Weekly Channel – Mar 1 – Mar 7, 2015
Is there a correlation between the strength in which vibration can be felt and the degree of effectiveness of manifestation and healing in the physical dimension?
The ‘strength’ of feeling the vibration is the degree to which you perceive the pure energetic form, and thereby directly transcend the precipitation of the physical dimension. Your conscious will is of a vibratory form as well, and this vibration can also be felt with a degree of strength, in the realm of the consciousness on the mental plane. In order to effect manifestation and healing in this direct means, your perception must expand to feel the vibration of the mental plane as well, and you must be able to consciously merge the vibration of the conscious will in the mental plane with the vibration of the physical dimension. This is a highly powerful manifestation and healing ability and requires the clarity of mind to perceive the mental thoughts with a vibrational feel. You have not yet reached into this level of subtlety, but you are on the threshold of doing this. Your perception of the vibration in the physical dimension is acute at this time, and as such has lead you to wondering about this question. Hence, this is being exposed as a possibility now. It should be somewhat obvious how this would be employed if the perception in clarity within the mental plane reached the appropriate level of acuteness. You would hold the thought of manifestation/healing in the mental plane and deep into the mental aspect the clarity of perception would feel the vibration, and in the physical dimension the vibration would be perceived at the same time, and the threads of these dimensions would be fused into a merged vibration and you would hold this perception and allow the manifestation to proceed.
Sensing the vibration in the mental dimension does not seem that difficult to me. The thought, will, followed by a thread into the vibration, feeling, dimensional perception. Is there more to it than this?
This is it. As we said, you are on the threshold of entering into this means of perceiving the mental dimension. At this stage, you must be still enough to concentrate steadily, rather than to try to perceive in this way amidst multitudes of physical dimensional distractions. However, you are at the point where you may enter into using this as a means of manifestation.
About the clarity on the mental dimensional plane, this is why manifestation techniques like this cannot be understood when the motivation for manifestation is of a low frequency, such as greed, revenge or spite. These vibrate so loudly that the perception of the mental vibration is not possible. You will find that there are times when your clarity is better than others, but you now know that just being still and patient will allow you. You also know, as we have discussed before, that the physical vibration combined with the conscious will does have a manifestation effect, and that there is some time factor in perceiving the results. This does not require the same level of mental clarity, and is still effective. The method we are talking about here is more direct into the creation process, and its effectiveness is enhanced by the degree of your mental clarity and hence ability in the given moment to directly feel the vibration of the mental dimension.
So, I have some questions about how to enhance the ability to attain clarity on the mental dimension. Let’s say I reach the intention for a healing manifestation in my own body by the feeling of some ailment which is accompanied by pain. The motivation for healing arises out of the desire for relief from the pain and from the desire for reaching a state of being free from such ailments in order to enhance the enjoyment of the physical dimension experiences. It would seem that the mental states of these motivations are of a lower vibration, and would pollute the clarity needed for mental vibration perception which would be needed for the techniques we are discussing here. Is there a way that I can ascend a graduated ladder of mental vibration in order to attain a state of clarity to merge the mental vibration state with the vibration of the physical that arises out of pereption of the ailing physical condition?
Yes, you can proceed along this ascension, yet it is not as difficult as you are expecting. Remember that the mental frequencies move very fast in comparison to the physical, somewhat like the way the speed of light compares to the speed of sound. As we have instructed you before about healing and manifestation, if you have your will for manifestation in mind, and you vibrate in the physical dimension at the same time, this merges your intention with the physical creation process. Now, this will for manifestation is your intersection with the mental plane. In the example you bring about, this would be your desire for healing some somatic condition, arising out of discomfort or other perceived symptoms. This awareness is the key, and you hold this awareness in mind, and just allow your mental velocity to proceed in the direction of the vibration. It will reach on its own. You do not add to the process by putting forth effort here. You just keep your hooks into the threads of the mental dimensions. Work on practicing this method, and this will enhance your mental clarity as you do this. You will soon learn that the chakra vibration methods we have discussed previously can be combined with this mental vibration method, and you will become very adept in the realm of deliberating your orchestration of creations in the physical dimensions and the higher dimensions as well.
Let us move onward!
If there is a manifestation intention centered around feeling, does any of the method we are talking about here change?
It is easier this way, and would more directly take you to the deeper intention. Your feelings are more deeply connected with the vibration on the physical dimension, and thoughts about feelings are already infused with the feelings themselves. This is effectively opening a channel for the feelings you are welcoming into your being to vibrate into your experience. This is a path to manifesting broad ranges of details that are aligned with your intended feeling experience states, and would serve you in many ways. Attending to specific details, such as somatic conditions, is really all about finding ways to feel better. What you are asking here is directly connected with a method for going directly to the path of feeling better, which would itself serve to effect your desired manifestations, and is easier and more natural to execute. This will become a more natural way to navigate your existence as you go onward. We realize that details come up, and usually arise out of feelings related to things that are not in alignment with what feels good to you. It will serve you well to remember that when you engage in manifestations related to these kinds of details, that your true intention is to reach to a higher feeling place, a higher frequency of vibration, and keep that dimensional thread illuminated and infused with the entire manifestation undertaking.
To expand consciously into multidimensional absorption, while engaging in the third dimension world, it seems to me that knowing all possible paths for the threads of physical progression are reaching into multidimensional space, can we, while transversing along default paths, consciously define alternate paths, and fuse them with our experience, thereby changing the course of the third dimension precipitation?
You already know this. This is an effective means of shifting the course in a direction that aligns with your emotional preference, yet you must be clear when doing this. You must have a distinction between the emotional engulfment of the human form and your higher energy focus. If your human form is being driven by the emotional engulfment, then the effect is to enhance the threads of third dimension activity that are causing the desire for change. You must elevate to the sky perspective, and realign the course of the precipitation from there. So effectively, you realize that there is something calling for change, and immediately draw your energy to a higher vibration focus, releasing the attachment to the third dimension circumstances. Upon doing this, you bring into the mental plane the dimensions of the realignment, and energize through the mental vibration. This is effective and prompt, as your adeptness grows.
Let us move onward!