Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #28

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Aug 30 – Sep 2, 2016

As a power source, for beaming, according to your directional mental vectors, your inner energetic pillar is the infinite source of energy, momentum and power.  It is clarity in the vectors and their directional volition which invokes the alignment with these dimensions of the pillar.
Energetic Pillar, energy from all dimensional directions, instantiated within consciousness through means of light perception, inherent in the structure, depth and power of the pillar, is at your center being, is of essence integrated into your being.
Allow us to indicate that invoking the presence of your inner energetic pillar is a most readily accessible means for amplituding the power dimension in your quest for forthcoming change.  Let's say for instance, you are invoking your inner light source to soften the glue of finite dimension entanglement.  With the volitional dimension of the glue softening endeavor close to orthogonal to the time dimension, accelerating the level of consciousness of the power dimension aligns these two in more parallel, which for finite purposes appears as having the effect of speeding up the process.  Inhibiting factors, such as impatience, however, dampen the power dimension amplification, and thus render the time dimension and volitional dimension to stay close to orthogonal.  This is what we mean by clarity in vectors.  Your intention, volition, direction, must be clear and free of encumbrances such as emotional attachment.  De-amplify these encumbering dimensions in the process.  We aim you to clarity because this is how you recognize that the encumbrances are de-amplified.
References to sentient dimension are coming to light in the way your consciousness engages with the fundamental energy that transpires through your entire being and all of experiencing thereof.  Your perception of amplitude increase for the sentient dimension components would be the tactile sense of vibration concommitant with enslavement within the organic body.  Unknown to subtle energies, it would seem a stretch to both be in and feel the organic body whilst simultaneously perceptively feeling the energy of vibration.  Heretofore, your sense of vibration would be of physical oscillations, and this is indeed a good way to sense your cognizant vectors in orientation for absorbing into the receptors the vibration sentience at the fundamental energetic level.  It is like an infinitely recursive feeling of vibration, infinite in number, infinitessimality, and inward depth.  We would like to guide you to deepen your sense in being able to reach deeply into this sentient dimension, and absorb your entire consciousness into this feeling.
Drawing into our mention earlier about your inner pillar of energy, and the power dimension, capturing a state of complete immersion in sentience of vibration at the infinitessimally deep energetic levels, a state that you can 'perceive from elsewhere', which is capturing the vector of the cognizant dimension, that you can somehow envision, is enhanced in focus and direction through invoking the power dimension in alignment.  Yet, the inhibiting effect of encumbrances is seeming to be in direct contrast with your intentions.  This is a finite plane effect, and you have to play the dance of intending, seeking the feeling of subtle vibration, yet doing so with the vectors of subtlety dimension aiming toward the less subtle, which is counter to the intuitive that is instilled in a finite dimension thought process.  Thus, your wanting to feel the feeling states of the subtle vibrations is itself a limiting factor in feeling the feeling states, and wanting to be less subtle in the wanting executes forces to turning the subtlety vectors toward the less subtle, which is counter to your objective.
Now we turn your head to open and look to invite understanding of just how powerful your mental energy is here.  Finding a situation in which you know effort must be exerted to gravitate toward your objective, yet effort of physical tension or constrained concentration counters the fulfilling of the objective, there would seem to be an impasse, if the range of influence would encompass finite dimension influences only.  Relative to the finite dimensions, relative to entering the sentience of subtle vibrations at the deep energetic level, mental plane energy is of a subtle enough nature to transcend the encumbering effects of the finite dimension tensions.  This is how your mental intention in invoking the power dimension through such entities as the inner energetic pillar becomes of essence in objectives such as the merging of sentience with subtlety, which appear at best daunting, if not impossible, from the implements available through ostensible finite dimension means.
That mental plane energy transcends the encumbering effects of tension of effort through finite dimension implements carries the transmission of understanding that mental plane energy would appear to be ineffective toward objectives which are motivated out of finite dimension sensory receptors.  This is why it does not readily fall into place in your finite being means of going about your business to reach your goals, to overcome your dilemmas.  The power of the mental dimensions is not readily obvious in your world, and when the power of the mental dimensions is in play, it is not obvious to you that the resultant effects are due thereto rather than due to just some random occurrences, or some vague concept such as 'fate'.  Our motivation is to teach you the subtlety level of tangibility of the infinite dimensions and the means for adjoining infinite dimension energy with finite existence, with mental plane energy as a bridge.  This is why we introduce concepts such as inner energy pillar of light, and inner mirror, etc.
Tendency from physical world vision is to expect and look for evidence of physical results from objectives.  And this would be no different, even if you were convinced enough that there is something to the idea that your thoughts and mental plane interactions do influence the outcome of your endeavors.  If you don't see results rather quickly and of some substance, it can become demotivating to even set the mental intentions in a certain direction.  There needs to be some disjoining of your regularity in invoking the power of the mental dimension toward your intentions from your expectation of tangible results in the physical environment.
