Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 22 – Jul 24, 2016
Mental strength is a factor, yet from the finite mental point, this would appear to have a path which would entail tensing and concentration with strong concerted effort, which is counter to attaining mental strength. This kind of effort is needed to align your mental energy with the linearity of the third plane, but is not strength. This is a mistake. It is merely a limiting to reduce the scope of significance to that which is limited into the third plane of existence.
Some questions under discussion here are why is mental strength a factor, how can mental strength be developed to grow stronger, and how can you reconcile the difference in perception between the false perception of mental strength from the finite dimension and true mental strength? Furthermore, having grown in strength mentally, how is this useful to you?
Mentally the limiting factors of finite dimensions are not anchored in place, and therefore higher realm involvement in the mental access is opening your conscious being into the higher dimension. Dense physicality is inherently filtered for its dimensionality, just by the nature of what it is. It is created as finite dimension precipitation. Not so with mental energy. In order to intersect finite life, mental energy in its free, natural form, has to be restricted through the intersecting process. This is one factor we mean by mental strength. Limitlessly, freely, invoking conscious mental energy throughout the consciousness being, with minimal restricting factors. In conveying this concept to you, this is a matter of invoking the influx of mental strength whilst maintaining the conscious perspective of finite existence. Elevated adeptness in being able to do this readily accesses you to mental invocations injected directly into your precipitated finite dimension intersection. This adds immense levels of precision to your availability for pulling mental energy directly into physicality.
Clarity is essential and a binding factor in mental strength. Lacking mental clarity, any directed intention for invoking mental energy directly into physical dense media would have a scattering effect and effects would be limited to the mental indeterminate along with maybe some emotional reverberations. This is not strength. Strength is a direct vast consciousness into the mental energetic dimensions.
In the nature of your world of ups and downs, there is a vibrational pull inherent in the thickness of the lowly vibrating energy of denseness, which both anchors you into the finite intersection, which allows you to be stationary long enough to stay there, and drags you down from your natural quest to float to higher state, inter-dimensional frequencies of existence. What we are talking about, mental strength, gestates the means for drawing the sustenance for maintaining directional energetic momentum toward your quest for higher state inter-dimensional frequencies. The finite realm does not supply this, and through the ups and downs you get reminded of this quest, but are given no direct leverage for maintaining your directional focus through the rip tide of dense plane draw into low vibration states. To be able to sustainably maintain higher frequency resonance direction through the rip tide of dense world pull - this is mental strength. Consistent strength in this way elicits defiance of the relegation of finite world existence to the dialectic back and forth pattern of tying mind states and feeling states into the patterns of that world. You truly can be in the finite dimension world and going about a life in the body of an organic nature in that world, and have your mental energy entrained to sustainably maintain states of bliss and rapture. This is not commonly known or even talked about in your world, partially because there are so few who have cultivated the mental strength to get to that point, and also because those who have done so, even if they talk about it to those who have not, would not be understood or believed in any means other than a distant concept at most.
It is strength in the mental realm which enables you to directly manifest the essence of mind states which arise out of response to potential configurations in the finite planes, and striving to do so develops strength in this area, as this is the direct means for effecting your mind states. Habitually you would be looking for the deliverance of the sought configuration to effect your mental/emotional result. Strength of mind both entails the skill to connect directly with the inter-dimensional energy stream and to withstand the pull to seek gratification in the finite configuration. The gap when strengthless is huge, as there is no means for grasping the essence of what will work, and the development of the adeptness needed to invoke what will work takes persistence. This is where the knowledge realm is your asset. It is the vibration of knowing which allows you the persistence to sustain what will work long enough for you to develop the experiential knowing, and thus feeling of this.
It is mental strength as well as a method for exercising the mental muscles for you to develop the ability to pluck encapsulated mental energetic modules, such as memories, directly from mental energetic space, rather than to sift through associated modules or to be triggered by circumstantial similarities. For instance, if you seek to remember when something happened, you would sift through accessible memories which would be associated and help to lead you to being able to figure it out close enough so that you could capture the memory. Try to suspend this process and directly capture the memory from mental energetic space, without leaning on other mental encapsulations for leverage. This expands your mental capacity, and strengthens your energetic mental state.
There is another strengthening method we would like to teach you. Thought vibration, thought streams are energetically generated in conscious resonance from your innermost state. Directly witnessing the process of thought stream transmission from your energetic core clears the debris which causes mental weakness. Clarity is essential and you really need to be up front with yourself about what you are about. Clarity allows the inner chatter to be cleared so that you can quiet the third dimension intersection with the vastness of the energetic spirit of the mental plane enough to be able to observe the thought generation process.
The energetic process which eventually results in what you see, perceive and feel in your finite world originates from pure energy, and your mental interface is directly correlated with this source. Thus, entering through the mental is the definitive way to directly effect your creation process without being subject to the convolution of reactionary spasms originating with the precipitated results. Your level of mental strength is the degree to which this is possible for you. Mental strength is the agility to keep your focus, of inter-dimensional quality, directed according to your high energy objectives, with complete independence of the reactionary mechanisms of the physical and emotional within the finite dimension plane. This does indeed take strength, and this kind of strength is indeed worthwhile to develop, in order to enlist rapturous mind states within your finite world existence.
Energetic breathing awareness, particularly while following on an extended basis, de-synched from the autonomous physical breathing, is strengthening endeavor in the mental arena. Of advantage for your sake in undertaking the endeavor of following your energetic breathing autonomously from the physical breathing are other factors beyond opening your vessels of energetic streaming through the mental realm. Energetic breathing is a means of fusing energetic threads of any dimensional source through your experiential dimensional intersection, carrying the transmissions of intent independently along each dimensional channel. This is vast. There is no way to attach a time factor. You could use this steadily for millions of years and still have infinitely more ways to use this. Striving for motivation for enhances strength in the mental arena establishes a track for your directed effort to greatly expand your awareness of energetic breathing.
Both of use in having availability of mental strength and of use in developing strengthening mental energy is the maintenance of focused concentration, bringing in energetically from the menal realm, while in a state of effected heaviness from dense matter, such as sleepiness, fatigue or cloudiness. There is a sublety here because tension is a hindrance, yet with the heaviness there needs to be enough tension to maintain the maintained maintenance of the directed mental focus. All this while the heaviness of the dense plane has a de-motivating factor, creating the illusion that mental energy would not help something that is evidently so tied into the weightiness of the physical. Coming up with the will to sustain this effort can be tricky, as as other aspects of mental realm development being void of any means of leverage. Experience helps, and that in itself can provide leverage. Nevertheless, this one can be difficult, yet it is immensely powerful in mental development. One thing that will help you is to know that the effort-tension is subtle, and that your tensed spirit need not be strained. It is mostly a factor of remembering and allowing the mental realm its due in any situation. If you keep doing this, your strengthening will evolve. No need to fight.
Yet another strengthening method is to allow the mind multiple channels simultaneously, in some way synched with the factored physicality of your dimensional existence. Breathing energetically in a different phase from your physical breathing is one such method. Operating your left and right hands, or feet in ways that separately require independent mental focus, such as writing separate notes with each hand, in different languages, simultaneously. These kinds of exercises stretch your mind beyond the realm of your dimensional existence, and this is strengthening!