Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #1

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jun 4 – Jun 7, 2016

Knowledge, knowing, in third dimension customarily is associated with the storage of information in the brain.  This is data stored in memory, and is useful in its own right, but it is not knowledge.  Information can easily lend itself to deceptive practices.  Knowledge is a deep vibration that is immutable.  When you know something, you are not subject to deception or debate about it.  You vibrate it, and it shakes forth in your ongoing existence.  Cloudiness, lack of clarity serve to block the vibration of knowledge.  This we have emphasized in a number of ways - to make it a priority to achieve the state of inner clarity, as your energetic interactions become more acute and the sensitivity of your pulse of existence as it integrates with your plane of living increases.  With clarity you know, and when you know you vibrate in operation.  This is highly effective for you in many facets of your existence.  As we have guided you to realize that disruptions in your apparent worldly existence are shifts of phase with your regard to your inner natural frequency and the environmental frequencies in which you find yourself.  Knowing, vibrating this, you shift the phase of the situation through bringing your inter-dimensional connection with this knowing right into your being as the experience is unfolding.
There is a vibrational connection between your knowledge vastness and your mental plane chords.  As we have been telling you to engage in the mental plane in some way, and you have perceived this as a thought vibration form, we now tell you that you are to become acquainted with your knowledge vibration and you can thus pulse the knowledge central frequency deeply into the mental plane.  This has effects.  Thus, if we say mentally thread the Light through your precipitative observation, you can know the effects of the Light and invoke the knowledge vibration into the mental plane.
You know, with inter-dimensional vibration awareness, and knowing that your finite plane existence is of a dialectic nature, you can take advantage of this, and issue a 'rubber banding' effect when the finite plane circumstances become phase shifted from your fundamental resonant frequency.  A larger phase shift means a greater recoil effect, and this energy can be used to project back to phase agreement.  This is something that many of you naturally find your way to doing, and it is why many of you find it easier to respond in a crisis than during the usual 'boring' state of existence.  It is that there is more energy, and you can spring the energy in the other direction.  This situation is really pretty uncommon, and will become even less common as you realize the fundamental thought stream generation based on your intended resonant frequencies based on your intended mind states.  It is the multiple, small phase shifts that are ongoing simultaneously, in many dimensional threads, that we are interested in teaching you about.  As these all add up to the 'noise' level that keeps your finite plane existence in a dubious vibrational state, the courage comes through finding how to rise above this noise level.  King drama is not our concern.  You all, for the most part, have the basic instinct on how to deal with the extreme situations.  Keep this rubber banding thing in mind, though, because, although going from crisis to crisis, as though leaping across a pond on lily pads, is an isolatory path, the Knowledge vibration of this phase shift energy transformation serves you at the infinitely subtle levels of energy phasing, and serves as an exemplatory method for us to integrate the Knowledge Vibration understanding into your psyche.
In the 'noise' of finite plane existence, it is a conglomeration of waves pulsing through your psyche-consciousness, all in some phased relationship with your fundamental resonance of soul, consciousness, intended procedure.  At a particular intersection in coordinates, many factors are playing together to ensure your subject of reaction has some phase relationship with your inner resonance.  All of these happening and constantly changing, and being so many, there is no need or possibility to entertain them all individually with your linear mind.  If you just allow the momentum to go forward, your frequencies will continue to fluctuate, some being in phase, some out of phase, some very much out of phase.  Your attention will be grasped by the big ones that are out of whack with your inner resonance, and dense enough to gain your less-conscious attention.  This is kind of the norm of human evolution life.  Now, to shift all of these frequencies, and phase them to tune with your resonance, you, now knowing that this is how it all works, invoke the frequency of the vibration of this knowledge and pound this forth from within your mind-being.
There is more to understanding your inner resonance.  As we have guided you, proceeding with your generation of thoughts, understanding that your energetic core generates thought streams from pure energetic wave vibration, you directly entrance this vibration with your intention of aligning your stream of thought vibration with the resonant frequency of high energy mind states, such as bliss and rapture.  This is how you establish your inner core resonant vibration.  As you do this, gradually shifting your inner will-frequency, invoking the knowledge vibration of simultaneously shifting all frequencies that are intersecting your reality at a given moment will effect the phase shift to this resonant frequency.  If you do not deliberately set out to shift your fundamental resonant frequency, then the established result of the phase shift will be related to what is habitual for you.  You would find that more things tend to go your own way, but there may not be any noticeable shift in frequency of mind states.
How is it that you can invoke a shift in fundamental resonant frequency to transmit mind states of rapture and bliss and such, from a position of submersion within the dense immunity?  Knowledge.  Know that your mind states are not the same as emotional states.  These are not mere feelings, and donning the shell of feeling perception filters your intersection with these states to a less-conscious level.  Mind states such as you call rapture are the integration of multidimensional coordinates through your mental plane, your physical configuration, your consciousness being, all at once.  In depth, you know this, and you know that releasing your emotional body shell is consequential in entering these mind states.  Gather this frequency connection with your inner knowledge, and pump the directional vectors toward your innermost radiation of thought-generating energetic vibration.  Allow this to integrate with your forward-moving consciousness.  This is not a reaching, grasping for feeling states.  This is a unification of consciousness coordinates which is reached through allowance and releasing the grasping states.
Something unknown to you will ensue, in time, because tapping the chords of the mind states we are talking about will ensure your visibility into just how trivial the three dimensional world, into which you think you have invested so much energy, really is.  You may wonder just how, or why even, to go on with the three dimensional actions, and you will realize that they are a thin veil within the inter-dimensional consciousness.  Gradually your mind has been training for this directional shift in paradigm.  The suddenness of a sudden shift would too quickly allow conclusion that the triviality of the finite plane existence would render it totally unnecessary.  However there are subtleties that will become apparent as you undergo a gradual transformation.  That is why we are guiding this way, rather than just encouraging you to blow off the whole finite world journey.  There is a fine skill being cultivated in you, to attune and bring consciousness of the subtle into prominence.  In the same vein, the propensity of the dense world is fading into subtlety, in its proper place.
The motivation for you is to find ways to move forth with the 'trust on faith' approach, because it is not obvious from the finite plane view, that the finite plane itself is the obstacle from which the obstruction is occurring in your experiential endeavor to realize the substantiality of the subtleties.  Indications we have made, such as the mental plane energy being 'more real', will become more apparent the more your 'trust on faith' energy drives your motivation.
To believe in something akin to the wind being more dense than the rocks, trees and mountains, takes faith to swim against the tide of belief as installed in third dimension configuration, the tide of pursuasion from other third dimension beings.  And... this is just the idea, because the experiential realization of inter-dimensional existence must entail defiance of the credulity of the third dimension precipitation.  You see, your world is dialectic in the subtleties of the feeling states, as well as the significance of the subtleties of the matters of significance.  Your starting point is of density, and with prominence on its significance.  Your progression is of subtle and knowledge of the prominence of its significance.