Question: I go through energetic, mental and emotional healing processes the best I can, and expect to have a healthy physical body, and yet things show up that indicate imbalance in the body. If I focus on the imbalances, it feeds them and gives them reason to exist. I get that. On the other hand, when the arm is throbbing for no apparent reason, it is difficult to just completely take attention off of it and at the same time approach the restoration of energetic balance, pulling light and energy through the mental plane. How do I work with all of this and come to a place of confidence in effecting my own healing and energetic balance?
There are a few things about all of this that may help. One clue is in your wording, when you say the arm is throbbing for no "apparent" reason. Have you ever had a minor cut or scratch, let's say on the finger or hand? And have you observed that in a day or two it heals? After a number of experiences like that, you become accustomed to a minor cut or scratch healing and when that happens you have the expectancy of healing and little or no doubt in your body's ability to heal that. This, and other cases where you have a correlation between something that happened to the body and some condition that results from it, are cases where there is an "apparent" reason for the imbalance, and the expectancy has developed that it will just heal, and there is little angst about it beyond doing the reasonable things to keep from agravating the condition. This "expectancy" is energetic, is more subtle than the physical and even emotional energy of your physical plane of existence. Yet, it is powerful to a vast degree, and it would serve to observe internally, at a deeper meditative level, the nature of this expectancy. With some practice and sustained effort and will, and a dash of cultivating belief and faith, the ability to invoke this energy of expectancy can develop in addition to the degree it kind of happens automatically through natural physical experiences. Some patience and persistence may be needed to become skilled in this, to be able to see progress in persistent or chronic somatic conditions which have no obvious correlation to actions or habits in the physical world. If you at least start with the simple things, like even if you bump your elbow on a doorway and you have that initial pain, but you know no damage is done, you just know that the spike of pain will subside. Try to remember to look deeper and get familiar with the energetic nature of your 'knowing' that the spike of pain will subside. Try to get a feel of deliberately invoking this 'knowing' energy, and the allowing nature of the associated expectancy, at first with simpler things like a minor scrape, bump or bruise, or even a common cold, which you would usually know from experience that it will heal in just a matter of time.
There is difference in connotation between the words expectancy and expectation, as usually used in physical environments. Expectancy implies a confidence and knowing of what will happen, without an implied consequence if it does not. Expectation implies a dependency on the outcome, which can put pressure on the conditions that are expected to produce the outcome, and possibly have negative consequences if the expected outcome is not realized. Expectancy feeds the desired result in any case. Expectation is neutral with the desired result, but feeds the undesired result if it goes that way. There is a big difference here, and it plays into the mental integration of higher dimensional energy into effective self healing. It is like when you flip a light switch, you have the expectancy that the light will come on. Usually this has been cultivated unconsciously through past experiences of having the light come on. When the time comes and the light doesn't come on, with expectancy, there is not very much consternation and you check the light bulb and/or circuit breaker, etc., and find the root of the problem. With expectation, when the light doesn't come on, there is more of a reaction of negativity, like anger that the light didn't work. You would probably go through the same kind of process to get to the bottom of the issue, but at the more subtle energetic levels you would be broadcasting on the mental plane to the Universe that you are invoking more of the kinds of experience of not having your expectations met.
With the subtlety of the mental plane energy, and the rapidity of transmission of the mental plane energy, along with the 'slow as molasses' rate of results in the physical plane showing up, developing the patience to integrate the energy of expectancy into all facets of translating intentional will into manifestation, including somatic healing, is a very powerful thing, worth giving some credence to. This will allow you to bridge the gap caused by the 'physical plane filters' that ostensibly clip out the correlation between the mental plane energy and physical results. You will learn that your beliefs and expectations are developed and can be deliberately instilled by your own desires. Moving forth with intention correlated with inspired action, along with open ended expectancy that is not reliant on consequences for the outcome, will help to lead you to have confidence in deciding your beliefs based on your own preferences, and integrating them into your life experience.
Final point for now is that you can make use of, and expand, in many ways of the things you do know either from common belief or personal experience that has been consistent enough to instill belief. Such as change. You wouldn't easily be able to find anyone who would argue that things are always changing. Knowing this, you can use it to your advantage. A mathematical analogy may be useful here, in the concept of vectors. Vectors are usually represented as arrows to indicate direction and a magnitude of some quantity, such as speed or volume. In knowing that things are changing, loosely keeping in mind the visual concept of the vector arrows, and having an idea of your expectancy for how you would like things to change, such as the direction you would like to progress in the integrated physical and feeling states of your organic body, you can align your intention with a directional expectancy of how things will proceed, and allow, allow, allow. It is the allowing without getting caught up in the observation of results (expectation) that is probably the most mentally gymnastic part of this, which can require persistence and patience to entrain into your being. You do have the advantage of knowing that from each moment in space and time, you can count on change, and you can integrate continuously, your energetic intention of how things will change. You may also find that some expectations and beliefs have developed which do not align well with your expectancy of change, and there is nothing immutable about them. No reason to keep things installed in your energetic-move-forward-in-change mechanism that are anything but aligned with your intended direction of change.
