Weekly Channel – Jan 11 – Jan 17, 2015
I feel like, with more multidimensional awareness, there is energy surrounding me that helps me navigate in the three dimensional plane, and buffers the effects of the three dimensional plane that trigger the sharp emotional reactions. Memory seems to come quickly to re-engage mentally when triggering thoughts show up, and this leads me to shift and remain in center, energetic focus. Is this a sign that my ability to function in the physical dimension is changing in a way that allows me to remain integrated, consciously, with the higher dimensions?
When your frequency is in the high dimensions, it is not possible for the dense effects produced in the physical dimension to influence you. This can develop with persistent focus to maintain awareness in the higher planes. When you are feeling this way, with the energy focus and the means for navigating through the physica dimensions, the higher dimensions are more at your fingertips, and the Angelic realms are just within reach. You feel very energized, and that things are just as they should be. This is indeed the truth, and this is positioning you as a beacon of light, summoning other souls to the high frequencies. When you are feeling the effects of the harsh denseness, and experiencing difficult mental states as a result, we have guided you to proceed through the vibrational element of these mental states, because this is the direct pathway to the frequency realm of which you now speak. If you will keep doing this, then you will find that there need not be any reason to remain for any but a very brief period in the lower frequency engulfment. When that starts to happen you cannot help but notice. As we have told you, the challenging mind states feel the way they do in the physical realm because that is the way to wake you and get you to remember to find your way to the higher frequencies. When you have some experience in the high frequencies, the contrast becomes even greater, and there is little that could keep you from remembering what to do to set your focus in the correct direction. Furthermore, you know that by flowing through the high frequency realms, you are being of service to the higher evolution calling, and are summoning others to join you, this is more motivation to set your sights on the multidimensional path, as we have shown you.
Well, I did speak recently of working with the difficult mental states, and your guidance was as you are speaking here, to turn and face the fire, and vibrationally enter the fire of the emotional states, and move beyond the dimensional perception of the dense realm. I did work with these states in that way, and this kind of shift has come out of it. This can only be encouraging to do this kind of shift when those kinds of states arise. I would reach in the same way for physical effects, and for physical manifestations as well. Is this true?
When you are operating from the high dimension realms, the Angelic realms are right in touch with you, and the manifestations on the physical dense level are extensions of that energy, and your intentions only need align with the desires that you are vibrating. If the need for physical changes or manifestations is driving mental states that challenge you, then you would first focus on the shift in your mental plane, as we are discussing here. When you are in the shifted mode and feel the physical plane easier to navigate, then you can accelerate the energy projection into the manifestations. There would not be any need to struggle to define what is needed. This would flow naturally from your vibrational state. You don’t need to carry the difficultness of the physical dimension into the multidimensional realm. In fact, this is not possible. But in the multidimensional realm, you are operating in a way that you have not been accustomed, while densely engaging yourself in the physical. Things seem too easy or effortless. This is in fact how things really are when you are connected to your higher self.
So, what do I do in that case, when I am in the shifted mode, more easily navigating the physical plane, yet still notice the things I wish to heal or wish to manifest, even though I am not feeling the difficult mental states because of them in those moments?
This is where you are poised to allow the Universe to bring you just what you wish! If you have a sore toe, and you have shifted into this state where you are not being bothered by things, and you know you are connected with the higher dimensions, then as we have instructed you in other messages, you bring your attention to that which you wish to attain (a healthy toe), and allow. If you are not letting it bother you, then just set that intention forth with some energetic push, and go on about your business, continuing to not be bothered by the sore toe. Same thing with money, or what you want to get with the money you are trying to manifest, anything you desire. You would serve yourself by making a mental effort to stay connected with your desire. Noticing the things you have been wanting to manifest is happening because you are connected with your desires. This is how you get them to happen. Noticing you don’t have them and feeling bad about it only propagates the state of feeling bad. In that case deal with the feeling bad in a vibration kind of way, and get yourself into this shifted state.
We usually talk about these mental states of desire or emotional reaction as though they are fixed, but really, things are moving fast. One thought could trigger memory of an unfulfilled desire, or a situation that is causing dread. In the midst of everything going ok, suddenly someone could dump some bad news, and suddenly everything changes, or something could come up that turns it into an overwhelming day. Will the kinds of ways we are talking about navigating through the mental states serve us to move swiftly in dealing with the rapidly changing mental constructs that compose our intersection with our mental plane into the physical plane?
We talk about these states as though they are fixed because that is how you can be presented with the means for engagement. When you first learned to ride a bicycle, you first got on the bicycle while it was stopped and then you thrust forth and gained some momentum and learned to pedal and all. You did not approach a bicycle that was already moving at high speed and attempt to jump on and start riding. Same kind of thing here. You learn the methods for engaging the mental constructs by holding them first in a fixed form, and then you can contemplate the methods for working with them. This was the case recently when we were talking about fear. In that case, the fear was of such a high degree of embeddedness that for all practical applications, it was fixed on that day. That enabled you to work directly with the method for turning into the fire of the fear and feeling the vibration of it. Now that you have done that, you know the feeling of it, and when more situations arise, you can swiftly move through these same mental states. A thought could come up, and you will get to the point of naturally drawing yourself into the mental state of feeling the vibration of the particular emotion if it has enough of a grip. However what will happen as well is that you will intercept these mental constructs sooner and skip right over the mental construct that leads to difficult emotion, because you will know what it is and where it would lead. Your skills in these navigation methods will increase and you will become adept at moving through the ups and downs of the events that occur in your physical world. Indeed that is just what is happening when you are feeling as you described at the beginning of this message. You said that you are better able to navigate the three dimensional plane. That is just what it means to navigate the three dimensional plane and that is why you feel that you are buffered from the harsh effects. A particular thought comes up and you deal with it differently. Instead of going through the rabbit hole of downward spiral with negative mentality, as you would have done recently with the same thought, you spot it and know that the downward spiral rabbit hole would not get you anywhere, so you don’t even enter. In that case you skip right over it, and don’t even need to go through the whole emotional vibration fire thing. You will find that this will happen more often now, because your skills in doing this kind of navigation are expanding.
Let us move onward!