Weekly Channel – Apr 5 – Apr 11, 2015
Belief. We were talking recently and this was presented as a knowing, a dissolution of all that would hinder. May we expand on this now? How would we unequivocally proceed to the state of knowing to be true, for instance with somatic changes?
You have the knowledge. If you are in the intention state of effecting changes in the conditions then you have an understanding of the desired effect, and how the current conditions are in contrast with that. You need have a sense of this contrast, and you mentally, intentionally give your attention to the desired effect rather than the current state of affairs. You can further emphasize this by mentally infusing the desired state of effect with luminous energy, which energizes and emphasizes the condition you are escalating. Your clarity is in the understanding of the vibration of the essence of your desired effect. You need not examine and analyze every detail in your physical plane mental state. This is the third dimension method, yet in the realm of understanding of creation, this is not filtered in this way. You know by some feeling inside yourself, some reaction, that change is desired, and this creates the gap between where you are now and where you would like to be. It is in the emphasis of where you would like to be that the secret lies. You jump to the knowing by realizing this and you may infuse the result with luminous energy, in a general vibration way. If details and images appear as part of the process, this is ok, but not needed. The importance is that you have an energy vector that takes from where you are to where your change of creation lies. You may do this infusion over and over again as the feeling of creation of desire arises, yet you need not work hard at it. Let the inspiration arise from your inner feeling state. Clarity in your inner feeling state is needed, and this need be in real time. If something at one time disturbed you and you wanted things to change, and time has passed and you are being disturbed out of habit, then clarity is compromised, because you are then not responding to your inner feelings at the moment. You must become familiar with knowing how you are feeling in every moment of your existence.
So let’s say there is fear, worry, apprehension about a situation, a circumstance, a confrontation… What do we do?
If there is a direct link in your mind with the fear to a circumstance, then you have your contrasting creative endeavor, and you do as we are describing here. You can get into an infinite loop of doing this method, however, if you stay immersed in the vibration of fear. The effective method is to know that the infusion of the desired effect will alleviate the fear, and unstrap the tentacles of the fear from your being and allow the change to occur. You can observe the remnants of the fear, no matter how strong and real they seem, and just know that they are transient, and allow them to flow in the direction they will assume, as they eliminate from your being.
Now, when there is just fear or worry, and there is not any one thing to link it to, and it just seems to permeate your being, here is what to do… your contrast of creation arises out of the feeling itself. You are aware of the feeling of fear or worry, or anxiety, and the contrasting creation is to feel better, to feel equanimous, to feel centered and at peace. The key piece to all of this is the unstrapping of the tentacles of fear. Your desired state of feeling is the creation objective, and this you infuse with luminous energy, and unstrap the tentacles just as you would if there were some circumstance to which you would link your feeling states. Your skill level at this unstrapping process will progress. As we mentioned, at first it could seem like there is an infinite loop of feeling the fear state and infusing and feeling the fear state and infusing, but even while you are going through this maze, the process of the shifting of the fear is in progress. It is the engaging of your intention that creates this shift. As you work more with this, your knowledge will increase and you will learn the inner workings of how these shifts occur, and you will know how to engage in order to shift the creation states into the direction of the vector that takes you to where you desire to feel.
You see, there is a tendency in the dense beings, to propagate the now state forward with the expectation that everything is static and will continue to be just as it is. This is a product of the dense plane, because for energetic beings, the dense plane does seem static. It is not. It just moves really, really slow. It is this tendency to propagate the now state as it is which creates the trap of feeling as though you have no say in the changes that will take place. Your feeling of having no say loops back into your creation mechanism and you create the now state that you expect to propagate. What we are talking about here is unstrapping the grip that the now state has, and to realize that the current state has nothing to do with what will be. The only reason it seems that way is that your mental faculties are engaging with the now state and your creation process is driven by your mental faculties. All you need to do is consciously unstrap the feedback of the now state into your creation mechanism, and engage your energy vector which proceeds toward the state you would desire to create.
Let us move onward!
Is the third, solar plexus, chakra the appropriate place to focus when we feel overtaken or overwhelmed, particularly by other people? It seems to me that I have heard this, but don’t exactly have the internal connection to confirm that.
