Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #27

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Aug 26 – Aug 30, 2016

In organic life form, sporting a spirit consciousness, you are beckoned to dream of what in your finite world is seen as future.  From our view, it all just is.  What for you is a dream is a view with an angle to it, and the dream and yearning, and stretching to fill the dream, and the potential for shattered dreams, is not anything that makes sense in the infinite view.  Yet, this is part of the fun of encapsulating your consciousness in an organic being and taking a ride in the dense plane physical world.
It would kind of take the fun out of it if it were so simple as for you to conjure a dream and have it just poof right before your eyes in appearance.  That would get kind of boring, and the finite world wouldn't have very much leverage for keeping you there.  Nonetheless, what is really happening is that you are invoking a view with an angle to it, in the way we are seeing it.  In finite view, you are not seeing it this way, yet this is what is happening through the intersection of your deep energetic nature with your finite coordinates.  You are really invoking many, many views with angles, all of the time.  What causes your dreams to come up short is that you rapid fire angles that intersect each other and inhibit them from progressing to the point of manifestation, physical energetic precipitation.
Projecting forth, vision, thought, energy precipitated to intersect finite coordinates according to your volitional energy.  This is your dream.  This, we talk, in speaking, about as a discrete thing, as though there is some way to convey the concept of 'a dream' in one contained concept.  Yet this is really a projection process that is ongoing forever, whether you think consciously about it or not.  What you normally know as 'a dream' is the occurrence of the elements thus mentioned in combination with your inner feelings of inspiration and uplifting and consciousness of it all.  This leads you to wistful thoughts of wishing, which sometimes leads to planning and putting things into action.  Understanding that the projecting is always occurring will help you to align your wistful wishing with the phase of your inner harmonic energy state.
Such inspiring visions, merging and integrating with your fluid attachment to the energy cells of fundamental creative existence, with volition that aligns your inspirational vision according to the creative projection stream, as an integrated part of the stream rather than a newcomer that is washed over and subdued, will energetically imprint your dream into the forthcoming energetic development of your finite dimension life.
Do make a practice of this.  Deliberately allow yourself to become inspired in dream vision.  The level of detail is not the essence but the energy of inspiration which tells you that your energetic core is awake and listening is the key.  Create dreams.  You can become better at it by deliberately doing it rather than just waiting for them to cross your coordinates of thought and inspiration in just the right way.  Creating the dreams, there is more to do.  Your nominal method would be to create the dreams and sigh them onward with at best feelings of hope.  What we are saying is to create the intersection of vision, volition, inspiration and summate this energy into the fundamental energetic vibration units of your existence with volition to carry onward, your essense of dream energy integrated into your creation energy.  The intersection of all of these dimensions assures that the vision not clouded with wrong frequencies such as doubt or conflicting beliefs, because the inspiration and vision together assure your inner core harmonic energy state is in play, which could not vibrate at those frequencies.  Those lower vibrations would be entrained out of the core harmonic stream.
Vision is sufficient to generate the stimulation of resonance.  It is not about the details or the visual effects of clarity.  It is about the clarity of resonance.  For instance if your vision is to scale a high mountain peak, and the abstract idea of a mountain strikes your energy chord into the harmonic resonance feeling of your inner core, then that is it.  You are there.  You need not have a precise view of every rock, every detail of the landscape of the mountain, every twig that lies along the surface of the mountain.  Once the reasonant feeling is there, you know it, you feel it, and your vision and inspiration are struck into aligning sequence.  Your volition carries the resonance forward, and as you open your sentient dimension to the sense of the fundamental energetic vibration units, feeling this vibration in harmonance with the thus struck energy chord, the vision is implanted into the creative vibration energy.  Time, as measured in the physical, is not of essence, yet the sustenance of this merging integration feeling to a level that feels sufficient to you, assures the correct duration coordinates.
Subtle attunement, and you can feel the entire creation process going on - creative energy, which is easy to get, the light being transmitted throughout the energetic cells, and the destruction energy, which purges all of inconsistencies in the alignment of bringing the vision into manifestation.  These latter two, you are entering understanding via the cognizant dimension, and their tangible essence is developing.  Continue in this way and your senses will recept with increasing sensitivity.
