Weekly Channel – Jan 25 – Jan 31, 2015
From the viewpoint of our three dimensional world, we perceive physical phenomenon in the universe and interpret it according to our three dimensional parameters, and conclude about the nature of the energy we perceive. Are we looking into the higher dimensional frequencies and reducing it down to three dimensions when we do this? Some of us feel that we, our conscious beings, have more connected existence on other realms in the universe. Are we more naturally acclimated to realms of higher dimensions, and coming to the third dimension to perform some service?
Your perception from the dimension filtered into the dense world is projected into all of your interpretations, you are correct. The spatial limitations of three dimensions are not extendable in a way that allows for grasping and understanding the high dimensions, and the result is that all dimensional data is truncated in a way that allows for interpretation in the three dimensions. However, this is everywhere, not just a factor of looking into space from your world. Your world is of the infinite dimensions just as all realms are. You are filtering your world into the dense dimensional interpretation as you move into your organic life in the three dimension body. Many of you maintain existence in many realms at once. This is the simplest way to express the response to your query, in a way that can translate into the linear cognation of your mental intersection with the dense plane. It is common for you to reach for perception and interpret this understanding as your having a ‘home planet’. This is for the sake of understanding and functioning in your world. Your conscious beings defy time and space, and many things are done in many different spatial coordinate systems in infinitessimal time periods. To contemplate it in this way is the easiest way to reach beyond the third dimension with your dense minds. When you are sleeping and dreaming, you are not confined to the dense planes. That is why you, if you focus your concentration upon the transition from sleeping to waking, experience dreams in the sleep state which are not translatable into understanding with your logical minds. You interpret this experience as ‘forgetting’ the dreams, but really it is as though you are trying to map multidimensional existence into a finite space. Much has to be left out, and the interpretation is not so clear. As to the answer to your question about why some of you feel as though you are rooted in other realms and have come to the third dimension realm for some service. This is true in a sense. From the creative energy which creates worlds such as yours, it is akin to a seed planted in a garden, and which is watered to see what kind of tree, plant or flower it grows into. You, of service, are of the nature of the water and the nutrients in the soil, and the photosynthesis of the sun, to assist in the growing of the seed. If your energy is integrating with the planet in a healthy way, the seed grows stronger, and the plant, tree or flower is hardy and more beautiful. If your involvement is of a neglecting nature or of struggle, then the seed is not so nourished. There are many of you for this reason, because your realm is of a ‘free will’ nature and that means that you must find your way to the healthy integrated state, without the control of the higher dimensions of which you are. Some of you will become distracted or be neglectful or be slow in finding your way to harmonious integration. However, the number has been chosen so that the likelihood of the entire effort falling apart is almost nill. This is just as you would not water a plant with only a few drops of water. You would use many drops so that many of them would penetrate into the roots of the plant. Your experience in the third dimension is enhanced as your align with the energy of healthy integration, and this is your motivation to, as you say, be of service.
How may we better align with the energy of healthy integration, or know that such alignment is happening?
Your energy frequency rises when you are aligned. Your physical denseness is infused with the energetic light from the infinite, and you realize in an undoubtable way that you are operating at a frequency infinitely beyond that of the dense planes. Your experience in the dense planes continues, but you needn’t do anything or worry or get caught up in the mind states that you associate with your third dimensional physical being. You are timeless, and in a continuous state of bliss. You ‘breathe’ bliss into every particle of all existence, and the other dependent beings in your world, however their awareness level is, are drawn to the light frequency emitted by your being into the portal of your dense dimension. You needn’t think or ponder or wonder what to do and whether you are doing the right thing, because you are in a frequency realm where there is no questioning. You are beyond the mind and the emotional states that entrap those in the dense third world. Your actions are driven by your inner light. You behave and act as though you are of the third world, for those who are, and they would notice little difference. Yet, there is something different, and the more perceptive beings would know, and would wish to learn from you, how to raise their frequency levels in a way that would lead them to their own similar path.
We, who are in the third dimension, are accustomed to motivational forces that drive our energetic thrust forward into the expansion of our being in the third dimension. From the high dimension frequencies, I get that there are different motivational forces, if even the term motivational forces makes sense. Speak on this please.
You in the third dimension have the mental intersection, have the emotional intersection. These are the means by which your infinite energy spirit is funneled into three dimensional physical existence. These, thereby serve as your generators of motivational force. Your physical being is yet another intersection which drives your motivational force. Your mental intersection takes you through thoughts which lead to decisions which lead to actions. Your physical and emotional intersections lead to physical or emotional feelings which lead to actions that drive you toward relief or better feelings in some ways. The funneling of the energy into these intersections creates the dialectic nature of the feeling states, so as to provide direction vectors to guide your motivational forces. This is as the poles of a battery provide the direction for the electricity to flow. In the infinite dimensions, the energy is not funneled into intersections with lower dimensional planes, and there is not the dialectic nature of the feeling states. This is quite a different realm! If, while ostensibly being constrained to the confines of the dense plane, you would realize this and shift your perception to the infinite energy and the understandive perception of the freedom from the funneling intersections, then your existence in the third plane would expand in a communal way with the infinite energy. Try this for a time…
Let us move onward!