Weekly Channel – Dec 14 – Dec 20, 2014
Is there any way to deliberately stretch and reshape reality space with the mind, for instantaneous effect?
You can reach with the mind into a kind of tunnel, in which your mental faculties will perform, as with physical muscles shaping physical objects, reshaping effects in realms. There is some learning to do in order to understand the effects of this in a way that would be significant and useful on the third plane, rather than to appear random. One thing is that there is great power here, and ones who learn this would necessarily evolve to see its usefulness for higher energy purposes, rather than for mere amusement, or convenience and manipulation in the physical plane. So, in the physical plane, if you are bouncing about in reaction mode to random external events, you would not be cognizant of the frequency on which information for using such methods as those about which you are now inquiring are transmitted, and would not even think to ask questions such as this. Hence, since you are asking this question, your understanding of manifesting and reshaping physical reality space must be progressing to the point where your interaction with strong emotional states such as fear is direct and evoked through vibrational interaction, allowing the circumstances in the created dense reality to occur independently. This is indeed a significant point to have reached, and in some ways what is more important than the answer to your question is that the question itself is being asked. As a grid point among the lightworkers, it is time for you to understand deeper the nature of the work you are doing and how you may employ the use of the knowledge you are now immersing your spirit being into understanding may be used. The key here is to, as a lightworker, engaged in the energetic ascension of your dense world, among others of like experience, your view is now ready to become an energetic abstraction, focusing on the energetic blueprint that envelopes your planet in all dimensions, and meditate on the insight into the interaction of your mental energies deeply integrated with the energetic blueprint, and therein gain direct understanding, infused into your being, producing guidance and motivation and initiation for engaging the mental forces in a deliberate shaping of the physical reality states. When you reach the point of involvement in this sort of work, your concern about the mundane effects of the physical plane are diminishing into triviality. This is both necessary and a natural consequence of the outcome of this kind of energetic interaction. You could say this as though to speak “you can do the physical world thing on autopilot, while directly focusing your energetic integration into the ascension of the physical planet world’. Only in this way, and through this integration, the necessities for shaping the physical reality are drawn out of you through your mental plane intersection with the intersection of the infinite energies with the energetic blueprint of your planet. Simultaneously you will see all of this happening, yet there is not a decision from the human level with the purely strict human mind which determines just how the reality would be manipulated. There is nothing productive in shaping the reality space in that way. Integrating through your mental plane intersection infuses your lightworker consciousness into the process of ascension, and the shaping of the reality space becomes your flowering process through this deliberate conscious engagement.
I see. So, since this is now coming to light, it would appear to me that it is time for me to involve myself in this kind of work. True?
That is so, and part of that process delivers you to the doorstep of crossing the threshold to existing in a state where the concerns of the mundane world are trivialities in comparison to the energetic consciousness that is directing the work you are doing at this time. How do you feel with this regard?
I feel I am ready to cross that threshold. In some ways I feel like it is already there, but there is a proverbial light switch that has to come on, or a proverbial wire that has to be connected to the circuit. I am feeling that this light bulb coming on would be invoked through me actually trying to deliberately engage in the energetic blueprint intersection with my mental plane intersection with the infinite energies.
You are true in this. The third dimension thinking would strike a cause effect to most or all phenomenon, but this is higher dimensional interaction, and engaging in the integration process would constantly invoke all that is needed in order for it to transmit its energy into the multidimensional planes. So, it is time for you to move into this involvement.
I shall. I kind of feel that upon having this conversation, it is already happening, and there is not really any adjustment on the physical level that I need to do, such as to set aside time in the day or to initiate a type of mental exercise that would be aligned with this intention. If feels as though it is more a matter of remembering it is happening and to just allow it to move me, and the mental planes will directly guide my consciousness in how to interact.
At this time, your intuition is acute, and these types of insights can be fully trusted.
Recently I was rereading some of the channel messages in which we were discussing the mental intersection with the threads of light that permeate the being infinitely, and the mental exercise of engaging the vision of the threads of light with the simultaneous feeling of the heart center, as a main focus of meditation. The guidance was to do that at least ten times a day. I see now that such a meditation engagement was paving the way for this work to begin with me. However I attempted to do the meditation ten times a day for maybe a few days, but then became focused on other things. I feel that just by doing that initially the ignition switch was ignited. But, now I feel like it would be productive to make this meditation more active in my day to day life on the physical planet. Any comments on these thoughts?
You are correct about the ignition switch being ignited, and once that is in effect, the conscious intention in the strict third dimension effect is little relevant. The meditation part of it is not grand in the third dimension sense. It is a matter of peering into the infinite within the being and ‘seeing’ that all of this is in effect. Reminding yourself, as you are still in kind of a back and forth mode between the third dimension and the multidimensions, is productive to keep your focus. It is kind of like, even though the aircraft is flying with the autopilot engaged, the pilot still does a sanity check on the instruments as the plane flys. Peering into your infinite center reminds you of the work you are doing, and draws from you interaction in the physical plane that is appropriate for the most causal effects.
About the shaping of reality space and the tunnel that was mentioned earlier, is there any significance to this tunnel, and potentially the conscious observation of the reality shaping process?
This tunnel we referred to is an observational means for witnessing third dimension effects, via the mental plane, for the reality shaping events that are occurring. As you move forth with these integration activities, there will be an interplay in your mental engagement that has a reflective energetic amplifying effect that creates vibrations in the physical world which effect creative results, and the witnessing of these results will therein feed the mental realm, and produce further reflective effects. You will see this procedure in operation, in time. Your conscious mental engagement acts simultaneously as a generator, conductor and amplifier for this process.
If you attune your physical eyes to the subtle, you can see that there are light sources, infinite light sources, emitting from all physical matter. Under circumstances which guide you to this vision, this light emitted from the physical matter is an entry way for your conscious integration with the reality shaping mechanisms. You could settle your mind and your physical state to perceive these light sources, just to get a sense of the energy that is there. You will be drawn into these light sources when high dimensional activities are putting you to work.
Let us move onward!
What messages do you have for me at this time?
You can open up from the throat area. There is a perceived limitation that is a projection of the physical body, which is keeping a chasm between the physical states and the energetic openings. When you envision the opening of the chakra areas, you are envisioning the subtle, unseen, energetic as though it is a different and imaginary world. You would be better served, if you were to envision the throat chakra opening, by seeing the physical flesh opening and thereby the energetic would be part of it. Try this for a minute. You see? Now you see the difference. The physical is in existence only in the creative projection of the energetic, so to view the physical as the real and the energetic as imaginary is completely reversed. Do this for a few minutes with the other chakras as well.
This is somewhat surprising. Another way that the illusion of the dense reality has taken front stage and I have not been realizing it. Are there any other ways that I am tuning into things backwards like this?
Yes, with respect to the planet. Because you are in a gravity field and the surface of the planet is the intersection of your position coordinates with the gravitational field, you believe that your planet center is the center of your world. Your pure existence is different. In your pure existence, the three dimensional spatial coordinates do not fit, and the planet and all aspects of it are spread out in a way that would be described as intersecting consciousness in a nonlinear way. For now, just contemplate this.
Let us move onward.