Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #17

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 24 – Jul 26, 2016

Finite dimension intersection of energetic states, with there vibration appearing to your sensory parameters in some way, are incidental, and mental plane energy can direct the dissipation of the energetic concentration in inter-dimensional directions very easily.  It just is not usually obvious for a finite being that this is the case, so there may not appear any reason to try.  To get a grip on this, you can make use of your finite dimension energetic interface itself, which is perceptible via what we often call surface tension.  Feeling the energetic vibration along the surface path, the finitization of it is evident.  Your mental powers can then direct the vibration along the surface for dissipation, thus softening the tension around this vibration, and allowing the surface tension to deflate, enabling your inner energetic stream to shine forth.
When we say dissipation, the response from finite observation point would first think of dissemination in all directions within finite space.  Inter-dimensional space is not constrained to be congruent with the finite space, however, and dissipation would have quite a range of varying effects on the finite dimension observation.  The expected response from finite space is of course one, but one of infinite possibilities.  Disappearance is another.  The key point for you is that your currently observable effects change and that your entrapment within vibration states such as pain and emotional distress is lifted.  Our guidance to direct your vibration flow through your Heart Center, and thus into the ensuing realm is toward the lifting of your expectations for mapping into finite space.  From the strictly finite view, you direct the energy through the Heart Center and then don't try to perceive the details of the path with the linear mind.  Because the linear mind is not able to grasp the details of the paths of greater dimension.  Our Heart Center method is one of the easiest and one of the easiest to remember, particularly during those times when you are looking for something to gain you perspective into higher dimension space and need directed focus.  You can go directly into the Heart Center, as we have been teaching you.  There are others, and as your mental capability strengthens, you will learn some of these, and applicability for your purposes.
Softening of surface tension, de-crystallization of precipitated configurations, mentally is invoked at will, yet to how shall you guide yourself to do this.  We have spoken about doing this sort of thing in response to something you are trying to get away from, directing the crystallized configurations into softening into vibration and into your Heart Center and into harmonization with your inner resonant frequency state.  Whatever is directed internal to you and into your inner resonant frequency state harmonizes with your resonant frequency, what starting point was the origination.  Thus if you are motivated by something you want to change, or motivated by something you want to happen, directing to your inner state directs energetic harmonization with your being.  Thoughts, visualizations you are envisioning in potential form, vibrating these into your inner harmonic resonance frequency, harmonizes these with your inner being.  If left to direct the thought processes with your limited linear mind, the common practice would be to then turn your attention to the present which lacks the outcome of these thoughts and the third plane methods for filling that gap would then be undertaken.  If your mental strength is of sufficient quality so that you will be able to take these thought vibrations into your centrum of being, and then let them take their course, and turn your attention to the next things, they will all harmonize in the way that matches your inter-dimensional being, and the linear being will be free from serving as an encumbering force.
When we speak of vibration, whether of that which appears too subtle to be feelably vibrating, such as the thought or wisdom energy streams, or too course to be perceived as anything but immutable, such as dense matter or situational configurations in the finite world, your path to generating a fluid energy stream with regard to these substances is enhanced through knowing, even if your situation has distraction from settling you into sentience with the vibration.  Vibration of cognizance is totally effective, even if vibration of sentience feels more effective to you.  This is being said so that striving for sentience need not take a hindering position in your being able to direct vibration streams via your conscious will.  Thus softens the division between feeling and knowing, a surface tension of its own.
Hence we are really talking about a perception of vibration, as all is pure energetic form, yet using the term softening to aid in the perceptive cognizance of the transition in perception that is going on with you.  Mental images of surfaces thought to be solid and becoming more like balloon surfaces and converting to fluid states enroute to perception as vibrative states, can be useful for you to jar loose both the third dimension perception and encrusted patterns of understanding.  This positions you to initiate change in the paradigms of third dimension existence.
So, what do you think happens when the prominent things that stick through as survivors of the finite dimension filtering, as a result of whatever the heck you are trying to accomplish, conflict with one another within the finite dimension scope of influence?  Like, let's say you decide you like to play tennis and you enjoy playing tennis and then you get tennis elbow, which puts you in the dilemma of whether to decide not to play tennis, which has been a source of enjoyment, or to somehow keep playing tennis and somehow deal with this tennis elbow thing.  Now, the newly discovered source of enjoyment appears to be tainted because of these conflicting developments of operation.  You may have enough experience in the healing arts to find ways to amend your somatic conditions to smooth over the tennis elbow effects, but this in itself does not directly solve the apparent conflict between dwelling in the source of your enjoyment, tennis, and the development of the tennis elbow somatic state.
When this sort of observation is going on, there are a few things to consider.  One of the things to consider is how elevated in your consciousness the attachment to one of the conflicting finite dimension items is.  If you have worked yourself into a state where playing tennis means everything to you, then the development of tennis elbow is apparently devastating, and your world is on the verge of crumbling because of it.  This is what we are talking about when we refer to the precipitation in finite dimensions as errantly being seen as the source for your fulfillment.  We realize that this is standard operating procedure on your planet, but errant nonetheless.  The other thing is that your energetic projections are being coupled and creating a state of discord among the precipitated states that are settling into prominence in your finite world projection.  Tennis and your enjoyment of it resonate in accordance with your solar chakra mostly, and the state of somatic balance that rubs against your frequent indulgence in that pastime is accorded with your root chakra, mostly.  Reaching for the enjoyment dialectic pole of the solar chakra is having a coupling effect which triggers a somatic imbalance pole of the root chakra.  In recent discussions we have talked about the coupling of dialectically opposing poles associated with the forms of energy states which comprise your individuated being.  We have offered a method, called the Chakra Dialectic Unification Meditation, for releasing the tangles which are entrained to cause these couplings to initiate the building of a filtering energetic lattice which is out of accord with your inner harmonic energy resonance.  Using such a method and proceeding with an open mind would effect change to allow this coupling to untangle from the precipitation into a state of discord with your fundamental energy state.  An open mind would allow for all possibilities of how things could play out in a more harmonious way - not being attached to whether the result is that your interest in playing tennis settles into a level where you are not stressing your elbow so much, or your playing style somehow shifts so that the tennis elbow does not keep occurring, or your healing abilities sharpen to the point where you can quickly dispense with the effects of the tennis elbow when they arise...
This tennis/tennis elbow thing is one simple example.  In the reality of a usual being on your planet, these kinds of things are going on all of the time, in many, many more complex ways and with varying levels of subtlety.  The Charka Dialectic Unification Meditation method has an effect of healing these conditions, which are so numerous and complexly related that addressing them individually, from a finite world perspective at least, would be overwhelmingly impractical.  To undergo the finite plane time and effort to use such a meditation method would of course take some level of convincing and believing that it would work to achieve the effect of action to perform the method.  And then there is the time factor factor involved in having some sustained effort reach a point where enough momentum has gathered to reach observable effects in the finite planes.  And then there is the wondering, even if change is observed, of how much the change has to do with the meditation effort and how much of it may be due to either just chance, or some other effects that may not be consciously known.  Ultimately, our advice is to go with your own inspiration.  If our meditation idea is worthwhile for you, it will sound good to you and you will have some inspiration to do the effort.