Weekly Channel – May 10 – May 16, 2015
We speak of the subconscious, the unconscious, the dark side of our personalities. What is all of this about, and how can we work with all of this in an effective way to enhance our life experiences?
As you follow the linear threads in finite dimensional space, the encompassing of the vastness of your consciousness must be navigated in a linear fashion, and in its completeness it is greater than the linear snapshot in which you fully immerse your finite dimensional self at any given time. The terms unconscious and subconscious refer to all that is not within the immediate scope of your linear mind at some point in your space. You always have access to all of your infinite dimensional consciousness. It is the cramming into finite dimensions that causes you to categorize in this way. The usual means for navigating the conscious states for humans calls for viewing the ‘snapshot’ as fixed as the creation process moves forward, and this filters the conscious awareness in a way that confines the reality to the physical plane. Now, you can use your ajna, third eye, chakra in a way that allows you to access your conscious states, and they need not be swept into an ostensibly inaccessable area called the unconscious. If you focus on this energy center and direct your will, with intent for your purpose, then the conscious states will flow along the threads that intersect your configuration in that moment, and the energy will merge with your creation process. This, for the uninitiated, would be a vast undertaking, and to construct any kind of useful effort from this would at first seem a daunting task, or a confusing undertaking. However, if you remain rooted in your directed will, and view the conscious stream, as water running over rocks, flowing into your experience, then you are not getting sucked into the temptation to try to figure out, with the finite mind, how it all fits together. You must allow yourself to be pulled into the energy stream and allow your conscious mind to swim toward the goal of your intended purpose. Now, we say intended purpose as though it is only one thing. Really, this is a continuous process, and your intended purpose is ever evolving. You can assume this method initially with specific direction, yet you will become accustomed to connecting with your ajna and the energy stream, with an aligned intention. Clarity and purity of intention is essential.
Sometimes the emotional states are the result of feeling like outward projections from other humans are overwhelming me, and creating circumstances of sensitivity which cause me great discomfort. Is there some insight I can open into, as to why this is happening, as well as some guidance as to how I can approach this in an expansive way?
Channel energy through your crown chakra and allow it to fill your entire being. Allow the energy to flow in all directions, as it naturally flows. This will help to alleviate this discomfort.
Let us move onward!