Weekly Channel Message #36

weeklychannel essay

Weekly Channel – Jan 04 – Jan 10, 2015

Do high intensity emotions like fear tie into the relevance of our work that we are incarnating on this planet to celebrate?
The encapsulation of these high intensity states are the equivalent of being entombed in a cocoon, with the energy building and building and eventually to be forced through the shells and expand into the light.  The entombment is constructed from phenomena that is reflected from the physical environment in which you are incarnate.  Just as the energy within a chrysalis is consummated in its development toward the transformative organism, your engagement in the entombment of the high intensity emotional states would be served to hold your focus on this energy, rather than the construct of the entombment, as is the usual means of reaction.  Facing high intensity emotions like fear and isolation, your tendency is to wrap your mental and emotional energies around the weaving of these mental states and the developments in the crystallized environment in which they intersect your experiential reality.  Your tendency is to find ways to reduce the intensity or to tone them down.  This dampens the sharpness of the entombment and prolongs the procedure of building the energy to transform through the chrysalis.  If you will step beyond your reactive mechanisms, and see yourself through the intensifying energetic reaction of the high intensity states, then you will proceed through the process and the walls of the entombment will break apart, and you will step free to a new, high energy level of freedom.  Take a few minutes and try to feel this and see…
Ok, so the feeling I am getting is that rather than to find a way to alleviate the fear, the intention is to feel the fear itself, without attaching any meaning to it, just in its pure energy.  Is this correct?
Now, we have been using the term ‘high intensity emotions’.  Is this a method that should be considered whenever there are emotional states, regardless of how the intensity feels at the moment?
When the focus is pinpointed,, the intensity grows, so the method is the same.  It is about focusing on the internal energy, without attaching meaning to it.  This is primarily what is happening here.
Having talked about this with regard to the cocoon that is woven through the mind states, how does this tie into accomplishment for those of us who feel we have become incarnates on this planet in order to assist some purpose?  I feel that after many years of working with emotional states, and beingness, the intensity of emotional states like fear is growing, and the attempts to move beyond them is futile.
When you break through the cocoons, you become bright beacons of light, and other beings become able to find their way through that light.  That you are feeling the energy of these emotions to such a high degree means that the intensity is building to a point close to this kind of transformation.  The interaction with the physical plane is such that the trigger to call you to attention for this cocoon environment is in the form of what you would, as an earthly organism, consider difficult experiences, because this is how you can be summoned to take notice above all others.  As an earthly organism, no matter how high frequency your point of entry into the incarnate state is, you can be subject to be lulled into complacency simply by paying attention to the earthly phenomena.  It takes high intensity emotional states, like fear and isolation, to wake you up.  So, take notice if you are feeling these kinds of things.  They mean that you are being called into action.
Is there any way to notice how close to the transformational stage a being is?
If you try to take measure of yourself, it is a distraction from the process, because to do that you are stepping out of the present focus on the energetic state, and trying to look from the outside in.  This has the same effect as trying to evade the emotional states by shifting attention or by numbing them in some way.  It is like if you are swimming toward the surface of a body of water and you don’t know how far you are from the surface, and if you try to stop and take measure, you only distract yourself from the process, and delay the breakthrough at the surface of the water.  We understand that this is intense, and that the instinct is to run in the opposite direction, but we insist that the right path is to go deeply into the energy of the emotional states.  We have talked before about moving into emotions like fear by feeling the pure vibration and that the similarity is as of a gateway to a secret garden, at first appearing overgrown, and beyond the gateway revealing a beautiful paradise.  Now, besides the vibration state, we are adding fire to this, and the intensity of the mind states is as of walking into a very intense fire.  So, there is vibration, light and the tactile effect of fire.  These are all of a nature that would make the traditional human turn and run in the opposite direction, yet you who are to become beacons of light will turn and face the fire and walk directly into it.  There is no one who can accompany you, and no one who can walk in your place.  It is up to you.
Sometimes it seems difficult to tend to the mundane, worldly responsibilities, while doing this, like relationships, taking care of fellow beings, working, surviving.  What about all of this?  I know it can add to the intensity of the emotions, but still it sometimes feels like a whirlpool trying to keep up with it all.
You may not realize it, but you are capable of handling all of the necessities of the physical plane while involving yourself in these transformational endeavors.  It feels like it is difficult only because you are so intensely fixated on the physical plane productions themselves.  You are seeing them as real rather than creations of energy, and in seeing them as that way, you are making real all of the complications about them.  This is also part of how you engage in them in a way that ties the high intensity emotional states into the phenomena of the physical states.  By focusing your energy on the energy itself, then the emotional states themselves no longer really matter, nor does the physical event that perpetrated them.  You can do the physical world thing just by manifesting as you go along.  Your relationships with others are woven through each other’s emotional bodies, and your relationships will follow a path that effects your transformaions, as you go along.  So, you don’t need to really worry about any of the physical world stuff.  Just keep focusing on the energetic states, using anything with any intensity as a lead in to the energetic realm.
I know that from the three dimensional space, the process of something like this looks linear, but I suspect that from the higher dimensional perspective, it is really more something like not just one build up to some transformational process, but a myriad of processes that are going on all the time.  I am just trying to relate this to my own experience and to find a way to get motivated to keep moving forward in this plane, and to make the best of my efforts to endeavor to perform as I have intended in this incarnation cycle.
We understand.  The physical plane causes you immense discomfort and you desire to feel better, and you are wondering how long you would have to endure the intensity of these high intensity fear and isolation mind states, before you would experience some relief.  You would like to get on with this transformation thing, and get beyond it, so that you can settle down and relax and enjoy yourself.  But, as you point out that you realize, the process is not linear, and you are not building up to some transformational point that is measurable in earth time, beyond which everything will be different and you won’t have to worry about all of this high intensity emotional shit anymore.  It is more like the solution to your contrived dilemma is just what we are saying to do, Turn and face the fire!
Let us move onward!