Dialogue #2 - Vibration

channelintro essay

Question:  There is mention of vibration in the channel messages, in many places.  Why does this come up so much, and what is one supposed to feel when focusing on vibration?

Vibration is mentioned often because vibration is energy, and energy which is widely understood in a physical way.  A broad theme throughout the channel messages is related to assimilating higher dimensional energy within the physical world.  In the physical world, it is not often obvious that everything is created out of pure energy, and it is the subtler energy that is not readily felt in the experience of a being in the dense world which is the means of change that leads to healing, healing of body, mind, feeling states and life experiences.  Matter is dense and it does not appear to be moving or vibrating to the untrained human eye or touch.  Sound is energy and transmitted through vibration.  This is not always obvious, but sometimes it is, like if it is really loud or made through some obvious vibration such as the string of a musical instrument.  Vibration can be felt by most humans somehow, some way, such as one of those massage chairs that vibrates when you are sitting in it.  So, vibration is something that is readily understood by most people, and to make the connection with less tangible concepts in the channel messages, expressing concepts with respect to vibration is helpful.  You can think of the idea of feeling vibration as a bridge between the perception of the dense world as immovable and solid, and the higher dimensional energetic existence that is usually filtered out by beings living in a dense world.
What leads to a lot of the difficulty in living a life in the physical world is the perception that the physical world is all there is, and is itself the source of all that enters into the experience of a physical being's life.  As a being seeks out experiences that are enjoyable and satisfying, that generate good feeling states, turning to the physical world as a source can lead to disappointment because of the changing nature of things.  The body changes and does not appear to always go to a state of harmony and balance on its own, and the methods in the social environments of the physical world have varying levels of how well they work, under different circumstances.  Yet, the state of harmony and balance is the natural state for the body, so there must be something missing from the perspective that the physical world is all there is.  The message being conveyed in these channel messages is that the physical world is a limited dimension existence, which in its own right filters out the perception of the energy from the higher dimensions which is the source of the creation of the physical world itself.  The missing link with regard to healing and manifesting is the allowing of this energy to integrate into the perception the unfolding of the life within the physical environment.  Vibration is energy which is perceivable from both perspectives - the physical world as we discussed earlier, and the higher dimensions where the vastness of understanding of what vibration and energy is expands into ineffable experiential transformation - is a connection that opens a portal to both understanding in a cognitive, knowledge kind of way and as a means of change.
So the concept of vibration comes into the messages in reference to the more tangible, to suggest means for shifting focus in the course of physical experience, and in reference to the ineffable energetic realization which arises through expansion of consciousness into awareness of dimensions beyond the physical.  Cultivating more awareness of the tangible feeling of vibration in the physical in itself serves to help to awaken a being to the higher dimensional awareness.  It helps to dislodge the perception that the physical environment is solid and unmovable and the source of all that would feed the experience of a physical being.  With some attentiveness to attuning toward feeling vibration, a being can notice that when strong emotions arise, there is an energetic feeling - such as when sharp anger comes up, there can be a feeling of heat, or some pressure in some part of the body - and this energetic feeling can be noticed even more subtly to be a vibration feeling.  If, at times like that, a being were able to let go of the physical world factors to perceive the vibration feeling itself instead of the circumstances that are feeding it, and perceive the pure energy nature of the feeling in this way, then there is an unhooking from feeling enslaved to the physical world circumstances and the resultant feelings states that occur because of them.  Practice with this for a while leads to some fundamental change in how life is experienced, and also helps to open the gateway to higher dimensional awareness.  Feeling states are an easier place to start, but a being will find that the similar thing can be done with regard to nerve responses in the physical body.  Sentient beings often suppress spiritual changes because they are not recognized as such at first, and are perceived as pain or some feeling out of the norm.  Feeling as pure vibration takes the physical being filtered discernment out of the loop, and allows the energy to take its natural course.
As a final note we would like to mention that with regard to vibration, as you are experiencing vibration feeling in different ways in the physical environment, there is no good or bad that should be attached to it.  It is more as though the vibration, the energy, is a perception gateway to transcendence of the good/bad dialectic oscillation that is a fundamental driving force to misery and frustration on the physical plane.  This all takes some getting used to.  Letting go of the thought of the person who triggered your anger and maintaining focus on the essence of vibration in your being may feel awkward at first, but if you persist with trying it, change happens and you start to see things differently, and the course of your experience moves forward with this knowledge and understanding integrated.