Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #12

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 9 – Jul 12, 2016

How can you enhance a direct relationship with this inner harmonic energetic chord we keep talking about?  As this connection is inter-dimensional, approachment from the finite direction would first attempt to seek connection with finite sensory parameters - sentience, vision, vibration, cognizance...  The dimensional reality of this entity is hugely more vast than this, and experiential realization entails vast expansion into inter-dimensional sensory images.  Wearing the finite hat filters the sensory parameters beyond the finite ones, and your way of categorizing these is to place them in a mental classification to which you refer as 'imaginary'.  Hence, the indication as sensory images.  This is a habitual definition of the finite world that is not really needed.  All this does is enable you to function and define boundaries so that you can exist as a finite crawler among the precipitated definition of the finite boundaries.  We would like to take you to knowledge space for expanding your sensory perception, with the filtering mechanisms placed in their perspective, and allow your expansion in inter-dimensional space to proceed with less inhibition.
Aligning your waveforms of knowledge with the edge of your three dimensional understanding, the stretch of your linear mind to understand your deepest inner energy stream.  Clear of doubt and inhibition, bring your mental, imaginary state to the engulfment of the concept of the inner energy stream, centric to your being.  It is the clearing, the quieting of the third dimension noise, which generates the waveform alignment between your knowledge frequency and the launching pad for inter-dimensional knowledge.  Encapsulate the energy packets of knowledge around the concept of harmonic energy chord, emanating from your inner being, and allow the knowledge packets of energy to propagate your mental plane into inter-dimensional space.  The key word here is allow.  Your linear mind does not need to figure out inter-dimensional space navigation!
Realizing some attention on the concept of knowledge frequency, resonating with your own being, you step to the boundary of the division between three dimensional space and inter-dimensional space.  Knowledge expanded inter-dimensionally, without being filtered for linear mind understanding, can enter your mental plane arena this way, and if your energetic waveforms are aligned, and your clarity coordinates will allow you to accept reason with multichanneled awareness, the propagation of knowledge with your being as a transmission state is possible.  We are guiding you to this with respect to gaining knowledge of your inner harmonic resonance frequency chord, yet the knowledge base is infinite.  You just need something to guide you into wondering...
Your resonant chord knows you.  Your inclination would probably be on a quest to know your way to your resonant energy frequency, as though it is a distant or elusive entity.  It is there and it knows you.  Knowing this, your conscious bringing to your edge of knowledge frequency in the third dimension plane is a matter of relaxing and letting.  Clearly gain the mental frequency of this knowing, and let it be you.  Your sensory perceptors from there connect, and drive the channels of the experiencing through your being states.  Allow this to sink in for now, and approach your connecting with your inner energy source in this way.  It is of higher dimensions, and it knows how you fit in.  Allow it to dissolve you into inter-dimensional space, rather than to try to cram it into your three dimensional space.
Seeking knowledge has a similarly different paradigm.  Seeking implies that you, linearly minded third dimension being, are looking, going outward for something that is equivalently parametrized so as to be assimilated into linearly minded understanding.  If knowledge is truly your quest, clarity should be your preparation, and from the point of clarity coordinates, allow your knowledge to 'know' its way to your being, absorbing your being into its focused essence.  You from there become an instrument in its applicability within a finitely filtered existence.  This is truly the assimilation of knowledge.  Many, many ways this will change your paradigm of existence in your plane.  Finding your way to clarity is of essence here.
The opacity vs transparency of your mental energetic state is subject to the conformations of lattice structures which concord with your resonance.  The accumulation of states, such as fear, or something that gravitates to the bias of poles of your dialectic states, creates effects that filter the light entering your being, and thus your states of clarity.  You can function and survive as an organic being in such a state as complete opacity in this way.  Thus, the spiritual clarity of which we speak is not directly a component of your organic survival.  As such, there is not a reason for you to automatically find your way to clarity in that way.  It is through the extending of your mental energy, into the infinite dimensions, and the wish for assimilation of knowledge that your motivation for clarity arises.  As you can, you gradually clear the elements which comprise your lattice state of translucency/opacity.  Directly you can unify the noticed states of dialectic bias.  Your regular engagement in the processes such as the Chakra Dialectic Unification Meditation know clarity's way to your being, and allow this transformation to take place.
It can help you, when leaping to and fro in the finite dimension, to view the connection to your centrum energetic harmonic state as a chord of luminous energetic vibration congruent with your dimensional being coordinates' inner core.  This is why we often speak of directing you to the 'central' energetic harmonic chord, so that from linear mind vantage, you can grasp and gain the opening to step to this connection with the higher dimension realms.  You must keep in mind, however, that this is all happening in this purposeful way, and that the energetic harmonic resonance state is of more vast nature than the linear mind first grasps.  This connection to realms from beyond the finite dimensions will generate effects, upon which finite dimension perception, with application of translucency and opacity, would construe as disjointed or not making sense or seeming weird or phantasmic.  Allow your linear mind to expand, and your finite dimension being to thin the surface tension veil as effects such as this arise, rather than to go chasing the avenues of the isolated effects that appear.  You can be triggered into the finite view, at first pretty easily, by the root chakra dialecticities - such as when something happens that would appear to threaten the continuance of organic life when viewed from the finite, filtered viewpoint.  If you maintain mental focus on your knowledge waveforms, which stretch your consciousness threads into the inter-dimensional realms during these kinds of experiential phases, and mentally inject the energetic chords of all of your energy centers to the central energetic chord, and go ahead, all the while, to tending to the root chakra's survival demands, you develop your multichannel capability and thus your ability to inter-dimensionally transport your being through intersection with three dimensional life.  The Chakra Dialectic Unification Meditation helps to entrain you to seam-free be involved in your energetic snapshot in these kinds of ways.  We encourage you to keep doing this meditation on a regular basis, several times a day, for this reason, among others.
You may be able to spot your inner energetic chord, internally, as a silvery flash, kind of lightning bolt like.  Having this connection can be of utmost use for you whilst entertaining your dances among the dense planes.  In the meditation we have described, this is one use, to allow you to see and feel the connection with your chakra energy centers.  Striking resonance is another.  If you can focus your attention on striking internal resonance, in a shift from the conglomeration of dense plane phenomena which could create a discordant configuration of intersection with your conscious perception, there is a powerful about-face that will happen very swiftly in your state of interception of dense plane coordinates.  Flashing to awareness of your inner energy chord strikes you to the place of resonance striking swiftly and is penetrating to all of the muck which appears to bog things down, as emanation from the finite plane reality creation.
During states of more relative contentment, when the discordant configuration situations are settled down, drawing your attention to the silver flash, and spending some attentive time feeling, seeing, perceiving your inner flash, energy resonance chord, drawing yourself inter-dimensionally, as the energy leads you, will both be enjoyable and will serve to propagate the strength of your nature as a being, with your energetic resonant state emitting from your dimensional interface.  In earlier stages of doing this, it may appear to generate what you would tend to call healing crises, and not necessarily with your own somatic configuration, but with the projected reality around you.  This, as a result of having developed patterns of the dialectically constructed lattice of translucency or opacity occurring during times of unawareness of your own natural frequency resonance.  Thus, you may have some comfort level aspects of your environment uprooted, and have your concentration focusing on your own resonance challenged.  Have courage and stay this course.  You know, this is the path and it is worth it, as are you.