Weekly Channel – Feb 22 – Feb 28, 2015
What does the future mean?
Future is expressible from inside a box, an enclosure which confines your state to filtered dimensions. It is as though you are in a maze, and there are explicit paths forward from any vantage point, yet you are unable to see the entire sculpture from the overall layout perspective. Your intersection with mental states is by default concerned with the view that you can envision from any point in time, but the overall view is always available. Most just don’t choose to see that. The focus is of tunnel vision. If you are in a maze, you can broaden your conscious engagement and envision the entire sculpture and choose a path from any point that creates the correct result which aligns with your desire. It is the same when viewing the future from any vantage point in a filtered dimensional existence constrained by the conceptual observation of time.
How can we expand, within any vantage point and choose according to the broader view, so as to create the future which aligns with our wishes?
Elevate your conscious focus to be among the clouds, the broad spectrum of energetic medium through which all of your existence takes place. Step outside of the emotional vibrations of the moment, and engage your consciousness in this way. It is imperative to disassociate your threads of attachment with any evidence that creates undesirable emotional vibrations, and to allow your conscious mind to float above, into the energetic media in which your existence takes place. Your wishes will naturally come forth, and there is no need to isolate specific desires to manifest. Detaching from the threads of the desires which you would not manifest, the undesirable emotional vibrations, you will float into the energetic realm which aligns with the being of high vibration that you are, and thus your desired energetic outcome. If you can do this frequently, rather than ruminate on what is not to your liking, then your experience of your future will match what you wish to create as a future.
Must the emotional vibrations change immediately upon mentally stepping out of the threads of attachment related to them? In other words, can the mental shift into the broader energetic spectrum still be effective even if the energy frequency of the emotional states persist for some time?
The mental connection occurs at a faster rate than the shift in emotional vibration. This is always tripping you earth plane dwellers, again and again. If you could just always remember that your mental focus drives your emotional state, then you would make it a priority, but you get it backwards because of the limited viewpoint you get while existing in a dense environment that vibrates so much lower frequency than your natural state. Your attention tends to shift to the circumstances of your current emotional states, particularly the lower ones, and the dwelling of your mental state on those circumstances directs the next steps in your vantage. This is why we are telling you to ‘mentally’ disconnect the threads from the circumstances of your current emotional vibration, particularly the ones of the undesirable emotional vibrations, and allow your focus to be in the clouds of the energetic medium in which all of your existence is taking place. Your mental shift occurs instantaneously, but your emotional shift goes at the rate of molasses in January (in the nothmost hemisphere of your planet)! You will be well served if, any time you find yourself in an emotional vibration that is not consistent with the desires you like, you would make this shift in the mental plane and trust that your emotional vibration will catch up. It doesn’t take forever, but your mind moves fast and if you let your mind be the judge, it will give up and move onto something else before your emotions have a chance to rise up. This is what takes persistence and conscious will on your part, to maintain the correct mental focus at all times, and allow your mental focus to expand in this way.
Let us move onward!
Why do this? Why would a high energy, infinite dimensional being, undertake an existence in a dense world where the mental and emotional frequencies move at such different rates, and create so much discomfort because of their interplay?
You, as a high dimensional being, understand all of the dimensional angles, and decide to entertain the experience of dense involvement from that view. Take for example, when you decide to go swimming on a hot day, and there is a lake with cold water. From your perspective, you know that the cold water will be refreshing on the hot day, and that swimming in the water will be fun, and that even if the initial feeling in the water is cold, and somewhat uncomfortable, you will become acclimated and enjoy the experience as a whole. You, as a multidimensional being, know that the dense world and the physical sensations and emotional reactions are created as part of the environment, but you are still the infinite being involving yourself in this. You know that you are capable of expanding your conscious awareness even while being in the dense body, and that the experience will be gratifying, and that you will see that the physical and emotional discomfort only seem real when your perception is limited to the dense undertaking. From your multidimensional viewpoint, the entire experience is satisfying, even if for some temporary time, you are experiencing discomfort in the physical and emotional realms. As we discuss above, the rate of your mental engagement is much more rapid than your physical and emotional shifting, and this is the secret to the power at your disposal while you are moving about in the dense planes. It is not obvious because the usual reaction for dense beings is to measure based on the physical and emotional parameters, and thereby drive the mental states in a reaction to them. This is really backward, but doing it the other way is not obvious. This is part of the power of the mind. It can go both ways. You can deliberately engage in mental creative energetic sculpting of your precipitation in the dense world, or you can reactively engage in mental sculpting of your precipitation in the dense world. This latter approach is how most humans default to creating, at the current level of human evolution. Those of you who can see that mentally deliberately engaging in your creation, by rising to the vibration frequency of your natural state, produces the rewarding experience that you see as possible from the multidimensional being vantage, will guide and teach the others to the point where more and more of you are doing it that way, and it will become the way for most humans to engage in existence. Those of you who are realizing this and propagating the knowledge are the teachers, and serving the human existence in its quest for raising vibration to the higher frequencies.
Is there a way we can use this knowledge to overcome fear, and short circuit the path to feeling better when we are faced with circumstances in the dense world, which shake us emotionally?
You can use the discomfort of the feelings of fear, and all other reactionary emotions, as a reminder of this knowledge, and change your focus when you feel that way. You must trust in the interplay of the mental and creative processes, and that is where the stretch is when you are using the dense parameters as a measurement. It is like trying to use a speedometer to measure the kinetic motion of light waves of energy. There is too much that is missed, and you just have to know that light travels way, way faster than the dense parameters. You just have to know that the mental engagement in which you immerse your consciousness has a direct effect on the outcome of what precipitates in the dense world. It is an ongoing effort to change your habit of being a reactionary being. As you become more attuned, you will realize that you are of a bigger mind, in which all else is happening, and it is through this bigger mind that you can enter into a realm where you disengage the reactionary mind, and effect the existence that you desire.
Let us move onward!
Is there any way we can create an interplay between the emotional and mental planes and raise vibration frequency rapidly, but deliberately going back and forth at the mental speed, and reflecting the emotional response, and deliberately shifting the mental reflection back toward a higher frequency, without having to wait for all of the drama on the dense world plane to take its course?
Yes, as you do this you will become more and more attuned to feeling the vibration of it, rather than the emotional interface that you use to define your material world existence. Practice this, and you can become more skilled in doing this sort of thing.
Can we build up strength in existing at a higher frequency whilst maintaining an existence in the dense world, sort of like a balloon developing a more resilient shell to expand with more internal pressure of air, without bursting?
Yes, however this is not in the form of thickening the strength of any shell. This is a matter of consuming your conscious awareness with the multidimensional existence, and knowing the dense plane world through the miniscule creation that it is.