation of how thoughts affect feelings. Experiences are common in which you receive a thought related to a bad memory and almost immediately feel a bad feeling. We say almost immediately because there is some time delay. This is due to the difference in frequency between the thought and feeling media. In this instance, the time delay is brief because the memory and feelings associated with it are stored in your being in an integrated way. The correlation between the memory and the feeling are retrieved very quickly. This is why people tend to gravitate to lower vibration states. The memories associated with difficult feelings are stored, and experiences in the dense plane are repeated, and the feelings are re-experienced. This is just the phenomenon that we are talking about reaching beyond. This takes the persistence of will and determination. Because you are now deliberately effecting feeling states in a high energy direction, contrasting with the usual norm in the physical arena, it is not a retrieval, but is an infusion, and this creates the apparent longer time delay between the infusion and the feeling states. Knowing this, you are well-prepared to endeavor for these changes. The in-between of the infusion and the changing feeling states can be navigated by keeping the reactionary mechanism of the dense plane – thought states – feeling states at bay, and endeavoring to keep the focus on the high energy intention. This becomes more prominent in your consciousness as you continue to do this. You are not currently surrounded by multitudes who are operating in this way, so the apparent need for continuous effort comes to the forefront. There is nothing standing in the way of going beyond that, and you know this. Proceed in this way. Experiences will teach you that your efforts to infuse your mind with feeling-elevating thought, light beams transmitting transformative feeling states, are always productive with change. The time constant, as you would say in your physical world, is just longer, and the default operation would have a human moving on to much other drama that would distract from the attentive effort to shift the feeling states. You are ready to keep the drama in perspective and remember that the shifting of the frequency is the real operation worth keeping your attention.
Let us move onward!