Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #20

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 31 – Aug 3, 2016

Softening the rigidity of your perception would not maybe, necessarily just come to mind in the course of life.  Your unnatural way of finding your way to this belies its strength.  Once you understand that the rigidity of your perception, within finite life, is a lamp shade that keeps the light out, it kind of makes sense.  We have brought this into subject via discussions about opening the hatch when the alignment is right so that your higher elevation states cross paths with your three dimension coordinates.  Being attentive, and reaching for the switch of this softening of your three dimensional shell, opens a hatchway to light and states of rapture that are not mappable into dimensional coordinate emotional systems.  You can keep doing this again and again.  It will become more familiar to you.  We would like to talk more about the softening, and the induction of such path crossings with your dimensional coordinates.  Softening encompasses numerous facets of your dimensional existence, including your expectation to follow the carved channels for emotional states.
You have what you would call 'peak experiences', those times when you are just feeling great, and things all seem to be coming together.  For those of you who care to pay attention to your mind states, these usually correlate with alignment of resonance with your fundamental energy stream and thus with elevated mind states.  So how come these happen so infrequently, and also is the elevation of mind state necessarily to be coupled with the ingredients of such experiences?  To answer the first part of this equation, the first clue is in the metaphor of peak.  A peak is a peak because it contrasts, in height, with everything else around.  The earth could not be defined with every point being a peak, lest it be completely flat, in which case the concept of peak would have no meaning.  So, your peak experiences are ones that stand out in relation to others, which are part of the mundane norm.  The concept of peak experiences exists at all only because of your scrutinizing minds and the comparison factor.  It is your association of these experiences with the elevated mind states that traps you into thinking that your enjoyable experiences must be few and far between, as these 'peak' experiences are.  Another trap from this kind of comparison is clued in the metaphor as well.  The term peak implies absolute top, and that is a finite, limiting concept.  Infinite means no limit, so if the concept of peak experience must be used, maybe to introduce the qualifier of relative peak would at least help to remind your mind to be mindful of the infinite mind.
We have talked in recent conversations about ways for you to capture the infinite mind glimpse when your finite plane path crosses you along some kind of relative peak, elevating your mind state.  These are means for entering the realm of the mind states in their own right, softening the crust of the apparent significance of the finite plane configuration to which the first inclination of your finite mind is to associate.  We have also discussed that there is nothing sacred about these glimpses that just happen along in your path as a way for your consciousness to enter these mind state realms.  It is really just a matter of becoming motivated to capture the streams of entrance into these mind states on your own volition.
You are happening.  It is not happening to you.  Realizing this, deeply, is one of the main keys to understanding that it is you who determines the elevation of your mind states, rather than the situation of just the right things happening on the finite world surface.  We realize that it gets complex to keep realizing this all through a life of existence among other involuted consciousnesses who are willing their way into some perceived sphere of influence that involves your own personal involuted consciousness.  Realize it, nonetheless.
Palpability, expanded now.  Infinitize the now moment.  Your palpability of the subtle, as we speak, is an inverse function of your time dependence of thought.  If your thoughts are scattered in time and space, so are your perceptions of the energetic stream which vibrates throughout.  For this stream to be perceived with great palpability, concentrated focus is absorbed, timelessly in the present.
Allow us to talk about your parameter of time.  Inter-dimensionally, we easily dismiss all topics related to what you perceive as time because from that perspective, it is evident that time is a creation relative to a dimensional structure that amplifies the need for its prominence.  For us, seeking its relevance is similar to, upon full encompassing of the conscious absorption of an entire forest, directing attention toward one twig, among the billions of separately observable physical precipitations in the forest.  Once it is decided, however, for attention to spotlight one twig, the topology and character of the twig does come into focus.  As time plays into so many of the mental concerns that arise for you in the course of a finite dimension life, we are going to talk about this, with this prefaced lead-in.
It would seem that time factors heavily into some of the configurations that keep you suppressed into lower vibration mind states.  In our discussions regarding sensory receptors and the dialectic poles being setting points for directional vectors to direct you toward waveform vibrations of higher elevation, the lengthier the receptors remain fixed at the negative pole as the time dimension progresses, the more bleak the experience of life is for the organic being, and the steeper the slope seems for alleviating the low vibration state.  If you are too hot for just a few seconds, you pass through it quickly.  If you are swelteringly hot, and there is no forseeable point where that is going to change, your mind state outlook can become very dismayed about it.  This is the kind of struggle you are having with time, and how it is challenging you to implement the guidance we are giving you toward elevating yourselves.  Where we can lead you toward time transcendence, the mental dimensional interplay which creates the quagmires like this.  One thing to consider is the mental factor.  When you are in an uncomfortable situation, and your thought is "oh my, this is uncomfortable and there is no end in sight", that immediately feeds into your frequency, in discordant fashion with your harmonic resonance.  What you are doing here is taking a transiting configuration of discomfort, amplifying the relevance of the time dimension, and feeding that into your mental stream.  The resultant vibration is extended discomfort.  Your harmonic frequency does not resonate with this sort of mental stream.  Could you possibly consider taking a different approach?
We have been discussing mental strength recently, and to develop, over time, increasing mental strength is an ally in how well you can shift your fundamental response mechanisms in regard to these 'extended time' configurations and the mental interplay that feeds or dispenses them.  The instilled finite being response is as most of you are accustomed, to approach a situation, such as being too hot, in a way as we have just indicated.  Taking a different mental stream approach, no matter how bleak the situation looks from the finite dimension perspective, is of waxing power as the mental muscles develop in power.
Maintaining a mental stream which defies the riptide pull from the physical plane, during these ostensibly immutable time periods of discomfort, is itself a means of building mental strength.  Your faith, trust and will to put forth the effort to direct your mental stream toward harmonic resonance is the fulcrum of leverage for change directed to amplifying mental strength and power.  Consistency and persistence in remembering this is encouraged.
How about when you are not thinking about it, and your state is just gravitating to the conditions the finite environment is dealing to you, and you suddenly find yourself in one of these discomfort/time coordinate quagmires?  How does this happen and why do you not gravitate to your own harmonic resonance energy state, rather than this configuration which gives the time dimension so much credence?  And, what could you possibly do to entrain your finite being configuration to entrain with your resonant harmonic state rather than to seek out the locked-in discomfort situation?
What is happening, even if when you are consciously paying attention to your directed energetic vectors moving toward higher elevation states, you are feeling things going the way you want to go, when you consciously let go and your spotlight turns to the finite dimension existence, the precipitated environment is a reflector, and is mirroring its frequency into the vibration state you are perceiving.  So, effectively taking your focus away from the divine infinite, and spotlighting the finite, results in the finite spotlighting right back into you.  On the other hand, you may wonder, is why would you, if you were to maintain your focus on the divine infinite, ever have much concern for the finite world at all?  Why have tunnel vision into the details of an individual twig, when the encompassing perception of the entire forest is at your availability?  Maybe simply because the twig is interesting to you and the closer you look at it, the more you see.  Maybe there is a way you can absorb everything you have available for you from the twig's offering, whilst maintaining awareness of the all-encompassing forest.  The NOW is your gateway to this...