Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #22

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Aug 7 – Aug 10, 2016

You may be noticing that continuing along the trajectory of passing through finite dimensional space as a medium, whilst triggering elevation of frequency states, gets to be a weighty affair.  Inter-dimensional energy passing through finite medium, you being the vehicle of transmission, would have the effect of feeling heavy for you, as a huge burden being carried upon your consciousness/being synchronicity.  Streaming ahead with this going on would tend to raise some doubt about the motivation for continuing in this manner, as increasing weightiness breeds in the human mind the expectancy of continuing of increasing weightiness, and the fear that the situation would progress into the unbearable.  Funneling the energy from multidimensional channels through finite space has a compressing effect which you experience as a feeling of energetic weightiness.  Furthermore, the finite dimension projection is subject to moment-by-moment awareness of projection of energetic conformance to the projectible upon the surface of the finite dimensional space, within infinite dimensional space.  Thus, not only is the energetic weightiness upon the shoulders of your consciousness.  All the while, the finite dimension space is compelling you to pay attention to just it, and to exclude your attentiveness to dimensions beyond its finite interest.  This creates a tremendous 'swimming upstream' effect for the consciousness-seeking, elevated-frequency-seeking being, traversing through finite space.  From this vantage, the options can seem quite dismal - exit the finite dimension world which was at some point, somehow, for some reason chosen as an undertaking; or lapse back to the drone of the finite dimension nominal vibration, which itself is a chief motivating factor in seeking the higher dimension frequencies.  Choices this limited and this dismal seems to smack of finite world logic, doesn't it?
As weightiness is the close metaphor through which the description of the feeling we are describing here emerges, strenghth cultivation is metaphorically related, as strength develops more into option channels for maneuvering and bearing burdensome weights.  Energetic strength defines your ability to attain persistent will to press forward with elevation of your frequency state, alongside your traversal through the medium of denseness of the finite dimension objectivity.  As the sense of weightiness can take on different forms, and the means of perceiving can be varying by individual configuration, one of the basis facets of energetic strength is the recognition that the weightiness - the intersection of high frequency, high velocity, consciousness being with finite playground - is happening and is producing the result.  You may feel sleepy when the finite dimension playground calls for the opposite, you may feel an oppressive feeling that resists your will to gain momentum toward motivation, you may feel moody feelings of permeating gloominess...  these are all things that can happen and trigger impulses to escape somehow, whether through finite dimension ostensible solutions, or relegating the finite dimension environment to an obfuscated corner of consciousness.  Knowing, thus, is a signatory dimension of cultivation of energetic strength.  Strength in the emotional dimension is a factor that weighs heavily - these moods and states of resistance seem to snarl right in the face of the motivation for elevating to higher mind states in the first place.  Once again, knowledge is a primary dimension in your undertaking.  Knowing that strength is part of the equation equips you mentally to gather the dimensional energetic vectors for aiming and empowering you to move forth.
You may also wonder why sometimes things seem to be as we are describing here in this message, so far, and sometimes things seem to be fleeting right along and the finite dimensions seem not to be of any hindrance to your quest for inter-dimensional frequency transmission.  In our communications, we have presented the distinction between these phenomena in terms of phase alignment of your inner harmonic resonant frequency with the precipitated environment created into the finite dimension structural mold.  Our guidance has been including progression along the directions of alignment with your production into the energetic mold of finite dimension intersection in entrainment with your centric resonance of your being, so as to mainstream the stream of energetic permeation of the finite plane structured blueprint.  Passing through the troughs of the stream, as is experienced in the ways we are talking about here, is part of the phase aligning and the entraining, and energetic strength is a powerful component of that, as this keeps your vectors from swaying with the winds of physical plane undertakings.
To help build energetic strength, strength building occurs through doing it, going through it.  When you find yourself there, it is a matter of finding ways to keep persisting.  You know enough to use the methods we have pointed you for alleviating the constraints and for phase shifting to relieve the upcurrent situation.  However, when you find yourself faced with the need for energetic strength, you need to proceed somehow, right?  Retreating from the physical plane or immersing yourself in it in a way to resonate with the low vibration are the non-strength building ways.  The strength building way is through it.  The simplest way to motivate yourself to go through it is to dismiss the alternatives as insufficient to meet your goals.  Impressed deeply enough is your endeavor to lift your frequency to a higher state, and impressed deeply is also your endeavor to have taken on a finite dimension agenda.  Reminding yourself of these will give you the leverage to sustain your will forward to keep your mental focus on the methods for persisting in these endeavors through the current moving in a contrary direction.  Remaining present, in the NOW moment, during these times is how strength is built.
