Weekly Channel Message #58

weeklychannel essay

Weekly Channel – June 7 – June 13, 2015

Are there ways that we can expand with technology and knowledge, within the third dimension, in making use of the higher dimensional knowledge and transcending the linear methods used in the third dimension?  For example there must be some way to transcend the density of matter in order to transport beings to coordinates in the universe that are extreme distances when measured linearly.  How can we incorporate the higher dimensional knowledge in order to discover technology that defies the constraints of the physical dimension?  How can we harness energy so as to function in the physical world and sustain the life of the organic planet?
The third dimension is created from the higher dimensions.  It is a precipitation of energy in a filtered environment.  The technological methods to which you adhere, as a physical being, are constrained to the coordinates of the third dimension.  This leads to your perception of the need for mathematically mapping and expressing the physical parameters of all energetic phenomena.  This is necessarily constraining so as to cling to the filtered surface of the third world physical reality.  It is really a reverse of the way you would perceive from the third dimension.  You would first think of an effect which you would desire to achieve, and then you would proceed along a course of mapping the third dimension parameters in order to achieve the effect, facing the dense constraints all along the way.  In the higher dimensions, it is all already in existence and the effects are expressed through allowing, flowing.  Your individual ego is not doing anything to bring these things about, and there is nothing amazing about anything.  It is all just the way the energy expresses itself.  If you would realize that this is all it is really about, then you could free yourself from the constraints of the physical plane and float through the higher dimensions, a subset of which the physical plane is.
With regard to what you view as technology events, there is a different paradigm approach to creating with the higher dimension energy.  The vision with the expanded mental plane is the power of the effectiveness.  In the higher dimensions this is the manifestation of the energy.  The manifestation in the dense plane is a consequence of the manifestation in the high dimension mental plane.  The individual consciousness that is perceived by the ego that drives the organic dense human is a constraint of the dense plane, and in the higher dimensions you are entering a stream of consciousness and participating in a unified vision of higher consciousness, with no distinction that you are accustomed to in the dense plane.  You create the technological consequences, and the shifts in energy and allow them to precipitate in a natural way as you proceed through your adventures in the reality planes in which you engage your organic life.  To effect changes, you reach into the higher dimensions and invoke the expanded vision, with multidimensional sensory receptors, and allow this to be taken forward.  The effects are generated through the energetic effects as they precipitate in the dense plane.  Your contact with others in the dense plane may change, and there may be appearance of action to carry out some of the effects, but the vision/energy transmission is really what is happening.
Can the less dense become more prominent while existing in the dense world?  If so how, and how can we use this to our advantage?
Your attunement starts in the mental plane, and if you engage your focus in this way, then it will be so.  At first this seems to be just mental thought, and you must persist with this to where your perception gains understanding, before the world in which you endeavor reflects your mental focus.  This has a great advantage.  This bridges the gap betweeen the dense and the pure energetic, and manifestation becomes a natural flow through your directed thoughts.  Few persist with the mental focus to the point of being able to see this.  You just need to do that, and you will see.
Let us move onward!