Weekly Channel – Dec 28,’14 – Jan 4, 2015
What are the means by which we may engage in contact with the Angelic being forces, in order to align our message for guidance and assistance with our true intentions on the conscious level?
Your intentions that are aligned on the conscisous level are of the dense physical world, and are extensions of the vast energies of the Angelic realm when you are seeking guidance. Your understanding must encompass that your connection is broad and vast, and that the spiritual realms are of your essence, and that is the main focus. The intention of producing a result in the physical realm must be approached from the broad perspective and extended into the desired result, rather than to focus on the resultant outcome and effect energetic balance that is centric to that result. This is the natural way that most humans first approach this manifestation method, and that is why the results are often spotty. The sights must be set on the nature of the forces which are guiding your results. So, your intentions on the physical planes, which are always your choice, are beginning points on a grid of energetic connection into a vast and powerful realm. The alignment of your intentions with the energy in a way that allows for your desires to be allowed, guiding the energies into vortices in the physical realm, is the key to the power of this means of manifestation. Seeing this, it begins to reach clarity in the mental arena that attempting to manifest in ways that require control of the free will of others or that cause disruption in the reality experience have limited results and such endeavors necessarily must be undertaken through extensive dense effort. Engaging the Angelic forces through first aligning with the frequency of their energies will produce results that are more effortless and flow naturally.
Here is a method for engagement with the Angelic forces in a constructive manner. If you have an intention, a desire in the physical realm, which is normally the stimulus for seeking guidance and assistance from the Angelic realms, then you hold. You keep this energy of the desire present and feel the desire spread through your being, and bring your focus to your heart center. Keep your focus in your heart center. The energy will vibrate. If it does not, then you must consider whether this is really a heart desire, or if it is a passing transient effect, or perhaps a reactionary phenomenon. If the energetic alignment does not resonate with your heart, then energetic means for manifesting are futile, and you should refocus your intentions accordingly. Now with resonance in the heart center, bring your attention, while holding your attention at the same time to the heart center, to the higher frequency realms and allow in the energies of the Angelic forces. Feel the vibration in your heart center and its mergence with the frequency of the Angelic energy. Allow these energies to unite, and from that point onward, feel your innermost, higher vibration, feelings and allow. Trust that what will ensue on the physical realm and all realms which intersect your being in its experiential realities, is aligned with the intention of your heart desire.
Is there validity in the effort to join with other beings and aligning for mutually agreed upon desires, or to support the desires of another?
This is valued, in that more than one being resonating for mutual desires would, in the higher energetic realms, be as multiple voices in a choir. One voice can be beautiful, but more voices in unison and harmony can have even more power and strike chords that are not otherwise possible. In doing this, the same principles apply. The desire in each being must be centered in the heart, and the energy merged with the energies of the higher frequency, Angelic realms. If one person is supporting the desire of another, the desire of that person is for the other to fulfill their desire, and is approached in a similar way. So, yes this is valid, and can be a powerful way for beings to support each other, and to grow together and extend beyond the perception of the third dimensional plane. Communication between beings need only be to a level which aligns both beings toward the common goal. Thus, for instance, grand detail is often not needed. Simply stating “I would like your support” to another being may be sufficient for both beings to be aligned. If there is a mutual vision or desired outcome which is expressible in third dimension terms, then both beings can discuss to the point of being convinced that each other is cognizant of the same vision, and the results sought are therefore aligned. If many earthlings would play with this, the evolution of the earth plane would be the recipient of great benefit.
Is there a means for engaging in this method while immersed in emotional states that challenge the human?
When in the midst of challenging mind states, the desire is for relief from the challenging states, and that this is the real heart desire is often lost in the confusion of the situation surrounding the mind states. Often the reaction is to set the desire on the reversal of a situation that is unpleasant, or to resolve a convoluted problem. However, if you will be able to realize that the utmost importance is to achieve relief from the difficult energetic conglomeration in which you find yourself, then you are able to employ the method which we are describing here. If you are in a state of anger or upset, or sadness or grief, you hold your desire for gravitation to higher mind states, without attaching to the circumstances surrounding them. Feel the vibration in your heart center, and allow the energy to merge with the frequencies of the Angelic realms, and move onward, and allow this to function for you, and as you move along in your linear experience, your feelings will shift accordingly. The learning part here for most of you is to remember that your desire for higher mind states is the key desire, rather than the parameters of the physical realm that conjoin the coordinates of your emotional states. You feel your way to feeling better, when the impulse is sometimes to think your way to feeling better. If you remember this consistently, then it becomes natural to you, and you get to where there is no situation in which you lose confidence in finding your way to higher mind states.