Just as we have talked about time being a dimensional state in the mix of ingredients feeding your mental/emotional interplay, the remedy being to shift in paradigm so as to bring into prominence all of the other dimension states into relevance.  Similarly with stepping out of place that can occur with dimensional coordinates, approaching the situation through harmonizing the relevance of the relative prominence of the dimension states will effect the directional shift in mental/emotional interplay which will guide you back onto directional alignment with your intended vectorial course through your inter-dimensional trajectory.  Thus, if, for instance, you find yourself tugged with lower vibration emotional states, remorse, grief, worry, based on some memory, the memory dimension has leaped into prominence in your energetic web and is vibrating your feeling states in high proportion.  Just as the NOW shift relegates the time dimension to its proportional stature within your energetic web, a shift that is analogous to an arbitrary dimension (memory in our example) to the NOW shift with respect to the time dimension will have the same type of balancing effect and will even your vibration states, to position you for high frequency transmission.
You can approach this in an abstract way without analyzing the categorization of the relevant dimension or dimensions that are stepping out of proportion to mess with your reality and send you into an emotional spiral.  Here is one method you can do.  We use the term energetic web.  Take this concept and envision it in some way that is comforting to you.  Even taking the word vision loosely.  See and know the energy is cycling, circling and feeding from the infinite dimensions, and is circuiting through the energetic chord of your entire being.  Feel this, know this, and just emphasize that some of the components have somehow become prominentized into a stagnation of configuration, swelling to a state that is drawing your mental and emotional frequencies into a shift in phase from your resonant frequency.  Gently nudge the cyclic occurrence of the energy circulating so as to allow the swelling of the out of proportion dimensions to heal, and restore to a harmonized state with respect to the energetic web.  Through presence and clarity, allow this transgression to be powerized, and sustain this power for however long it feels right to you, and then allow all of this to integrate and move onward.
While doing this process, independentize the emotional states from the process itself.  Even while emotional states are compelling your attention, open mental channels for the process we are describing which are divorced from the watching of the emotional states, and keep the threads of expectancy for change in emotional states independent.  Allow your energetic vibration, which includes your emotional states and their receptors to continue and change under the momentum that is driving them.  Processes which are undertaken through inspiration for shift in emotional paradigm, should be undertaken with this principle in mind.
That which appears to require stillness to focus, to feel the subtle.  How can you screech a direct path to the attainable?  For you to feel vibration when the loudness of the dense plane is exuding influence on your conscious state, yet you perceive the desire to attain perception of the subtler vibration levels, can you channel yourself directly to this perception?  You must keep in mind that your entry point is from a finite place, from which an exclusive viewpoint would clip the subtle vibration out through filtering.  In addition to that, the dialectic nature would launch you into a self contradictory mode of operation in this endeavor.  In explanation, you would decide with your linear mind that you need to 'try' to feel the subtle vibration.  The finite dimension effort to 'try' creates tension which itself is denser than the subtlety of the vibration you are trying to perceive, thus blocking out the feeling process.  So, obviously, a new paradigm is in order here.
To directly emphasize, amplify, the sentient perception of the vibrations of subtlety within a perceived environment of density, a dimensional shift is the secret, the skill to be developed.  Entering finite dimensions allows a discerning of the dimensional coordinates that make it through to your consciousness prominence.  In the physical world, this roots in the dense, three dimensions.  This is just how it kind of is, autonomously, when you assume existence in that world.  There is nothing absolute about that, however.  Your volition is adequately capable of directing the dimensional coordinates that reach prominence in your consciousness.  The vibrations that we reference as subtle are extensions from dimensional coordinates among the infinite.  To perceive them prominently, you must learn to shift the prominence of the dimensions carrying them.  Your recent work with shifting the prominence of the time dimension is a lead-in to how to learn this, and expand on it.  Time is useful because it stretches its nature to be not embedded in the physical environment, yet is intimately integrated into the physical environment.  Your work with shifting time into relative equanimity with other dimensions at times when its prominence is untimely shows your mental-dimensional functioning how to go about dimensional shift.  Thus, you can know your way to vibrational perception through knowing of the vibration you seek, and shifting your dimensional perception to prominate its significance.