Inter-Dimensional Channel – Sep 8 – Sep 11, 2016
Darkness. Void. Subject to recoil from the conscious intersection of a light being through finite dimension space, these are of infinite value as receptors of expression of creation energy. The restricted consciousness, being of light source, is subject to viewing the dark void space as an opposite. Yet this is so far from Truth, as the space is the medium through which the energetic creation permeates. The surface tension of the finite being perceives the boundary between the organic life and the dark void as being the crossing of the threshold into lack of existence, yet this is mere perception. Appearing void of all, including energy, there is not any leverage for draw into embracement of the voidness. Thus you conscious beings are subject to retreat and resist the allowing of your creative energetic propagation with the very means for allowing the energy propagation to propagate.
If you can imagine an artist painter with a palate and brushes and images in mind to create, who encounters the canvas and is repudiated at the sight of it, then you can make the analogy of the effect of your recoiling from the dark voidness. The images remain in the artists mind such that never reaching form of expression. Just so do your creative impulses remain in the conscious, pre-manifested form, as you recoil from the darkness. Evading the void, the medium of creation, your tendency is to output your energy into the crevices of already created forms, equivalent to the artist reaching for the painting expression through existing artistic forms, covering and filling gaps. This is limited and untrue expression. The true artist embraces the void canvas. The true conscious being embraces the void and allows the creative energy of within to emerge into the void medium for expansion and crystallization.
Moving beyond the retracting tendency upon encountering the threshold of darkness entails removing the boundaries of your concept of finite being. Finitely, this feels and looks as though you are dissipating into nothingness, which is enough to get most of you to high tail it in a different direction. It would be desirable for you to more fully integrate your infinite faculties into your existence and turning high tail is the opposite of what is needed. For thus reasons, we are encouraging you to listen to what we have to say in regard to overcoming that impulse to go the wrong way on the freeway of infinite energy. While the sudden, contrasting conditions of being faced with a stark revelation of the vast abyss can be overwhelming to assimilate, there is an exercise you can do while going about your business in finite world territory, which can help to train you for encountering abysmal conditions and moving forward into the vast realm of expressive creation.
See yourself, feel yourself in light, as a source of light projecting into arbitrary space in all dimensional directions. Be in this state of feeling and as you do this, aware of the defined spatial relationship with individuality, envision darkness approaching and engulfing the space around you. Enlist the cognizant channel to project your creative energy, as a being of light, creation, forth and merge with the engulfing darkness. Observe as a witness the effects of the consuming darkness on your emotional coordinates of your being. Allow the merging to continue, and allow your sense of compact, individuated being to expand and assume the unknown. Continue this and allow the mergence of your light being with the dark void, being present and conscious through the process.
Your world of three dimensions has prominence for encapsulating in the two dimensions because that maxes the dimensional state which allows for mobility in the simplest view of your worldly existence. Thus the dipole nature of your understanding of your reality. In this view, your tendency is to see each end of the dipole as an absolute - as darkness/light, and no ulterior concept of essence. Hence comes your retreat from the mood of darkness as your sense of it as absoluteness consumes your expectancy with sensations of elimination of your individuation, which is a condition of contraindication to your penchant to propagate your survival. Responsiveness in this, strict third dimension way, clips out the understanding that the perceived darkness realm is just the opening which invites your energetic projection into what is yet to come for you. Embracing the darkness so as to reach wholeness in your quest for creation must entail deeper understanding than the dipole would present to you.
So, allow us to lead into a discussion about what you have known as darkness, in our inter-dimensional knowledge path. If you see darkness itself as a conjoining of completion for the seeking quest of creation energy, allow us to rekindle the concept of energetic vibration units of the vibrational creation energy, and the generation/sustenance/regeneration nature of the vibration states themselves. The regeneration, which is seen as destruction from the transition point from sustenance, is the creator of darkness states, which is the cleared void for the creation, generation, of new states. As this process is ongoing at infinite rate, something new is always being created, and something old is always being deconstructed. This both allows for new life, and uplifting about what is yet to come, and calls for releasing clinging to what is to be staying that way in some kind of permanence.
So, and this by no means encapsulates the whole story, you can kind of picture the vibrational units vibrating, wherein the vibration cycles incorporate the energetic generation of creation, the continuation of the creation, and the retraction of the creation. The retraction of the creation creates a void darkness unit in complement to the creation energetic unit, which established the blueprint for the assumption of energy for the next creation projection of the energetic unit. All of these infinite energetic units are operating independently and in unison, to establish the multidimensional, inter-dimensional effects of energy transforming into matter and all varying subtleties of transformation of pure, unformed energy. As beings of creation, light beings, you see the light emerging, and being a void, a complement to the light, the darkness in which the light emanates is not seen as an imprint, yet it is an essential component to completeness, wholeness, and the allowance of creation.
You can see now that your resistance to darkness is the inhibiting factor in allowing your intentions to create to be manifested, and we do say that it would be of benefit to you to establish the subtlety of perception to employ awareness of the void in which creation energetic units propagate. We shall offer some guidance for this cultivation.
