Weekly Channel – June 21 – June 27, 2015
What is it that makes something alive?
Consciousness. When consciousness is present, life is. When consciousness withdraws, life withdraws. This is the perception that you have in the world where you live. Life and death. In the complete multidimensional existence, consciousness is everywhere and life is everywhere. There is no death. The relative contrast between life and death as you know it is only a filtered approach that occurs in a filtered dimension. In a high energy, multidimensional awareness, you will see consciousness everywhere, rather than just in what appear to be beings of an animate nature. Life is really consciousness creating and taking on whatever forms it desires.
Your realization of awareness is entered through this knowledge, because it is the all or nothing – life/death, existence/non-existence, high/low – perception that causes you to have a fragmented viewpoint of your creation, and to which your mind states tie, when you are filtering according to the third dimension. This need not be so. You may at all times be aware that consciousness is life, and thought forms in the mental plane are alive and invoked by the energy of consciousness. This means that anything is created anywhere at any time. There is no more reality to something because it appears to be dense in the physical realm. This is just one faceted view, and is a view that ties you to constraints that are propagated through density. The thought forms are the real creation, and if most of you would realize this, then creating the thought forms would be given the attention that it deserves.
Can we transmit high energy emotional states inwardly, by receiving light beams?
What we are talking about here, one of the things, is dissolving your restrictions that require feeling states to tie into the dense planes, and to be independent of the mental plane. Infusing your being with light beams is invoked from the mental plane. Your feeling states are directly affected, and your attunement to the feeling of it will show you this. At first this will appear more subtle, in comparison to the denseness, but you will soon see that this is anything but true. The denseness is miniscule in comparison, and your feelings of realization are transmitted directly through the light source. Your emphasis on this mental focus will naturally shift your involvement in the dense world in a profound way.
Let us move onward!