Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #18

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 26 – Jul 28, 2016

Along the way, you may at times wish to instantly flash the blueprint of your energy centers independently unified, and generating the creative manifestations with accord to your harmonized energy centric point.  Without going through a more lengthy, one by one, meditation process, you can do this and be in vision of the unification of all energy centers all at once.  This will give you the opportunity to invoke the decoupling of the dialectic states of varying energy forms instantaneously when you are going about your life in the finite planes.  When you are reminded of this effect and its effects, you have this available to you at any time.
In doing this, you will likely have a tendency to seek sensory confirmation, through vibratory intersection of your dimensional being in some way - light, vision; sentient vibration feel; thought vibration; perceived stillness.  It is critical to know and remember that the energetic state is effected by the chord of your intention, and whatever the sensory response that occurs is, is consequential.  Your typical three dimension way is to use the sensory response as a distraction, and place that in prominence as an evaluation of your effort of intention.  These must be decoupled.  It is all about your intention.  The sensory perception occurs, but it is not a scorekeeping method of whether or not you have been successful in the endeavor.  You are successful by invoking the intention for energetic unification.  Mental strength is called upon to place the sensory response in the light of what it really is, and to move forth independently.
Understanding that invoking the energetic unification is independent of the resultant, filtered, effects in finite dimension space, there is a resonating effect when the phases are aligned such that the sensory response is a close match with your consciousness intersection of sensory perception.  Thus, if you are feeling vibrations strongly in all of the chakras, validating the energetic unification and independence among them, or visualizing them as such, in a clear way, this is alignment.  This alignment is not needed for effectiveness, yet enhances your three dimensional experience because it provides validation at that level.  The key thing to understand here is that your tendency is to give credence to that validation, and that is not the correct conclusion to draw.  For that reason we are not going to go more into ways to guide you to effect that phase alignment at this time, other than to say clarity and phasing are the effective parameters involved here.  For now, when it happens, be aware, be aware that it is a consequence and not a goal, and keep the independence in focus.
We would like to now discuss clarity itself, in some depth.  The topic of clarity has come up time and again in our discussions, as it is in essence the encapsulation of the nature of contrast between the precipitated finite dimension view and infinite energetic space.  In infinite space, clarity is, it is the way it is, and there is no analysis involved to define clarity as a concept, because there is no opposite.  It becomes a concept when three dimensional filtering, or filtering of finite dimension, occurs.  Higher dimensional energy, invoked within finite dimension worlds, is subject to scattering and energetic shifting of multitudes of effects, which translate into some precipitated result in the finite world.  Clarity is the aligning of the invocation of higher dimension energy with intended finite dimension effects.  You can think of it as a kind of energetic aiming.  As an analogy, let's say you have a garden hose and your objective is to water some rose bushes.  If you were to semi-consciously turn on the water and proceed to wave the hose in all sorts of directions, giving little consideration to the rose bushes and how much of the water they are getting, this is analogous to complete lack of clarity.  If you were to turn on the hose full blast and aim it directly at the rose bushes but without consideration for the effect of the blasting water on the delicate plants, this is more clarity, as you are at least making sure the water gets to the bushes.  Now, if you would give careful consideration to aiming the hose on the rose bushes, and the right level of water flow for the appropriate amount of time, this is even more clarity, as your objective of watering the bushes is fulfilled to the best of your knowledge and ability.  In this analogy, the water and its flow through the hose and into the rose bush coordinates is as the higher dimension energy flowing into the finte world coordinates.  Clarity is the aligning of your objective (understood with mental clarity) with the mixture of energetic flow and third dimension creation.
So, if you are invoking energetic transmission toward healing intention in the physical dimension, drawing from higher dimension energy states, clarity in objective in alignment with your 'aiming' of the energy transmission parametrize the path taken toward results.  If your objectivity and aiming are driven by finite dimension thinking, than the path toward results would follow a finite dimension nature, which would not appear much different to you from usual finite dimension attempts to heal.  Clarity in higher energy thinking establishes the objective from a higher dimension, independent of the finite dimension symptoms, and the energy is flowing uninhibited, and attunement to understanding of the effectivity of the path driven by this sort of application of energy is enhanced through a higher dimension clarity of understanding, which may appear to contrast the typical expectations in the finite plane.
Clarity thus comes from stepping out from behind the third dimension looking glass, and releasing the third dimension struggle, and flowing in the ease of energetic understanding of the beyond-finite dimensions.  It is like, if you are looking through a glass object that has distortions and is dirty and you are struggling to see through it, you can wrestle with the objective of seeing through the glass object itself, or you can remove the glass object from your line of view and see the world directly and clearly.  In our discussion of clarity, the third dimension world is the glass object and the infinite dimensions is the rest of the world, with respect to this analogy.  Stepping out from behind the finite dimension looking glass, concepts and objectives that once were originating in a filtered finite dimension world, such as healing and manifestation, reach out for expansive understandings, which entail contemplative grasping toward developing mappings into third dimension understanding whilst navigating on that plane of existence.  There is development and skill to be attained in all of this, and clarity toward that objective is essential.
As we have used terms like surface tension, bubble, etc. to describe the resultant effect of your created energetic transmision into the finite dimension space in which you involve yourself in what you call life, much ado about the concerns of your consciously invoked organic state center about this surface tension bubble and how your emotional body interacts and how your physical body interacts, your free will seeking to favor the good-feeling states out of all of this.  Yet, you have all had experiences where you went through some of what you would call challenges, having to endure the other end of the good/bad feeling dialectic pole for some time, because you just couldn't figure out how to solve things and do a reversal on that pole.  And, in the course of those stints of challenge, there have been times that were looked back upon as rewarding for having gone through the difficulty, and you have found yourselves in a state that would not have occurred had the challenges not occurred, or so it would appear.  How about if there are ways you can interact more inter-dimensionally in this kind of process, with awareness of where these 'challenges' would lead, with deliberate influence on the surface tension bubble and its effects in interacting with your being state?  Could you possibly do all of this without so much suffering, or through transcending the suffering so as to experience it from a deep level where the entire whole of the evolvement is understood?  As we have been guiding you, with invoking your inner energetic harmonic resonant frequency, and with decoupling the interaction of energy forms that gravitate to dialectic poles in your energetic creations, these are taking you there, to a place of transcendence.  But, what about consciously interacting with the shape of the surface tension bubble itself, so as to consciously know the objectives of what the would-be struggles would accomplish, but to shape the bubble in ways that ameliorate your energetic involvement in a suffering-transcendence way?
The secret here is something we shall call exvolution.  As involution is used to describe the turning inward of energy which allows for the concept of separation and density to define perception, the shaping of the bubble of tension of definition of surface in finite dimensions can be effected via a willed consciousness through projection of the involutional energetic motion in a way outward in combination with intent.  The crystallization of intent and the wariness of the subtleties are evidently going to be in play here, yet the first step into this threshold is to behold this objective and to venture into using your intention in this way.  It is kind of like having a paintbrush and paint and a wide open array of possibilities for how to create with it.  Similarly, your paintbrush is your projection of involutional energy outward from your consciousness, your paint is your intention blended with your inspiration, enthusiasm and will, and your canvas is the energetic bubble of surface tension that defines your finite dimension environment.  Begin to explore this...