Weekly Channel – Nov 30 – Dec 6, 2014
The elation of emotional states, it seems, is within reach of the grasp from any vantage point. Is this true?
Yes, this is very much true. The emotional paths from a three dimensional perspective seem to be a linear extension of the present emotional state, and this is an illusion that appears to limit the perspectives from which you may proceed in the dense planes. However, this is an illusion, and you must learn to move beyond the perception of the illusion, or the alternative is to continue to think that your mind states are subject to external stimulus.
Ok, lets say that someone at least has a cognitive understanding of what you are talking about here. How can I proceed to the elative emotional states when for instance, I feel as though my experiential reality is conflicted with interactions with other, ostensibly separate, beings of the humanoid variety? We think and talk amongst ourselves as though our power center is being limited, and that we are subject to the will of the others around us. How can we deal with this and regain the high frequency realms which we seek to dwell?
At any time, you can spiral inward, with a spiral of luminescent energy, and this will take you swiftly to your core energy. From this vantage point, your interactions with the ostensibly separate beings are not subject to lack of power from you. From this vantage, you will see that you are the generator, and that their interactions must proceed along the contours that are defined by you. Take a moment right now and envision this spiral of light (kind of like the way the horn of a unicorn is often depicted, but in a pure, energetic form of light). Use this as a meditative tool, and engage in this vision very often over the next few days. This will integrate into your procedures for interacting with your own creations in a way that will enhance your vision beyond the strictly third dimension view, even when absorbed into the dense events of the third dimension. You must make a deliberate effort to interplay this vision with your conscious mind. Think of it whenever you can think of it. Use the physical phenomena that you witness as you are going through your world as a reminder. When you notice a spiral, notice the inward spiral of light going deep into the core of your being. It only takes an instant. No need to schedule some long period of meditation in your schedule. Just do it in real time, and as often as you think of it. If you can remember before going to sleep, or just when waking up, it would be beneficial.
Now, how does this do anything to get us to the place where we can reach for the elation emotional states, from anyplace we are?
This inward spiral of bright light energy takes you to the perception beyond the limitations of the third dimension. The only, only, only place where this limitation exists is in the third dimension. You are subject to the limitation when you plug into the third dimension. We could simply say to you that you can step beyond the third dimension and perceive the infinite, and indeed we have said those types of statements before, yet you persist in getting caught in the quicksand of the dense world. Now we are giving you this spiral of light, and this has a powerful effect. Beyond that, this connects directly to your power center, and you have mentioned that you are mentally tying the limitation of being directed into specific emotion states by other beings as being tied to your power chakra. You can envision the spiral of light penetrating deep into your being, whatever is going on inside. You may, if you wish, also envision your power, solar plexus, chakra spiraling in a light form. This will give you confidence in your third plane, but is not essential, from where we are witnessing. However, we can see how this crutch may be useful to you. We emphasize though, that this is a limited perspective and takes the form of some kind of protector that serves to allow you to function according to the third dimension parameters. So, we say, use this if you must, but strive to move beyond this and perceive the entire experience from an understanding beyond the limitations of the third plane. As you use this method, with the light spiral, inward, you change. Your false bonds that tie you to the third events loosen and eventually disolve, and then you just clearly see that all you need to do in any situation is allow the elation of emotion to flow into your consciousness and you are there. The third world goes on, yet you and your involvement in it are quite different. Do try this. We think you will be pleased with the results. In face, we think you will be elated!
Will this also have the effect of loosening and disolving patterns that have crystallized because of our past experiences, either in this lifetime or others experienced by our souls?
What do you think? Of course! Those patterns are the culmination of belief systems that give credence to the events of the dense worlds, and are set in place and functional only from the vantage point of those worlds. With the spiral method, you go right to a place where it is obvious that the reality of your experience is created in an infinite dimensional geometric space, and the bonds of the third reality are not bonds at all in that dimensional understanding. So, all of this drama that you are used to… well, get used to not being used to it anymore. This latter statement might indeed be the most challenging aspect of this discussion, because the concept of the spiral of light going into your being is simple and obvious, and sounds like a great idea to you at first. But, its power is not immediately evident and there may be a temptation that this would solve your third dimensional issues in a third dimensional way. Not true. This is not about solving your third dimensional issues. This is about solving the third dimension itself. And, in truth, many of you are so attached to the third dimension and its ways that you are not ready to see a world from which the it is clear that the bonds of the third world are not real. This opens you into a reality so vast that you may feel lost or scared at first, and may beg for the third dimension walls to be set back in place. Know this – that if you are asking these questions, then you are at the point of readiness to step into the realms that the techniques we are conveying will allow you into. So, gather your courage as you use this spiral of light method. The effects will be profound. For those who are not ready to allow the higher dimensions into their conscious field, this would simply be another fantasmic experience, and it would be left at that. You decide, but again we emphasize that you are asking the questions that lead to these techniques, and thus we encourage the path of courage!
I realize that with the kind of frequency shift we are talking about here, the interactions with other third dimension beings would be different, but nonetheless, I want to ask how the connections would change. Would connections with other beings who are shifting in the same way be more prominent? Would the same kinds of dramas with other third world beings be going on, yet I would be impervious to the power struggles I am accustomed to negotiating?
