Weekly Channel – Dec 21 – Dec 27, 2014
I am hearing sounds on a continuous basis, with high frequency, which I strongly feel are coming in a way that intersects with the third dimension so as to be perceived as sound in the human figure. At the same time, my hearing with respect to third dimensional phenomena is becoming less acute, and functional in a third dimension way. Many in the physical world would view this as a condition which calls for treatment with third dimension practices so as to force the sense of hearing to align with strictly third dimensional usage. I do not see it this way. I don’t see that there is a need for healing because restoration of the third dimension acuteness does not feel like the right thing to do. I feel that a channel is opening, and that my focus and attention should be to the higher dimensions. I would like some guidance toward transmutation of my being, through perception of the high dimension frequencies and the sense of hearing.
You are on the threshold of knowing what to do here. It is just a matter of stepping across. The high frequency sound you perceive is very prominent and accessible to you at all times. As you allude, many on the third plane would see this as a distraction and would strive to eliminate it. As you are also perceiving, this would be the equivalent of putting in a filter to block out the Voice of God! You may consider that you have the opening to allow your being to merge with this high frequency sound, and thereby merge and transmute your being into the high dimensional frequencies, and thereby perceive that hearing, as a segregated sense, is only a product of the dense plane in which your human vessel dwells. The senses are not segregated in the higher planes, and as hearing in the third dimension is the gateway here, the realm into which the gateway leads is one of higher perception of the senses, let us say the ‘Great Sensory Perception’. The Great Sensory Perception distinguishes not between light and sound as separate phenomena. You are in a realm where perceptors access all sensory phenomena through any portal. You will open to these high frequency sounds and feel them reaching deeply into your being through your Heart center. Use your focus as the Heart center area, rather than your ears, as would be the normal human conditioned response… what do the first four letters of the word ‘Heart’ indicate, anyway?
Now, we are very understanding of the undertaking here from the physical plane perspective. This would be tagged as a condition of hearing loss, and the physical beings would seek to treat it with some means and to reverse the effects. You are challenged to navigate among them with this happening, and to mitigate their interference in your deep inner engagement. There is more going on here, as we are focused on multidimensions and threads from many dimensions intersecting through this experiental focus. Your perception of hearing loss and difficulty in the physical environment in functioning, and doing so in a way that keeps the well meaning earth dwellers from interfering with your transmutation, is really a pathway to further transmutation. At the onset, it appears that you are hearing less and having more difficulty communicating. You must reach deeper. Your ability to perceive meaning from others is not diminishing, but increasing in a bountiful way. There is some skill to be developed. You have the ability to draw out the perception of physical sound, as a thread through the higher frequency sounds you are perceiving. This is at first seeming like drawing a needle out of a haystack, yet your intention, and knowledge that this is possible, as we are now transferring to you, will be the shift for you to reach for this thread and develop the ability for acute transmission of physical sound into perception and understanding, concommitant with direct absorption of feeling of communication intention being transmitted through the being consciousness that is producing the sound in the physical environment. So, what we are saying here is that your hearing is actually going to get better, and be deeply integrated with a communication means that is only understood from the higher dimensions. No need to worry about the physical beings messing with this. You are not going to let that happen and neither are we.
Is there information, or some sort of communication being channeled through the high frequency sound that I am perceiving?
This frequency sound is coming from the infinite dimensions and hence there is infinite knowing integrated in the perception. This is not directly translated into three dimensional understanding. However, your awareness, if you will open to the absorption of the sound and the expansion of the knowing, will expand your being in the higher dimensions. This affects your third dimension experience because the third dimension is a subset of the higher dimensions. Your perception will become more acute, and your abilities for using the sensory perceptions which expand into the more subtle realms will become enhanced. If you trust and meditate directly with the integration of this sound, then your absorption will be maximized. This takes direct will because the effects are not immediately perceivable on the physical level. This is why the sound is appearing to be audible to you, so that there is a means for you to know that this transmission is happening. Your perception of this sound in the way you are understanding is recognition that the veil between the dense world in which your organic being dwells and the higher dimensions has thinned dramatically. Keep working with this.
Let us move onward!