Inter-Dimensional Channel – Aug 19 – Aug 22, 2016
The energetic vibration units, let us refer to them as 'energy cells', with the understanding that this is reference to the microcosmic energy level of vibration, motion, creation/destruction, regeneration/generation. This reference is a mental plane construct, allowing your mental energy to grasp the means for infusion of energetic fundamental understanding into your consciousness, for integration with your volitional progression. With the envisionment of the energy cells, your interface into the fundamental basis for creative energy is created. We would then like to speak of light transmission with energy cells as a medium.
First, just open your mental channels to the expansive concept of light transmission through and among, throughout the infinite infinitessimal energy cells, free of boundary in number, path, linearity. The infinite has no restrictions, yet your interacting consciousness has the power to define paths for the transmission of light, numerous all at once, linear, disjointed. It is entirely up to your focused volition.
In this undertaking, the mental is extended from the center of your being, rather than outside or separate. Thus, your interaction would be to first consume your entire being with understanding of the presence of the energy cells, through the sentient dimension, cognizant dimension, volitional dimension, and feel the vibration essence of the infinite energy cells in unison with your sense of self. Now, from this point, introduce light transmission. Introduce as the connection. The finite mind, linear mind would want to think about what to do with the light, what use it could have, where should it go, what path it should take. Expansion to the infinite expands to many many things at once, each of which would be single pointed focus for the linear mind.
Releasing the grasp of single pointed focusing at once, you will have a perceived effect that is akin to diffusion of light in all directions. This perceived effect is familiar to you in a physical way, yet your entry into understanding of light transmitted in infinite directions at once, in all of infinite energy cells, at once, releases the grasp of the linearity from which you perceive in the physical way. You experience this, and effectively just be in this. Absorb, emit, subsume the vibration states all at the same time.
As you know each energy cell vibrating in creation/destruction, this oscillating generates the light-emitting energy. This light transmission is the energy of creation. It is the descruction part, when locked onto linearly, that trips you into resisting the motion forward. You get something the way you think you were trying to achieve, and you want to freeze-frame it so it stays that way. The energetic balance is continuing on and on, however, and in freeze-framing, you are inhibiting the energy flow. We are working on opening your mental channels to embrace the entire energy creation process, yet any thought of embracing the destruction, degeneration, is beyond your impulse, and there is resistance. To cross this hurdle, training your mental energetic engagement is needed. Knowing that the de-creation pole, aspect of the vibration dipole is the other pole needed to generate light, maybe will stir and jolt your psyche into overcoming its stubbornness. We realize that you feel you have things at stake when they are subject to destruction in a physical way, but that is only one facet of the entire picture. Enfusing yourself with the energy cells and their vibration states, and your sentient, cognizant and volitional involvement, and visionally immersing yourself in the bathing of light will soften the crust of the shell that has crystallized your way of being in resistance as a physical being, and allow the absorption of knowledge of the higher, inter-dimensional picture.
This is how we are guiding you, leading you through the doorway, gateway for the generation of light, the basis for transmisional flow of creation energy. Geometric focus in your mental plane, with infinite routes of knowledge, must guide your light transmission, and your development of volitional generation of the geometric patterns and their effect is a wide open vast realm for you to continue to explore. At this point we are only at the stage of perception of total light diffusion, as you become accustomed to the tactile tangibility of the vibrational essence of the infinite energy cells, and hence the Universe.
So, take some of your meditative focus time and incorporate this activity for a while. Become familiar with the generation of light in this way. It is recommended that you at first follow guidance similar to what we have provided, because your familiarity with light may have carved dimensional paths that spring you back into your third dimension way of understanding. This is why we have guided you to the sentient dimension, cognizant dimension and volitional dimension as components of entering this understanding. Initially the volitional dimension should be driven in such a way as to enter you into expansive awareness of bathing into the diffusing light. Yet, your multidimensional awareness is tuned in to the actual generation of light process through vibration of the energy cells, the fundamental energetic vibration units, each of which is the oscillating of the creation/destruction forces of creation.
As you move forth, you will learn the mental acuity for clarity-constructed geometric light patterns, representative of your infusional volition intentions, and you will find invoking light transmission according to the ensuant energy patterns of geometry, for manifestation of your volitional intentions.
Going about your world of finite dimensions, the feeding in to your volitional intentions is common to arise out of feedback from the precipitated reality of that world, and in finite filtered restriction, there would be a tendency for concentration on the direct result of shift in precipitated reality. Yet, when the volition arises, the feeding into creation is with the energy cells. The gap between the reaching for precipitated result and the feeding of energy cells and allowing for the creation process to ensue is a source of anxiety for you. Anxiety, which subsequently inhibits the creative process itself. What can you do about this, do you think?
Experience in the finite world certainly has a way of bringing up circumstances that command attention to the precipitated result - ailments, physical pain, emotional pain, interactions with other beings, etc. These are the things that constitute motivation for change and also challenge the volitional will of the being for patience and hope in bringing about change. Understanding is one of the key points here. Understanding that the precipitation which drives change is the smoke of the fire, and it is the fire itself, the energetic basis for creation, which is of interest to you. Reminding yourself at the moments of striking motivation coming from the finite plane, that it is your direct conscious involvement in creation that really matters, is the key. The other thing we are trying to guide is to acclimate you to dwelling in your energetic core, and the creation process itself as a pastime, habitual, and save the tendency to only become interested in that when the motivation is so stark that you can't ignore it any longer. Cultivating awareness, continuously, no matter what is going on, is a big part of this.
It is our guidance into the light realm of the transmission of the energy cells through your entry through the sentient dimension, cognizant dimension, and volitional dimension, which we offer for you to cultivate awareness and to gain comfort in your immersion in the creation process as a pastime. Sentient dimension is the feeling, the vibration feel. We have been leading you to develop this through your heart center, as entry into the center of your being. Cognizant dimension is the knowing, knowing of the essence of the vibration generating cells - they vibrate and their vibration is the cycle of creation and descruction; they generate energy as they vibrate and this energy is light, the essence of creation. Volitional dimension is the impulse of creation, that which translates the unformed energetic into directed form. Your mission is to engage yourself more deeply into this realization, and to consciously, awarely, be present within your world of structure and form, in such an unformed state of pre-formed creation energy. Your volition dimension carries into the finite plane as well, to allow your integration of willingness to undergo the complete cycle and release your inhibition of encountering the destruction phase of the cycle. From the finite plane this comes across to you as extinction of your existence. Your direct cognizant understanding of the energetic vibration will lead you to transcendence of this obstacle.
Entrain your mental threads to integrate the operation of all of the fundamental energy creation throughout your life experience in finite world. Breathe energetically, seepen the palpability of the vibration states, even whilst in the midst of finite dimension activity. Contemplate the cognizance of the generation/regeneration of creation, and deliberately use your volition to re-pattern your inhibitions to embrace the complete cycle, at the micro and macro levels. Use your volitional impulses to transmit light through the energetic field for incidental situations within the finite planes. When you have contemplative time, perform a focused awareness of all of these from the place of deep inner stillness.