You won’t really care about the same things anymore, so some of the questions you are asking would not make sense from a frequency-shifted perspective. It is kind of like, you move about through the world and there are trees and rocks and shrubs and animals and mountains, etc. All of these have their own consciousness, yet you are not tuned into them all of the time. You might at one point or another, focus on an individual plant or animal or mountain for a brief time, but usually not engage the consciousness of it in a way that makes you fear interference with your own reality perception. You, as a humanoid form, tend to give more notice to other humanoid forms, and thus create rules by which the third dimension events unfold as an interaction. Hence, the power struggles and such, that you are talking about. Well, now, with the frequency shift, from spiraling into your being and expanding your consciousness beyond the third perspective, you are now experiencing interaction with the third dimensional beings in much the same way that you usually interact with the rocks and mountains and plants. You are not tuning into them, except for an occasional third dimension interaction, which relates to a function on the third plane. But, you are coming from a place where the intentions of the others cannot possibly direct the outcome of the reality you are creating. And, yes, other beings who have shifted will shine brighter in your experience because you will be luminous at the same, or similar levels. It is somehow like when you are in a room full of people and everyone is talking and you feel by yourself, and you are interacting with no one, and suddenly someone else in the room and you look at each other and notice each other and make eye contact and you both know that you are consciously communicating on the same frequency. Such interactions are similar to that kind of thing. Experience it for yourself and find out. That is the best way, but this gives you an idea of how things would change.
Will you say more about why courage is needed, and how we can deal with that?
Courage is needed at first because you must cross a threshold into a realm where it will first feel as though the security you are accustomed to has been removed. Just as the bonds of the third dimension are false, there are walls and boundaries of the third dimension that are also false, yet nevertheless you are used to them. When you first step out and they are not there, it can be scary because you know no place where you can turn to hang on and get a secure and comfortable feeling. To face this, the first step is to know that it is like this, and then you at least know that you are on a path to some kind of challenge of this nature. Secondly, you will reach a point where inner encouragement is needed to move onward, and you will realize that there is not a sentient being who can be of assistance in that case. You must rely on the higher dimension beings, and on your own inner will. It can actually be of high use if you will simply remember why you are asking the questions you are asking, which have lead to this discussion. You are weary of the hassles and dramas of the third world, and it is time to step beyond that. Do you want to turn back, and find yourself in the same place? If you do that, you will find yourself asking the same questions, and facing the same path of courage. Encouragement is needed to move forth on this without looking back, and without delay. The scary stage is only a stage. In a brief time, the new way of being will feel quite natural to you, and functioning in the third dimension will no longer be limited to three dimensions, and that is quite a revelation!
Let us move onward!
What is ego?
Ego is the involution of the energetic essence of the being. You can picture a bubble which exists in three dimensional space. The surface of the bubble must have tension in order to exist as a bubble. This is a necessity for the bubble’s existence. Similarly, the involution of the energetic propagation of the being in the third dimensional plane is a necessity in order for the being to be perceived as a separate being in the third dimensional plane. This is the ego, in essence. Now, when the components of the nature of beings form a conglomeration that defines the being at some intersection of space and time coordinates, the nature of the ego carries distinct attributes, about which people give attention and refer to cumulatively as ‘ego’. Often the term is used to characterize the imprint that a being has implanted in the third dimensional plane. The size of the ego is relative to the credence given to the achievements or abilities from the purely three dimensional plane perspective. This is why the transcendence of the ego is a dimension of the path to expansion into the energetic realms. Focusing on and giving credence to matters of the ego is akin to entrapping ones self strictly within the third dimension. Doing this is a sure way to intersect coordinates that entrap ones self in emotional states that challenge the third dimension being.
How could one in the third dimension transcend the ego, or involution of the energetic essence, and thereby continue to function within the dense world yet encompass awareness of the vast interdimensional realms of the true being?
You can attune your focus to the involution itself, and feel the rush of energy turning inward. As you do this, you are aware that this rush of energy is a parameter that is functional for third dimension existence, and thereby inflate into the awareness of the energetic essence in which the third dimension being is drawn. In this awareness, all sensory parameters become one. Sound becomes vision, and vision becomes sensory sound. The tactile becomes the unification of all sensory organs, of the third dimension and of infinite dimensions beyond. Any sensory parameter can be a lead toward this, but you can perceive the involution itself without taking that by-road. By becoming aware of that which is necessary to function in the third dimensional way, the awareness of the third dimension itself within the infinite dimensions comes into being. This is a dawning of awareness, to be assumed as your readiness allows, but this method of awaring yourself to the involution process of your energetic being leads you on that path. As you do this, your involvement in the third world in the ways of the ‘ego’ will become different, as the usual associations with the typical third world ego arise out of emphasis on the third reality as a stand alone entity. The awareness of the infinite dimensions carries you into a realm of different priorities, and the matters of the ego seem irrelevant to you, for the most part. You can still participate, but your investment in the outcome is not of significance for your continued agenda on the third plane.
Let us move onward!