When the need for cultivation arises, it means somehow direction of intention and effort to entrain your sensors of consciousness in some way. Just as we have guided you to entertain a pastime of achieving palpability of sensory vibration sentience within the noisier environment of dense vibrations, we invite you to entertain a pastime of seeing darkness within the light. Feel darkness, sense the palpability of the anti-vibration within the vibration. This alone may appear as a quest to turn what you perceive as something into the perception of nothing, yet we invite you to experience in this way, and the sense of what wholeness really means will begin to warm your entire being of consciousness.
Our exercise, already cited above, for embracing the darkness at the being level, leads you to attune to darkness in a palpable way, and to step beyond that veil of boundary tension which causes the recoiling, retracting effects. You can contemplate, meditate at the fundamental energetic vibration level, to heighten your focus upon the void dimension of the vibration states, seeing, feeling, knowing the anti-vibration as the void, and sensing it in an anti-palpitating way. Seeing the void within what you perceive as substance, the darkness within the light, is a path to wholeness and completion of your being, in infinite creation process.
Here too, as in the sensing of the subtle within the clamorous, the cognizant dimension becomes your ally, your means of transmission of conscious attent, your leverage for focus. You know there is darkness within the light, just as you know that there is a figure inside one of those puzzling three dimensional pictures, even if you are not seeing it at the given moment. Relaxing into the effort of seeing releases the boundaries of constraint which obfuscate the sight, and emerging is the perception, which is beyond seeing as your third dimensional knowledge would have you understanding it. As you will see, you see with your cognizance, leading the energetic perception into the channel which your visual sight understands.
Faceting to this is channeling, opening the darkness dimension within the reflection atmosphere. Remembering the void as you look at the manifested precipitation, invites your consciousnesses embracement of wholeness. In this faceting, you are entraining in your vibrational being understanding that darkness is within light, and thus light is not without darkness. In converse, darkness is not without light, and consequently your premise for fearing the darkness evaporates.
Understanding, seeing, feeling, knowing the completeness in that darkness is not absolute and light is not absolute, and that neither is devoid of the other, the stark boundary between the two is no longer. Darkness becomes not such an intimidating void in contrast with your 'real existence', yet is an integration with your existence in completeness. In the Chakra Dialectic Unification Meditation which we have taught you, the dipoles of the Crown Chakra are thus. Your inclination, finitely in the physical world, is to separate the two and think that there is a mutual exclusive relationship. The Chakra Dialectic Unification Meditation teaches you to bring the idea of the separation of the two, as exclusive, into unification and integration. If you have been performing this exercise regularly as we have suggested, then your mental entrainment for darkness perception of integration with light is proceeding, and you may find that darkness is not really such an intimidating prospect these days.
Your entrance into situations which clash resistance with the need for allowing the destruction procedure of the creation cycle to ensue can be cast in a different light from which you may be accustomed. With the conjoining of some precipitated events with high frequency emotional states comes the ectoplasm which holds the individuated being in attachment. The 'letting go' process, an oft raised discussion topic, traditionally is injected with rigidity and tension through the volitional channel orchestrated by the finite being consciousness. This leads to a disruptive unfolding of events within the finite facet of experiential dimension.
Awareness dimension is one essential component to alignment in phase with the creation/destruction cycle so as to allow the seamless oscillatory energetic nature of projection of creative reality to proceed without inhibition. The resistance comes in when either the creation phase produces something undesirable or the destruction phase is onset in effect of something desirable. In either case there is a phase shift in your emotional body, intersecting with your finite being summation of dimensional intersection. Your emotional state shifting in this way causes discomfort, and this can be your asset, because you notice it and it can wake you. Rather than letting the negative shift in emotional state take you on the course into tension and resistance, be subtly aware and allow it to wake you into approaching the creation cycle phase with conscious intent of cognizant understanding of what is happening at the fundamental energetic level.
So, as we have been guiding you to step beyond the veil of surface tension of the boundary between light and darkness, between creation and destruction. your shift in emotional energy toward a lower vibration frequency, which is accustomed to rigidizing the boundary, we are now introducing a new dimension of awareness, to supplant the habitual tension and rigidizing reactionary response. Some practice and retraining will be needed to turn around the autonomic response, which is instilled into the being for the sake of functioning as an organic being. Begin to assume and integrate the response to shift in emotional state to the negative direction as a means to awaken with wonder, and adopt an attitude of "what shall I do next?".
We realize that it can take some finesse to adopt an inviting, awareness attitude when you feel your emotional state entering a crevice, yet we encourage your cultivation in this direction. The "what shall I do next?" you can approach with some of the guidance we have been presenting here - employ the cognizant dimension to remind of the understanding of the creation/destruction cycle, the light/darkness contrast, which stimulates retraction, as a mechanism that is installed in the organing being configuration, but intended to be overridden by the conscious mastery taking the reins. Conscious master now may invoke means for allowing the conscious volition to step beyond the veil of boundary tension, being attentive to the destruction cycle within the energetic vibration units, the darkness within the reflected precipitation. Move forth in this way, and do cultivate this approach to the change which you tend to resist.