Weekly Channel – April 27 – May 3, 2014
This is the first of what is intended to be regular weekly channelings of intuitive messages that flow through me, Christopher. The source, at this time, is open to whatever may be willing to channel through me. This is uncharted territory for me, so I am open to what will happen and how this will manifest, and to the extend that I am conscious, or whether higher intelligence is making use of my faculties. However it manifests, it is.
The purpose of life is to allow the creative energy to flow through the physical being in a way that reaches and expands toward the infinite universe. The physical is dense, and if it were allowed to expand greatly, at the natural rate of the pure energy, it would break apart and quickly become dissolved within that infinite energy. Being in the physical allows the experience to slow down enough to be noticed, sort of like slowing down the frames of a movie to see part of the motion at a slower rate, or to focus on one frame. It allows scrutiny of the experience. The infinite is pure joy, pure bliss, and in itself, if it is all known only as such, there is no comparison. So, in the interest of amusement, the creative process is allowed, and the physical experience is created to allow the creation process to be experienced in a way that can be savored.
People know all of this at their deepest levels, and revel in this. This is like a fun ride at an amusement park. This is why there is so much tendency to focus on the negative. The negative does not exist within the pure energy because it is infinite and it is not separating out the positive and negative. So, in this sense, in the non-human realm, the drama of the physical realm is highly treasured and respected. So, for humans, sensing this, but not fully comprehending it, there is a tendency to gain interest from seeking out the difficult, and the experiences that provide contrast to the blissful states that are the natural reality, and to dwell on them. That is why, being always able to feel good, humans choose to focus on what is wrong and give attention to that, thereby propagating that.
This is all like blowing up a balloon, with the infinite energy being the air to fill the balloon, and the balloon being like the physical existence, giving the form to the less-tangible air. The balloon surface provides resistance, and expands and expands to contain the air as more and more air fills the balloon. We are in infinite dimensions, so that our expanding and the anaolg of the balloon surface are reaching in many ways, on many levels all at the same time. It would serve the human realm to realize this and that within the dimensions of the physical plane, ther are limitations on the translations of the mind. Just, in a similar way, the information we are presenting here is translated into words, in order to convey information through minds, yet the information is, and must be, filtered in order for that to happen.
Why is there pain and feelings that cause withdrawal from associated experiences? This provides the seeds of growth. Without some resistant feelings, there would be no motivation for change. Just as friction is necessary in order for physical objects to interplay together on the physical dimensional plane, resistant feelings are a means of being able to know which direction to move in terms of colluding the desire with intention in a way that propagates into action. In the way the soul or spirit interacts with the human in the physical realm, it must be something of sufficient consequential result that has enough momentum to propagate action. Therefore hunger causes discomfort thereby prompting the body to seek nourishment. In order to expand, the dwelling on the unique facets of the physical have to reach a point where they in themselves are no longer interesting and there is desire to seek a unification of the joy and blissful states inherent in the beings’ existence with complete awareness while still engaging in the physical realm. From the realm beyond the physical, this is the desirable effect, as this is the condition in which expansion is propagating. There is infinite patience on the non-physical side, as there is no time. There is no need to be in a hurry for the balloon to blow up. There is no birthday party scheduled. It is all for the sake of experience and it is enjoyed immensely by all. It is natural for the humans to be interested in the effects of the physical world because it is different and has unique qualities that cannot be understood in any other way. It eventually, however becomes akin to getting enough of being interested in the balloon itself, with its color and rubbery texture, and becoming interested in the process of expansion for its own sake. It is less easy to talk about then, because expansion is a less-tangible concept, and hence here we are having such a conversation as this. Let’s move onward!