Now, if you know in essence your dream vision, yet the resonant chord does not seem nearby, you can still streamline the connection to inject the dream vision into the creation energy dimensions.  As you have been learning with the Chakra Dialectic Unification Meditation, in pinpointing your concentration to the vibration state of each chakra, you can laser beam your concentration point to the intersection of the vision with harmonic resonance chords.  Sometimes you just know the vision, yet your present state has some cloud cover.  Your mental concentration can laser you directly to the vibration of the vision which is near enough in phase with your harmonic resonance to capture the pulse.  You must have the volitional power to invoke this concentration, and this kind of power develops in cultivation as you practice this more.  You are, in effect, uncovering the feeling states of the vision you can feel is destined for integration into your energy stream.  By laser beaming into the phase alignment of the dream vision with the harmonic energetic resonance core, you are softening the crust of all that is encumbering the vision from creation.
in saying 'laser beam', we mean taking a direct path in consciousness and sentient perception to a cognizantly realized coordinate place, the most salient challenge in the dense world being transitioning from a densely noisy state to acute perception of the subtle vibration.  Strengthening the cognizant dimension instills power in this kind of transition.  In other words, feeling engulfed by the dense, 'noisy' environment, yet knowing that the subtle vibrations are there even if you don't feel them, and desiring to be in a place of their awareness despite the environment, 'vibrate' the dimension of this cognizance to grow in amplitude to allow your perception to raise the prominence of the subtle vibration you seek.
You can use this in a more abstract way.  The key is to invoke the sentient dimension in relation to your objective.  Say, you are feeling a certain way, down in the dumps, angry, scared, and you wish to shift your mental/feeling states.  To find the sentient domain of shifting energy state, sorting through the complexity of entanglement which ostensibly defines the configuration housing your mental/emotional states is not the required path to define the sentient domain of energetic shift.  Cognizance, knowing that the sentient domain is present and just a matter of aligning in resonance, is enough to bring the light of the energetic coordinates into focus.  You need only allow the cognizant dimension and the sentient dimension to vibrate in resonance to carry your consciousness into presence with the coordinates of energetic shift.  It is your volition which propels these dimensions into motion to change in resonance.
As we have made it clear how cognizance, sentience and volition vibrate in unison, from a state of apparent stagnation, where would motivation play into all of this?  What if you are in a place where you feel just totally uninspired, yet wish to shift to a place of inspiration, of alignment with the phase and frequency of your harmonic energetic core?  When inspiration is low, you can tend to feel like you are glued in to things the way they are in that present moment, and somehow there seems to be a channel for leverage to release this glued feeling, and shift to energetic alignment.  Motivation is the intersection of knowing, believing and intention to produce the mental vectors which inspire change.  Without motivation, there is not a directed way to produce the momentum for the mental vectors to be initiated.
Here is what you can do.  The glue metaphor is appropriate, because the approach to this is similar.  As with ungluing something, you can't just do it on one discrete motion.  It is a matter of loosening, allowing for some freedom of motion until the possibility for wiggling exists.  Then more wiggling and wriggling and shaking free until the glue significance is relegagted to the periphery, and freedom ensues.  So, now, from a place of lower energy, uninspiration, being glued in to the unpleasant present of finite dimension effects, your inner being as a source of light, is the initiation of the process to loosen the glue.  Casually, using the cognizant dimension to know that this cemented gluing is happening, use the cognizant dimension to know that the inner light softens the effects of the glue.  All that is needed is enough softening of the glue to allow your belief dimension into the picture to remind you that a dream vision of inspiration will beam you to the consciousness of alignment with your inner energy harmonic resonance core, and to invoke that beam to connect you with the vision to connect you with resonance.
Noticing, mentally invoking awareness of inner light is enough to soften the finite dimension glued effect enough to allow enough motivation to emerge for setting the mental vectors to direct you to a vision that you know, through the cognizant dimension, will resonant with your inner energy core, and thus shift your energy state into the mode of projecting your ensuing manifestation of finite dimension precipitation through a place of high energy transmission, thus effecting in your being the consciousness of higher dimension mind states, which are experienced in finite being coordinates as beyond the peak and trough type of emotional states that are commonly experienced in a dialectical world.  These are states, not emotions.  You can be happy yet not in a state of bliss or rapture.  You can be feeling good, but not in a state of bliss or rapture.  Such states are referenced in your societies, often as distant goals, yet it need not be so.  It is only so because the belief coordinates close to which you closely commonly dwell have bounds near the peak of the emotional waves familiar to you.  It is worth giving some consideration to shifting the coordinates of the belief dimension contribution to your finite dimension states.
There is a recursive method we will suggest for shifting belief coordinates, with the entry point, believe what you want to believe.  First the coordinates to believe that it is possible to believe what you want to believe must be reached.  Leading into that is the belief coordinates for believing that it is possible to believe that it is possible to believe what you want to believe can be reached.  You can see how this would continue on, infinitely, and that addressing each step of this recursion finitely could be a lengthy path.  But, as the path spirals inward on itself, taking an involution course to the infinite is a direct transportation to the effected position along the belief axis.  Take the path directly to the infinite, and do believe what you want to believe.