Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #23

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Aug 10 – Aug 13, 2016

Viewing points along the time axis, the same point viewed from outside, look different from either direction on the time axis.  The way things play out, going into the future, usually look different from the way they look as though they will be as projected from the past, looking forward.  Yet, you continue to look forward and constrain your expectations based on what you are projecting?  You must know that any point along the time dimension axis is intersected with all axes of infinite dimensions, your conscious perception through linear mind comprehending just a few of these threads within any conscious moment.  Great Mind comprehends all dimensions, and thus any point along the time axis is equivalent viewed from either direction, and thus there is no variation along the time axis, and thus there is no meaning for the perception of time.  What trips you up in finite world is that the few threads of dimensional perception in your field of focus when moving forward can be different from the threads of dimensional perception when looking through hindsight, and they are not automatically going to match.  When they don't match, you are left with a perception of things not going the way you thought, or not getting what you wanted, or perhaps having things work out better than you thought they would.  However it plays out, doesn't it seem that you are unnecessarily constraining your creation process by developing a perception of a future that is crystallized through infinite threads of dimension by the projection of a small finite number of dimensional threads?  If that isn't constraining enough, you then observe the result, judged through a small finite number of dimensional threads that are coming from dimensions that are in play to feed your conscious configuration at the time of observation, and nothing is causing them to match the threads that were in play when your future vision was established.  Forgetting and not realizing that your conscious play is limiting the dimensional perception, even when you think you have an 'expanded mind', you can be left perplexed as to how your grand ideas of an unfolding future could leave you coming up short.
As we guide you through mental processes for alleviating this apparent finite plane dilemma, keep in mind that a paradigm shift that harmonizes all of the infinite dimensions feeding into your vision of the future, and hence your memory of the past, will itself render time as a distant dimension and thus not occupying the place of prominence to which you are finite-planely accustomed.  This means that for what we are teaching you to work, your accustomed method of gazing into the future with desires and expectations and following by reflecting on the past with memories, will not work the same way.  It is important to know this and to loosen the strings of attachment to the way you have been doing things in that regard.  Reverberating the vibration of this knowing in reflection to the waves of perception arising through the existing paradigm will both help you to get through those tough times of being let down from your place of expectancy, and for transforming your means of engaging your consciousness along the time axis.
Allow us to introduce what we will call dimensional evenness.  We have introduced this to you already in one way with regard to the time dimension, having protruded to a place of disproportionate prominence, as a means to re-proportion the energetic amplitude of all of the dimensions, driving a cycling circuit of energy which will naturally restore the time dimension to its relative significance in a harmonically balanced energetic state.  Expanding from this, in envisioning the path forward or backward along the time axis, invoking the energetic circuit of harmonic restoration, being threaded with infinite dimensional axes, in mergence with your projective thoughts, will open the energetic pathways for your vision to allow for envisioning with full dimensional influence.
As you are feeding your energy into your vision for the future, coming from a finite dimension starting point is as it is when there are an assortment of musical instruments playing, as in a band or orchestra, and two, three or four of them are blaring way out of proportion in volume compared to the others, and not only drawing irrational attention to themselves, but unwittingly creating discord.  This is as it is when you are basing your vision on an array of just a few of the infinite factors intersecting your dimensional coordinates at the time of constructing your vision.  Whether the primary energetic generators would be higher vibration, such as dreams of good feeling states, or lower vibration such as worries or fears about looming doom, invoking some means for dimensional evenness, evening out the prominent drivers to be harmonic and in volume with the multitude of other dimensions contributing to your envisioning moment will have the effect of opening the energetic channels for you to receive your vision.  In using the term vision, we are speaking of the energetic path of influence, motivating, driving, inspiring your desire for something to be in process for creation as your consciousness moves forth in experience of existence.
Tension and straining effort are not involved here.  Encompass your mental interweaving energy with representation of the energetic web, with paths symbolic of infinite dimensional threadings, with circulating energetic motion that autonomously harmonizes all facets which are feeding your momentary state and translating forth into your visionary energy.  Just know that this effect is happening without you having to tend to the individual miniscule factors.  Scrutinizing the miniscule creates more of the drawing out of proportion the individual finite dimensions.  For interacting with all infinite paths, encompass the whole of the energetic web, and leave it to the energetic web to know its way to harmonic state.
In invoking the energetic web and its harmonizing effect in this way, you will notice that your conscious intersection will shift, and draw from being locked onto third dimension specifics, while the energetic essence of motivation for securing the vision state will infiltrate the conscious state.  This is effectively culminating your achievement of vibration state as the involution of the vision itself, thus dropping the primary finite dimension filtering effects which would be limiting the fulfilling of your attempted achievement.  A way to do this when you find yourself wishing, dreaming based on some finite plane specifics, is to allow the process of the formulating of the specifics, and as the feeling arises, the feeling of uplifting for having the specifics fulfilled, bring in the mental harmonic energetic web and allow the specifics to be absorbed into the web, and this will reveal the essence of the feeling, leaving all channels, paths open to the fulfillment of the mind states of motivation for your seeking.
Now, there is the other case, when the feeling state is in the other direction and it is a matter of downward vibration rather than uplifting feeling.  It would be evident that invoking the energetic web and yielding the prominence of the specifics of finite plane crystallization would project you in a direction of discord in relation to your harmonic resonance.  Invoking the energetic web will continue to have the harmonic restoration effect, but in these cases it would not feel that way to you.  In addition to the invoking of the energetic web, there is another factor you can introduce.  When your mind states are projecting vectors toward lower vibration, you are dwelling in the range of the lower dialectic pole in relation to the motivating factors for your intended projection along the time axis.  This, for you, is perceived as a gap setting your present configuration as separate from your intended configuration.  In this type of environment, perform what we shall call Inner Energetic Unification of Dialectic Poles.  Yielding the latching onto specific dimensional coordinates, in energetic abstraction, feel the vibration of your present, and bring into your conscious environment the energetic vibration of the counterpart dialectic pole, and use your mental strength power, subtle strength, to unify the energetic vibrations of these and with you immersed in the center of it all, feel the ensuing vibration state.  Do this for some time, as it feels right, and then move onward.  Redirect the vectors of residual vibration states that integrate with your consciousness-generating energy otherwise from aligning with the lower vibration direction.  Even if you are not totally at the opposite pole, and find yourself somewhere in between, we recommend doing this Inner Energetic Unification of Dialectic Poles method.  This leads to motivation toward raising your energetic vibration, and associated clarity.  Feeling blah, and in between is a sure sign of clarity inhibition.
Use the Inner Energetic Unification of Dialectic Poles to instill inner clarity.  At this point you may have noticed that your inner clarity has enhanced, having practiced the Chakra Dialectic Unification Meditation regularly for some sustained time now.  The Inner Energetic Unification of Dialectic Poles is a related procedure, yet the separating into the distinct energy centers is not done, and your entire energetic state is targeted for unification.  Your development needs to progress to a certain point for this to be effective.  The energetic abstraction, which you have been attuning inwardly in your use of the Chakra DIalectic Unification Meditation, is a key factor, because it is the harmonizing of the dimension coordinates which achieves clarity, and the abstraction takes the prominentizing of specific dimensional coordinates out of the loop, and brings you into direct chord with your pure energetic state.  Use this method regularly... gather your vision... energize... move ahead...