Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 28 – Jul 31, 2016
We have at times alluded to sensory receptors and extended to discussing great sensory receptors as the extension into inter-dimensional realms. Finite sensory receptors are at the root of much of the root chakra concerns which govern your motivation along the finite planet coordinates. You are highly motivated to seek the comfort level of the comfort/discomfort dialectic pole. Pain, hunger, thirst, excessive heat or cold, insecurity... these drive you to establish vectored courses toward their opposites. These often tie into ostensible solutions which themselves appear finite, such as the water supply on your planet, which can lead to competitive situations with others who separately are seeking the same things. These competitive situations are themselves positioned on the discord pole of the harmony/discord dialectic duality. It would seem that it may become useful to you if you can find ways to transcend the sharpness of the sensory receptors, so that your motivation will be driven inter-dimensionally rather than strictly by the roots of your finite interface.
So, sensorily, you find yourself in a state where there is a difference between what you are observing occurring in the now moment, and what your preference is. Proceeding in the most efficient way to direct your transition vectors into the realm aligned with your preference, along the surface coordinates of your finite dimensional experience is of interest in this situation, it would seem. First occurrence to a finite dimension consciousness would be to negotiate this with finite dimension objects, and undertake the ensuing struggle and all that that entails. This is unlikely to be the most efficient path, however. You have available all the time, at your will, to swim the energetic ocean. You see, the finite plane is a surface, akin to the floor of and physical landscape of the underneath of your watery oceans and seas. To get from one shore to another, you make a ship or boat and float along the surface and take the most direct path. You don't ever consider traversing along the physical floor of the ocean or sea, while the water is there for you to navigate and float across. If the water were somehow not visible to you or did not have some means for you to navigate the water itself, then your attention very well may turn to navigating the floor of the ocean. Your finite world is analogous to the floor of the energetic ocean of the inter-dimensional realm. This energetic ocean is not so palpable as your physical waterways, but the principle is the same. Struggling with finite dimension parameters in a finite dimension way is traversing the ocean floor. You have available to you the energetic ocean for navigating the dialectic poles, not only of sensory discomforts, but of all energetic natures.
The ability to be developed here is about sensitizing to perceive the energetic ocean so that it becomes palpable to you, and consequently decoupling the coarseness of your sensory response system to consider the finite plane salience as the only means of navigation toward coordinates that align with your preferences. Of immense effect in cultivating this ability is development of the mental strength to, when faced with sensorily-induced discomforts, such as being too hot or being in pain, focus on the energetic ocean itself rather than the sensor receptor effect you are receiving. Keep with your effort to cultivate your inception of energetic breathing, because this is one of the most useful methods to bring in at times when those poles of physical plane discrepancy arise, and it doesn't take a lot of mental navigating to remember its principles. It does take some doing to deepen your sense of its palpability, and that is advised by us for you to continue to undertake. If you haven't trained during the "off season", then reaching beyond your originally installed root chakra response systems during times of contrasting now/preference states is probably not going to find its way onto your agenda.
The obvious extension of this conversation would be - "okay, now how do you 'do' this energetic breathing?'. Our most efficient way to respond to that would be to intoduce the concept and then allow you to find your own way to assuming its palpability. Your scattered human minds need more consistent stimulus than that, for these subtle concepts to sink in, however, so we have been weaving the energetic breathing concept in throughout our conversations along the way. We continue to do so, and for you, it will just really help to think about it frequently, and allow enough settledness on the surface tension level for you to gain an ever-deepening sense of the palpability of it. Do keep in mind to shift your focus to energetic breath during those times when you are experiencing some contrast in your comfort level which you would attribute somehow to finite plane existence.
Energetic breath and conscious vector initiation. That is the other thing. If you are somewhere other than your preference, and your energy is gearing up to transition, it would be a good idea to have an idea of how you would like to transition. If you are hot and you want to cool off, it seems pretty obvious, but even then having practiced conscious intention is important. Set your directional vectors, and energetically breathe. This is important and can be tricky. Let's take for instance the example of realizing you are too hot. When we say vectors, we mean a directional proceeding of motion from where you are now. This means a continued awareness of where you are now with an understanding of the destination only as a defining of the direction. There is a subtle difference, at first between this and the focus on the destination itself, which immediately defines a gap in your now, and energetically that gap would then become your vectored destination, which would serve to propagate your current state which contrasts with your preferred state.
So, given the realization that change is in the works, energetic breath propels through the energetic ocean, along the directions set in course through your mental clarity of intention realization. Your aptitude takes the stage in this in your ability to mentally keep the focus on the subtleties amid the process of navigating the energetic ocean, all the while peripheralizing the feelings poking at you from origination from finite plane coordinates. The mental strength to take your attention enough off of your discomfort so that you can direct your attention to the navigation of the energetic ocean is worth developing.
Rather than a shifting to understanding of the energetic breathing and navigating the ocean, we would emphasize encouragement for cultivation of the sense of palpability of the energy breathing, which is really about feeling flow of energy. When you realize that your palpability of this is stronger than your feeling states involved in third dimension phenomena, at that point you are crossing the threshold to getting yourself into integrated inter-dimensional existence with full awareness. Welcome and absorb these states as they happen.
Your sensory response to what we shall call, let's say second-choice bipoles, of the dialectic states, which instill motivation to swim your way to the opposite poles and take up a good part of the attention of your finite dimension life, are one aspect. But, what about when you find yourselves at the poles of choice? What then? Well, nominally, the less aware of you are training yourselves to push off from the first-choice poles and get back to the second-choice areas. Why would that be? From there, you know where to go, you can set a goal. With the goal reached, you don't quite know what to do with yourselves. All of you know it is consistently changing, and thus staying there doesn't seem to work, finitely, at least. So you speed up the process by sabotaging the good state you had been so avidly seeking, and get right back to the bad state so that you know what to do with your earth-crawler time and energy. Seems like there would be better options than that, don't you think?
We have some ideas for navigation paths which use your first-choice dialectic poles as launching points. First of all, nobody is dictating that you must confine your path to oscillation along the same pole. Remember when we were recently talking about thought streams which would provide entry points to inter-dimensional space, and mind states that transcend the dialect good/bad that you are entrained to confinement in the finite dimensions? We speak of softening the crust, the shell, the surface tension, and allowing your mental coordinates to expand into inter-dimensional space. These high feeling emotional states, which are your indications of being near the first-choice poles, are the fringes of mind states that are higher dimension extensions beyond the bipolar emotional states experienced by finite beings in finite dimensional worlds. Rather than to oscillate along the bipolar axes, launch from the high emotion poles into inter-dimensional mind states, and delve into such experiential states as rapture, bliss and high octave vibration.
Have you ever been driving a car while a dog is chasing and decided to call the dog's bluff and slow down so the dog can catch you, to see what it does? Pretty much the dog will slow down and just stop and bark, or lose interest and turn attention to something else. The moving car sets a goal that catches the dog's interest and gives the dog an objective. Once the configuration that set the objective shifts, the dog doesn't have an agenda that fits, and thus no longer has anything inspiring involvement in that configuration. This is how you are trained in your finite dimension basic functions - to seek higher mind states from lower mind states. Only from the lower mind states does your agenda become clear. Reaching the higher mind states, you lose sight of an objective, and the only choice is to retract to the lower frequency state. Our encouragement is that when you sense the vibrations of high dimension mind states, your objective resonates with that and enters into a new realm from which the high frequency mind states propel you. Watch for this, and shift your understanding of your objectives to operate in this way, so that when you find your destinations along the paths of the energetic ocean, they become gateways to rapturous mind states into the inter-dimensional realms.