How do we distinguish between when our desires are related to significant conditions in the physical plane, and when they are only related to finding relief from difficult mind states?
The conditions of significance, as you say, will resonate with your heart. This is what we were referring to when we said that you should refocus if your heart center is not vibrating with the desired intention. In cases where you are misguided into thinking that physical plane phenomena are driving your emotional/mental configuration, then you will find that resonance with the heart center is not vibrating. In such cases, bring your attention to your mental/emotional states and allow your desire to align with the gravitation to higher frequency mind states. In such cases, when you reach the higher frequency mind states, you will find your way to the desires that align with your heart center, and thus the more significant desires in the physical dense world.
Now we have related desire for change to the emotional/mental states. What about physical phenomenon, such as somatic symptoms? How may we effect this sort of change, using the alignment and assistance of the energy frequencies of the Angelic realms?
You may use the same principle. You may focus on the desire for a shift in the somatic state, and feel, and center in the heart, and feel the resultant vibration, and thereby know that your desire is aligned with your heart center. If the current somatic state is surrounded with irritation, such as pain, or emotional states that challenge you, then you would align your heart with the desire for relief from those kinds of things. If there is a desire to shift the somatic state, for the sake of improvement in your life, for instance, then your heart center would be coordinated with that intention and you would proceed to vibrate the intention into your heart center and feel the resonance, and thus merge the frequencies with the higher frequencies of the Angelic realms. So, if there is a change in feeling that is at the root of the desire, then the focus should be on relief, or shifting to a higher frequency feeling state, whether this be mental, emotional or physical. If the root of the desire is a change in conditions of your experience, then this should be the focus that is taken into the resonance with the heart center.
Let us move onward!
By which means would it be best for a being on the physical planes to proceed when, desiring to raise frequency to higher vibration states and thereby enter the vast realms of multidimensions, one finds themselves among other beings whose vibrations are lower frequency? Understood that one finds themselves among other beings because of attracting the relavent vibrations, but nonetheless, it sometimes happens that the current configuration of vibration states emanating from the environment in which I find myself is in contrast with the frequency I am seeking, and I am aware that trying to change other peoples’ vibrations is a misguided endeavor. How may I best energetically proceed in this kind of situation?
We would like to introduce a metaphor here which may be lightly connected to the situation you are describing. In the dense planes, you are acquainted with swimming in water, which has a viscosity that is conducive to moving the human form through that medium. For our purposes here consider this analogous to the movement to higher frequencies, when you are left to your own devices, and seek to do such. Now, although you have not experienced the situation of having the human vessel in which your spirit dwells being immersed in quicksand, but your capable imagination is sufficiently proficient to extrapolate how that would contrast with swimming in water. The same methods for swimming in water would not work at all. You would have to negotiate with the quicksand in a totally different way. In fact you would have to shift your focus from swimming to giving priority to staying afloat near the surface, and then more carefully navigate your way to a location where you could find leverage. Now, the quicksand, in our metaphor is the analogous situation to you, being in a state of desire to raise your vibration to a higher frequency, finding yourself among other beings who are vibrating in a different way than you seek to travel. Left to your own devices, you are learning how to allow your vibration to raise, float, to higher frequencies. Among other beings, you could take that approach, but you know that the result would be to float away from the other beings, which is not always the desired result, as you have dense plane relationships that you wish to propagate in some way. The navigation to higher vibrations takes a different form from just allowing yourself to float to a higher frequency. You must, while dancing with others at a lower vibration, still maintain your focus on floating to higher frequencies, and hold this steady, and sustain this effort, and allow the entire situation to shift into what it will shift into. You know that you could always blow off the relationships with others if you wanted to, but you agreed to incarnate on the earth planet at this time, to engage in frequency shift work, and being involved with beings in this way, and taking on the courageous effort to work with shifting frequencies from the very dense toward higher frequencies has tremendous benefit in the work you have decided to undertake. The important thing for you to know and remember is that your effort, your maintaining your vision, through thick and thin, as you navigate in your relationship with other beings, your effort to maintain your vision of high frequency focus, is vital, and is giving energetic life blood to the ecosystem in which your organic being has injected itself. Your skills are developing and you are strengthening inwardly through this, in ways that are only viable in a world of the density in which you are currently incarnate. We realize that there is a tug to just blow off the rest of the group and be a loner and go in the frequential direction that your spirit seeks, yet this tug is there to keep you focused, and to remind you of your truest, deep intentions, as you proceed amongst the other incarnates. In other words, something to keep you from getting too embedded in the earthly human drama is helpful. On top of all of this, your time alone is both valued and necessary to recharge. We realize that this is not easy for a spirit seeking highest energetic states, finding himself among the dense dwellers. Your efforts are valued and appreciated. We remind you of something we recently told you about maintaining your focus on the essence of what the word Love means, at the deepest level of your spirited consciousness, and emanating that from your being. From our vantage point, that is a bright shining light!