Two factors going on here: your invoking intention in the mental dimension, and your expectation of change in the tangibly physical environment.
In both cases you get there by virtue of virtue.  If your intentions are pure and clear and your expectations are humble, you are more naturally aligned with the bridging of the infinite planes with your physical world.  This is why many of your spiritual leaders have taught these concepts - focus on loving one another, kindness, charity, forgiveness.  These raise your vibrational connection in the finite dimension to easily connect the bridge to the mental planes which take you into dimensions beyond the finite.  Virtuous concepts are easily understood by many people, and spiritual leaders who are trying to reach many people use these ideas accordingly.
Mental clarity and purity of thought are what we are talking about, and we are speaking in a more deeply energetic way, yet the effect would be to invoke the virtuous attitudes encouraged by your spiritual leaders.  Attitudes such as greed, ego-driven pride, jealousy, impatience, etc. cloud the clarity because they are locking into the results of finite creation in a dependency kind of way.  Being in these states renders the power of the mental plane distant, and results from mental plane engagement would likely be lost in the noise of physical plane activity.  This is the way most humans are currently living, at the level of development on the earth plane.  So, the concepts of mental plane power effects may seem a stretch to most of you.
With all of this understood, that mental clarity is essential, with intention to sentiently perceive the vibration of energy at the deep fundamental level, the components of the cognizant dimension bring the understanding that lower vibration effects such as the lower mind states, arising from finite-only perspective, are encumbering are to be shaken off by the high frequency vibrating energy whose sentient connection you seek.  This would have a feel for a finite being of diffusion of the negative energy, and emerging of a more subtle feeling such as warmth.  If accustomed to wearing the shroud of this kind of energy, there may be an initial feeling of escaping into a state of nothingness, which could have a recoil effect.  If that is going on, keep working on cleaning up the internal engagement in that kind of energy.  If it is serving some purpose for you, or you think it is, think about it and see if it is really the best solution.  You must get over that hurdle to do what we are talking about here.
As clarity sharpens and heightens, the involution of mental plane energy just becomes more natural and its effects obvious.  Contrast with the physical plane environment becomes more stark as well, but you become accustomed to dealing with that, and you grow into seeing that the whole finite world is in its own perspective.  It is one facet of an intricately infinite world.
It should now be beginning to feel more familiar how the natural extension of intending objectives with a beginning origin within the scope of a finite organism is to capture the mental energy opening with mental energy vectors set through states of clarity, and allow mergence of infinite energy through the finite being as an opening of the portal for intention of consciousness.  It is such objects as the inner energy pillar of light which establish this anchored connection in the mental plane.
Channeling into the understanding, invocation, and allowance of energetic mental energy in your volitional intentions, establishment of volitional intentions, objectives becomes of consideration.  Some bindings to the earth plane would occur due to motivation for objectives being established primarily through earth plane phenomena, as well as swimming in a state of mediocre motivation and wondering how to generate/channel energy for mental plane engagement.  Bindings to earth plane are encumbering to freedom of motion of mental plane energy, which effectively filters out the effects.
So, the next consideration for our discussion is establishing clarity of objective.  This is in essence why we have begun the discussion of entering the tangible, palpable state of emergence into energy cell vibration.  Our proposal of mental energy connection through understanding of the sentient dimension and amplification of power through the inner energy pillar establishes the mental energy.  The decision for the objective of entering this dimensional direction arises because the tactile experience of fundamental energetic vibration units is experienced as good-feeling states by organic beings, and we have found that feeling good is a chief way to motivate you earth dwelling beings.  Thus, if you find yourself wondering what to 'do', or how to focus your mental energy, striving to feel the infinite vibration cells is something you can get motivated to implement as an objective, and in doing so, you extend beyond the in-between realm of the mediocre motivation states.
Another factor is that when you succumb to earth drama and find that your objectives for change are arising out of circumstances and experiences of the finite plane, entering the sentient dimension of tangible feeling of fundamental energetic vibration cures your consciousness, spirit being of the residual effects of the finite denseness, and shakes out these particles of matter, and extends you into the higher frequency realm, driven through high frequency motivation factors.
Thus emersing your being into fundamental energetic vibration sentience loosens and releases both of the binding factors of the earth plane, as mentioned by us.
As a path for directing your intersection of consciousness, finite dimension being, finite dimension coordinates, with trajectory into sentience with vibration of energetic cells, gather the willingness of intention using motivating factors as available in the moment (finite plane phenomena, evolution of your being, eager anticipation of the good-feeling vibration states, etc.) to place your volition vectors in alignment with your objective for merging into sentient dimension of energetic vibration.  With the volition vectors thus set, bring the vision of inner energetic pillar, the inner light, the powerful energetic source within your being all the while, and gently allow the energy to amplify the power component, which will carry your conscious awareness into mergence with the tactile vibration feel, and allow yourself to release any encumbering factors, and be experiential in the experience.