This is the central location for what you perceive as being influenced or overrun or overpowered by the external effects of the dense plane, including other people beings. When you feel that you are overrun by others, there is a vortex centered in the solar plexus chakra, which reaches out into the physical dense world, and moves inward into your energetic state. This is a default state for light beings, because your effects on the physical creations are moving through the energetic in this case and that is how your mission is effected. This default state puts you in the place to do the work you came to do, whether or not you are aware of what is going on with the solar plexus chakra. This would enable you to function on the soul level, and work toward your mission, without being caught up in power grabs in the physical world. However, as you are noticing, there is the discomfort of feeling like other beings are taking over and having say in how your reality plays out, and this can have the effect of creating a need for solitude that exceeds the usual capacity of an earthly life of busy-ness. Becoming aware of this and the nature of the solar plexus chakra, and the reason the vortex is in the default state, you can consciously shift the means by which you are engaging this chakra in your life. Some people are concerned about exerting too much power, or becoming too caught up in the world and the power trips that can occur. This can happen, but when you are aware enough of what your mission is, and keep this in focus, the power grabs of the physical world really are not that interesting anyway. Clarity, again, is part of the key to all of this. If your motivations are clear, if you have clarity inside, then your power projections in the world, will become part of your natural means of engagement, and your interactions with other beings will become more of a flowing according to your own creations. The other chakras come into play here, and this is one reason why this chakra did not come up early in these conversations. The emotions are the interfacing mechanism that triggers the motivation, and if there is not enough awareness of the emotional mechanisms, then the turning outward of the solar vortex could be responsive to some impulsive motivations, which would be less aligned with your goals at the soul level. You have the mechanisms already to work with the chakra. What we are giving you here is understanding of the means of engaging this chakra, and the basis for interacting with the other chakras. You need only work internally and notice your ability to turn the vortex of the solar chakra outward or inward, and turn the volume up or down. You can visualize light, and you can learn, rather quickly, to shift this chakra into the appropriate state to meet your needs, as you move about in the dense plane.
Could the inward focus of the solar chakra be related to why I feel so tired, so frequently, on the physical plane?
Yes. As you are already realizing, your shift to outward focus for this chakra will be gradual at first, as you become accustomed to the feel of the difference from the way it has been so for most of your life. You will gradually notice differences in these kinds of inwardly focused energetic balances, as you move forth with these changes.
How is it that the solar chakra can interact with the other chakras?
The solar is the light, the centre, the wheel at the hub, which interjects energy, and power, into all that is engaging in your energetic essence. As you engage the sacral chakra, as we have described on one occasion with regard to interacting with other beings, particular of the human variety, at the same time activating the solar chakra interjects energetic power into this operation. This, as we have said, must be treated with respect, and would go awry if employed with limited clarity. We have also pointed out that it is now that the time has come to talk about this, and that is for these reasons. Too much, too soon, can go off track while you are navigating in the physical plane. You can activate the throat area for creative manifestations, as we have described. Again, to allow the wheel of the solar to enter into your involvement will boost the power of this, and really much much more as you will see with your own experience. It is not a power as you on the third dimension plane nominally think of it. It is entering into a multidimension realm, the vantage from which allows your intentions to flow easily and for the resultant manifestations to become obvious. You already know that there is no reason to be in a hurry or anxious to proceed along this direction. Being in that attitude would only close off the energetic flow anyway. You can see, little by little, how these realms are opening into the infinite.
Directing attention to the solar chakra over the last few days, I have noticed a significant difference in the feelings of what I normally cast as fear or anxiety. Engaging the energy of this chakra seems to alleviate those feelings. By engaging this chakra, I am talking about paying attention to shifting the energy to project outward. Is there some substance to what I am observing?
This fear or anxiety that you speak of is rooted in observation, the external to your inner being. You are typically ok when you can be among your own inner realm, but in regard to the external, the dense particularly, there is a helplessness, hopelessness which sets in, and causes the discomfort that you call fear or anxiety. We have already explained why the solar chakra has defaulted inward, but that has a lot to do with the feeling of being unsafe from the external of the dense world. The simple matter of effecting an outward energetic projection of the solar chakra changes this relationship with the outside world. Also for reasons we have discussed here, offering this as an antidote to fear/anxiety would not have been the simple way to proceed. A matter of readiness is needed before the time is right for learning how to engage the solar chakra. Your path has taken you to this point, and you may proceed from here as you will, with the wisdom you have integrated into your conscious being.
Let us move onward!