Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 12 – Jul 15, 2016
Energetic breathing, you can see, if viewed as modeled by the physical breath with inhale/exhale analogies, is subject to being imposed with the dialectic filters of the world in which physical breathing is relevant. Truly, energetic breathing is moving in multidimensional channels and is not subject to a limited in/out mode with respect to the being that you perceive. The in/out is a physical world thing, and we have introduced this concept as an analog of breathing for the perspective of interacting energetically in that way, because breathing you understand, and inducing energetic fusion in infinitely possible ways concommitant with your reality of physical existence can be effective consciously. Energetic breathing is energy moving, and your perception while going through your physical world is as such. We showed you the concept in relation to your physical breath because the feel of the directional travel of energy with respect to the surface tension interface of your physicality is relevant. You can now learn, feeling subtly enough to perceive the energetic movement, to direct the energy transmission inward to your being, outward from your being into your external precipitation, along with multiple other possibilities. At this time you can deepen your understanding of energy direction, which we are bringing to light here. We shall continue to use the term 'energetic breathing', or 'energetic breath', as this is a useful reference and can quickly bring your attention to the interface between the finite/physical and the infinite, which the energetic breath provides you. We sought to clarify here the use of this term in its expansive variations which derive from the physical breath analogy, so as to keep from limiting your involvement in the conscious engagement by association with the analogy.
Why we have been directing you into your Heart Center Vibration is related to a process of involution which cyclically transmits the energy form of your inter-dimensionally intersected reality with the third dimension into your inner energy center, and from that central focus is the live process of generating your new creations. The facial portal through which you build your energetic lattice that filters the effective creation determines how the new precipitations are constructed, and thus if you have patterned beliefs about how things will be, they will be constructed accordingly. The involution process clears and melts down the current states, as an alchemical process, and everything begins anew. If it appears to be the same old stuff it is because the energetic lattices you have in use are acting as a mold. Your focus on Heart Center Vibration takes your consciousness directly to the stream of the involution process, and allows you to directly feed the current state of things into your harmonic energy stream. Your use of the Chakra Dialectic Unification Meditation will allow your being to clear the buildup of lattice-like structures created from the cross-coupling of the chakric imbalances that result from your finite dwelling, clinging to the dialectic poles that illuminate your energetic connections. In your world and your current social level of intelligence, there is so much talk about clearing and getting rid of things that it may feel unnatural to you to take the conscious path of directing all of some configuration of precipitation, much of which causes you some kind of discomfort, and direct it right through your Heart Center. However, if you will remember that this is a direct path to your energetic harmonic center, which will smelt all of the vibration into resonance with your being, and dissipate the transient effects, then maybe you can see the point of it all.
The involution process is always ongoing, yet your more deliberate conscious involvement in it correlates the resultant effects with resonating vibration to your inner being, and that basically translates into the degree to which the results of your created reality direct your immediate experience to higher mind states. You can make direct use of the involution process as you wish, as well. If your precipitated configuration is perceived to be a norm of medium to vibrate in resonance with lower mind states, mentally liquify the precipitation into energetic vibration state, and thus invoke the flow into the involution through your Heart Center Vibration. This, while knowing and perceiving that your high frequency bright light of inner energetic resonance is transmuting all that comes through the Heart Center into its natural frequency resonance, and thus shaking out the effects of low vibration. Take anything like fatigue, worry, anxiety, pain, results you don't like, and allow them to gather, just as you watch the water and all of the particles in it gather prior to going through a waterfall, and convert to vibration state, and feel all of this flowing involutionarily through your Heart Center. Thus allow this to take its course, and maintain awareness of your central energetic resonance chord. Do this more and you are likely to like the results of how your three dimensional world proceeds. When your perceptions feel more to be aligned with your resonant frequency, this is all still going on, but just less of the low vibration resonance to shake out. It is still enjoyable and beneficial to perceive the involution process during all of these times, so remember to do this.
Some of this is just easier when you are coming from a low vibration precipitation environment, because there is discomfort and that motivates you to do something and you can think "ah, that Heart Center alchemy thing", and go through the process we are talking about. However, when your energetic state shifts and the low vibrations are dissipated, and you are flying high again, you still find yourself on the dense plane amidst low frequency generating effects, and your highly resonating state is traveling at high velocity through this medium and seemingly on a collision course with another low vibration quagmire. Maybe there is something that can be done about this so you don't have to keep going to such a low vibration extreme to navigate the finite dense world in a state of higher resonant frequency.
You can use as a comparison, in your physical way, the way light traverses through a transparent or translucent medium, such as glass or water. The light changes to be slower when passing through the medium and the characteristics are diverse as the energy scatters and shifts vectorial direction. Light, upon re-emerging into open space, having passed through the medium, again becomes in its condensed form of energy, unaltered in its essence for having passed through the medium. If, rather than passing through the substance, light skims the surface of the substance at an angle, it is reflected and shifts direction yet retaining its energetic essence. As a being of light, you can take some clues from light physically in regard to your physical interactions with the finite dimensions. Notice that the altering impact upon reflection allows continued propagation in energetic essence whereas immersion into density offers scattering and diffusion. Give some contemplation to the analogous of reflection and immersion of your being, in a higher dimension frequency state, with respect to the finite dimension medium. With regard to reflection, bring to mind the inner mirror, of which we have spoken from time to time...
Reflect on just this, use your inner mirror as a means of reflection for just this. How mindful you are in determining whether you navigate the physical environment via immersing your energetic being through the medium, or whether you skim the surface and dynamicize yourself through direction shifting and energetic transformation so as to skim the surface tension level of the interface of the medium with inter-dimensional space. Nominal means of operation for your buddies there on the finite planes is typically to unconsciously immerse in the medium, and become entangled in the mindset that the finite existence is the ultimate of reality and thus the source of all enjoyment and fulfillment. This renders the spiritual being to be a shell of nothingness that is not attended, and the result is a game of frequency oscillations between the dialectic poles that form the grid of the finite plane intersecting with infinite dimensional existence. Becoming of higher frequency inner resonance state, and of inter-dimensional awareness, and of higher consciousness, mindlessly miring yourself into the dense matter isn't going to work anymore. The contrast will be immense and the discomfort due to the surface tension will be very intense. This is akin to the difference between jumping into a swimming pool from a diving board, and having no real notice of the surface tension of the water, and striking the surface of the ocean at high speed, having been released from an altitude of several hundred feet. The latter case would challenge the survival of the physical being, and the former would be relatively seamless. So be it, too, with the interaction with the finite media from a raised inner resonance chord. Raising your inner harmonic resonance and raising your consciousness must go together, coupled. Now, reflect on that too! Take these reflections, via your inner mirror, inter-dimensionally...