Repatterning. Talking about the tendency, relative to the configuration of the human organism as an intersection of mental, emotional and physical coordinates, response mechanisms are triggered by memories and previous responses to situations that arise, as though following the wires of circuits that bypass the present condition of the entire organic being. I have come to view this as patterns that have settled into place, having at one time served a purpose to enable the organism to function with energetic engagement while navigating the time constraints of the physical plane. Yet, as the organism changes, the patterns, remaining ostensibly fixed, appear to shift with regard to their relevance, and can become a hindrance to the present objectives of the active consciousness of the being. I just know, in my own intuitive view, that there is a way to streamline the release or remapping of these patterns so as to keep pace with the dynamics of my changing being. I seek counsel, in this moment, as to how to effect that reconditioning. Please speak to me on this.
Your mention of the similarity of this conditioning to circuits is somewhat of significance, because it is sort of like a messae board where the lights come on to form a complete picture, except the situation you are describing is that of when only a few lights come on, and the energy is not all present. It does have the effect of a circuit being bypassed, because you are not getting all of the energy through. All of the energy from your past experiences is part of your configuration, yet in a given situation you may only be letting a small portion through, and the more recent changes you have instilled might be bypassed. There are a couple of ways you can approach this, and both relate to the methods that are discussed earlier in this message. First, if you wish to clear the old patterns that are more dominant, and are outdated, so that the newer ones, with relevance to your current constitution can come forth more readily, use this intention as your desire, and hold this intention and bring it into your heart center, and feel the resonance, and merge with the higher energy, Angelic forces, and allow the shift to integrate into your being. Try this. You can make a practice of doing this any time you choose. Secondly, when you notice that an old pattern comes forth, one that is not relevant to your current state, the result is usually some form of negative mind state. In that case, you can employ the method discussed above about shifting the challenging mind states. Hold the intention to bring relief from the challenging mind state, and bring this intention into resonance with the heart center, and allow the higher energy Angelic to merge with your heart center, thereby raising the emotional state to a higher frequency from the one that was effected by the outdated pattern. Now, in the higher mind state, you will find your way to new energy for assimilating into your integrated state for the situation at hand. You will become skillful at these methods, and find that the process is not as linear as we may be sounding in describing it. You will become accustomed to the sense of your heart center being in mergence with the higher energy forces, and the process of forming an intention and resonating with the heart center can happen in a flash. So, if you are in the midst of activity and you notice these kinds of pattern effects coming up, you have it at your disposal to activate the method for shifting your mind states. If you have more spaced time for a meditative endeavor, you may work with the shifting of your patterns in a more general way, so as to bring the more relevant, newer patterns you are establishing, to the forefront.
Let us move onward!
Upon working with this, it would seem worthwhile to entertain some effort to focus on the heart center, and merge the energy with the higher frequency energies, on somewhat of a regular basis. Would this be advisable?
If you do more of this, then you are more attuned to using these methods for quickly moving through the manifestations that you are achieving. This is similar to having the foot on the pedal of the accelerator, and at any moment being able to hit the gas and move forward. This keeps you in a realm of clarity, and it is only when you are in a realm of clarity that you may be able to manifest your desires in a way that is aligned with your conscious being. So, if you can make this a practice to do in its own right, then you are well poised to manifest the conditions as we are talking about here.
Let us move onward!