Weekly Channel – Apr 19 – Apr 25, 2015
What is the relationship between the emotional and the pure energetic?
Emotional is the interaction between the pure energetic and the dense organic. Emotion is a by-product of the physical body, and does not exist independently thereof. The pure energetic is the essence that constitutes all. The emotion is between the two, and is hence the interaction or interface of the pure energetic with the organic being’s dense existence. The emotion is experienced in a vibrational way, as the energetic is first perceived from the vantage of the dense.
Emotion can seem to corral us into retracting or acting in certain ways in order to achieve a place that is more comfortable. Must it be this way? Is there a way to transcend this aspect of the emotional states and experience the pure energetic form in a more free way?
The emotional states can be associated with, felt in coordination with, certain parts of the body. Bring your concentration to this part of the body, any place where you feel this emotional energy. Concentrate your mind and feel the vibration of the emotion. Simultaneous with this, absorb the part of the body and emotion with light and allow the light to absorb and absorb, and eventually to open up into a light source. This is one method. You may need to do this several times, but you will notice a shift in the feeling of it all. The experience shifts to a higher vibration of energy, rather than an entrapment of emotional states in the dense body.
I tried this and it worked! The thing I find difficult about this sort of thing is that doing a method and having it work does not always come with accompaniment of the connection between the method and the result, and it can become forgotten when the situation comes up again. I want to be able to remember to do things like this, rather than to just be overcome with the difficulties of the emotional states. Maybe, in just continuing to do things like this, it will get easier to remember?
This is a priority only from the dense perespective. From the higher dimensions, the emotional pain you are feeling is insignificant. Your being is guided from a multidimensional energy force, and the bumps along the way in the dense plane are not ever considered. How you navigate the emotional and physical challenges does not impact the result of the higher dimensional purpose to your engaging in the organic life in the dense planes. This is why it is not easy to remember. Just know all of this, and in time there will be a dawning of understanding of why the third dimension projection is really a triviality. Your reminder is the physical and emotional reactions that you experience. If you touch a hot surface, you are motivated to bring coolness to the touch point. Similarly for the emotional. The cooling of an overheated finger is more obvious how to do. The soothing of emotional difficulty is not so straightforward to the humans in your current world. This is why we offer methods like this. When you feel the emotions and notice that you would seek relief, then you can become motivated to seek the relief through the methods. You have felt them work, and just need to trust, as you trust that cool water will soothe a burned finger.
I think this has come up before, but it seems that in addition to what we are discussing about handling challenging emotions, performing this method with deep focus in the heart center would have a significant healing and integrating effect, bringing one into conscious equanimity with the emotions and all of the vibrations which pass through that dimension.
Yes, this is something you can do at any time when you are able to focus.
Can this broaden beyond concentrated focus on individual energy centers, and encompass more than one, and even the entire being?
Yes, you can follow inner guidance on this. The energy centers are focal points, yet really, every portion of your dense intersection with the physical plane is an energetic portal. The chakras that we talk about are for convenience and for communicating perception. The gateway to the multidimensional is accessible from any configuration of coordinates that is achievable from the physical plane. Use what we have discussed as a launching point, an anchoring point, but never to be limiting. Your conscious being will always carry you in the right direction. Trust this, no matter how it looks from the physical perspective.
How can I be of service to other beings, souls inhabiting organic dense vehicles, and remain centered and focused and at peace with my interactions with these beings? Is that something I can make adjustments to gain some strength with?
Your service is retreiving from your energetic essence, and is interacting with the energetic essence of the ostensible individuated energy patterns which are intersecting the dense organic projections in physical dimensions. Your discomfort is strictly confined to the intersection of the physical dimension, which you have followed a pattern of attuning as your central focus. It is now time to shift your focus and perceive the energetic essence in these ostensible ‘others’. Your service to them will take its course either way, but you may find some relief if you shift your focus in this way. Your central solar chakra is an easy connection you can remember to use to connect directly with the apparently separate life forms.
Let us move onward!