Weekly Channel – May 3 – May 9, 2015
It seems too easy for thoughts to reflect on the physical plane and lead to depressing states. How can we lead with thoughts that take us to higher vibrations, always?
You have a brightness in your mind, always. If you will bring your consciousness to this brightness, and then engage your thoughts, everything will begin to take a different direction. Let this beacon beam you in the direction for your thoughts, and let the thoughts then take their course. Train your mind to focus on this bright beacon in your mind, at all times, and allow this to be an underlying basis for all of your thoughts. Your feelings cannot progress in a depressive direction once you are aware of this bright beacon of light in your own mind.
Why would we not automatically do this? Why would we filter out the awareness of the bright beacon in our own minds, and proceed into depressive mind states upon reflecting on the conditions in the physical plane?
There is really no reason that you would want to filter out the bright beacon of light. You do have the choice, and you do have to remember. The power of the mental plane is not so obvious to you because of the contrast between the lucidity of the mental plane and the density of the physical plane. The dense is the organic form which you dwell, and that is calling for most of your attention. Making the mental connection and the powerful effect it will have is not at all obvious from the dense perspective, and that is why there is no motivation to focus on the bright light, when your attention is given to the dense. You have to learn and you have to know. When you are not constrained to the confines of the dense body, you do know automatically. It is natural. You know no other means than to allow the beacon of bright light to pull you forward in your thoughts, which engage the unfolding of your reality in the multidimensional space. It is the constraint of the dense that makes you forget, because, as we have said, there is contrast between the lucidity of the mental state and the denseness of the physical. You must learn that your mental engagement, with directed will, draws your thoughts in the direction of higher vibration. Keep your focus on the bright beacon, within your own mind. Continue to keep doing this, particularly when you notice thoughts of a reactionary form in the physical density, which lower your emotional vibration states.
It has occurred to me that maybe we lapse into choosing to respond in reflection to the dense plane, and dwell in the lower vibrations, simply because it is easier to entrain with the vibrations around us. Is it, could it be that, maintaining the focus on the bright beacon and continuously gravitating toward a higher vibration requires a continuous effort and to continuously deal with the contrasting energies of the dense planes?
The truth still remains that your attention on the dense physical is because it is denser. From your conscious interaction with organic life, the conditions of the dense world are louder, and hence heard more readily. There is nothing to stop you from engaging internally with the mental bright beacon, and bringing your vibration higher. To those whose vibrations in the dense physical are lower, you would appear no different. To those whose vibrations are also tracking the bright beacon in the mental arena, your communication will elevate to a higher frequency. It is really just a matter of will and remembering, as we have indicated. There is nothing easier about the world of unawareness and lack of consciousness which plugs you into the physical world in a mental vibrationally way.
Ok, I get it. So, this entrainment thing is really just another means for locking into the filtered physical dense dimension vantage point. I am starting to feel like I have been underestimating and to my own disadvantage dismissing the value of opening fully to the mental plane. This feels to me to be due to the extent that attention is driven by feelings and emotions. We tend to become trained to give attention in a way that keeps from repeating feelings of discomfort or that we believe would lead to feelings of feeling better. The role of the mental focus in leading to feelings is not obvious. Why is this and how can someone like me overcome that obstacle and always employ the full power of the mental capabilities?
You cross a threshold of dwelling more fully in the mental plane as you become more aware. As you become more aware, the direction in which your mental focus guides you in your feeling states becomes obvious and second nature. Right now you are feeling like you have to just remember and trust and somehow interpolate the changes in your feeling states being consequences of your shifts and focuses in your mental states. This is a phase that seems to you to be interminable, yet is really just a blip in the multidimensional transition in which you are developing. Do what it takes for now. To some extent a playful attitude helps because the attitude plays into your motivation. You can get motivated to play when something that seems like work that may not even for sure pay off is not very motivating. Playfulness also relieves the need for expectations because you are doing it just for the fun of it and not looking for any specific results. So, when we say things like follow the bright beacon of light on the mental plane, you can do that and let everything take their course. If you notice shifts in your feeling states soon afterward, then assume there is a correlation, but you don’t need to become analytical about how the correlation is structured. You know that the insight to that is deeper than the three dimension perspective, and you can leave it to your mind to allow the understanding to develop as readiness evolves.
Talking about playfulness in this way gets my attention. The effectiveness seems to relate to there being motivation without a tether to expectations. Playful attitudes lead to interchange of energy without any need for motivation that is based on results. This removes any inhibiting factors that create motivation for the uncomfortable or unpleasant which is rooted in beliefs that action would lead to results. From experience, these kinds of beliefs don’t often turn out to yield the results anticipated, and even if they do, the anticipated feelings that drive the desire for results are usually not realized. How can we cultivate a more consistent means of interacting with our creative existences that will involve motivating through playfulness or any means that would divorce our expectation for results from our motivation for energy engagement?
One thing you can do for this is to just have a simple mantra to ask yourself in any given situation, how can I make this playful, or how can I have a playful attitude for this, right now? That kind of question leads to the wheels of the Universe turning to bring an answer to you. If you can keep your feeling states at bay enough to allow the Universe to deliver to you, then you will be shifted by the results. More playing in this way, you will become of a state which integrates this into your full being, and it will shift your nature.
What messages come forth at this time?
We speak of threads, as intrinsic connections with multiple dimensions. In the course of three dimension existence, these need not remain infinitessimally small, as the term thread may imply. You may expand the capacity of any energetic connection you wish to engage in your focus, and use your mind with intention toward energetic effects. This is something that will develop as you engage your focus in this way more. Just as when you are absorbed in watching a movie, it feels as though everything about the movie is the main event, when you are involved in a life in the dense physical world, it feels as though the dense physical world is the main event. Yet, this is not really the case, just as, with respect to the confinement of the dense plane, the movie really is not your whole life. It is a projection. So it is with the physical world. It is a projection. This being the case, there is no limit to the effects that the expansion of the energetic threads, connecting with the multiple dimensions, can accomplish. The principle to keep in mind is that where there is motivation that is confined to the dense plane, such as doing something for the sake of eliciting a reaction in other beings, the results too will be confined and limited to the parameters of the dense plane. This is why what people call miracles are happening all of the time, but most people do not notice, because they are considered out of the scope of what is possible in the belief structure of those who dwell in the dense world. However, when the motivation expands, and the awareness expands, these so called miracles are very natural. Doing something that is amazing to other beings is not a motivation. In fact, often it becomes a distraction when other beings notice. That is why there are so many miracle workers who keep a very low profile. The most powerful go unnoticed by most of the dense dwellers.
Let us move onward!