Comment1: With regard to expectancy and allowing, I understand the ideas, and when I try to use them, I find that it feels right to me at the time when I am focusing, but sometimes as the day progresses, and the 'real world' digs in to my experience, I go back to feeling the same way, and feel doubtful, and my confidence has been dashed. Are there some ideas for how I can find a way to focus consistently?
Understanding that the power of the mental activity is far greater than it appears if viewed merely through the coupling of the feeling states that relate to the mental engagement, will be useful to keep in mind. What drives the contrast between energetic healing and physical results is the subtlety of the energetic essence in contrast to the physical world. Being part of the physical world carries with it a tendency to make its form of energy more prominent. Scientists have exposed that physical, dense matter, is pure energy, just as is light. It is just in a different form. There is subtle, cosmic energy everywhere, going on around us, in varying ways, in varying forms. The secret to overcoming the apparent dilemmas of the physical world, including healing symptoms that stymie the doctors, getting things done within time constraints that appear impossible, finding a way to higher frequency emotional states amidst a seemingly hopeless pool of negativity emanating from other beings, is to attune to the energy in forms more subtle than the physical matter and even the emotional energies of the physical world. Attune to gravitate to where the subtler energies can be perceived - seen, felt, known, believed - and allow, in time, the attunement to grow. The attunement we are talking about is invoked through your mental engagement. Mentally focusing on the subtle energy in some way is essential to enhance its prominence. This is easy when you are feeling something, or even have a mental focus that compels a cognitive recognition of the credence to subtler energy forms. The tricky part is those times when the 'real world' just seems so damn real, and it appears and feels like no degree of mental focus on light or vibration or anything else we keep talking about, will have any effect. What do you do then? Well, one thing to keep in mind is that, when things get that far off track and you feel that you are faced with just an overwhelming flood of physical world things, what is there to lose in giving a brief thought to your inner light center? It doesn't take any time and there is no requirement to persist and have some minimal level of vibration feeling or perception of things changing. It is always your choice what to think about. A few experiences of correlating some results, usually of feeling better about things in some way, with your mental shift in engagement, and the confidence starts to build, and your prominence of the subtler energies in your life grows, and your trust in the effects of your intentions along the mental plane grows as well.
This is one reason why we suggested paying attention to the healing process when you have a minor scrape or scratch, such as on the finger, or even when you have a momentary bump of the elbow on a doorway or something, where you know the spike of nerve response will subside. You can both perceive the mental dynamics that go on, such as the effect of impatience in wanting the pain in the elbow to subside vs the allowing and turning your attention to something else to find in a few minutes that the bump on the elbow is all but forgotten. This is the same principle, applied in a situation where you know the healing will take place. This opens a doorway to understanding and building confidence which will play into your remembering to give credit to the mental thought process, even when it feels so remote that it would have any effect.
Now, with regard to focus, as the mind moves so fast in comparison to the physical, or emotional, states, the opening for focus is the mental energetic stream. Just as expectancy disengages the expectation for results, focus is powerfully employed through engaging mentally and disengaging from expectation for some observable effect. In addition, as we are talking about inter-dimensional energy, the spatial constraints that are known in the physical world would have an anchoring effect to the constraints of that world, and for that reason we recommend a focusing process that would not have a spatial dependency, yet would be attentive to your conscious center in some way. We suggest bringing your attention to a pinpointed point on the body, as an entryway, such as the heart center, or the solar plexus, or the third eye. What feels intuitively right to you should be honored. It need only be momentary, but in doing so, you have an anchoring effect, based in the mental plane, for your higher dimensional intentions. If you are in the midst of activity, it can be in a flash that you bring your attention to your heart center, and as you develop more with the subtle energies, this serves as a trigger for the subtler effects you are intending to take place. As time goes on, your being and the energy of engagement of your being become attuned to your intentions, and the subtle becomes a more tangible source of power.
Perhaps one of the most major challenges here is the retraining of the mind to let go of the habit to seek out results. This is not easy because at some point the observation of results usefully comes into play, but if results are looked for too often, their apparent lacking can deplete the confidence in the endeavor to try. An analogy from the physical world may help here. If you have ever done a hike, climbing uphill on a mountain, and noticed that as you climb you can perceive the floor of the valley below as a measurement of how far you have gone upward. If you were to do that upon every step, the difference in altitude would be too fine for you to notice any difference and the observation process would be discouraging, feeling as though your effort were not bearing fruit. However, if you make a point of turning around only, say, once every twenty minutes, then you notice how much you have accomplished, and feel good about it, and inspired to move...