Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 6 – Jul 9, 2016
In the course of navigating a three dimensional life with expanding inter-dimensional awareness, where does the perspective of individual gratification fit into it all? Should you make it a priority to do what it takes to feel good, at all consequence? Should you defy the physical world in the interest of the freedom of inter-dimensional expansion? Should you be a fair weather physical being - enjoying the physical world when things are going your way, and turning to the inter-dimensional awareness when things go awry?
If you would like our take on this, inter-dimensional awareness should always be given first attentiveness. Your finite world is in existence as a consequence of conscious deliberation and thus is a consequence, rather than a source. Much misleading is introduced when the finite coordinate system is introduced as a boundary mechanism for consciousness itself. This can result in viewing the finite world as a source, when it really is not... the planet is a source for food, other beings are a source for comfort and security, etc. All of these are true when viewed from the finite world scope of extension. As we have discussed in recent messages, the scope of extension, viewed this way, has the resultant effect of dialectic perception, creating energy forms that are poled with opposing concepts, and from which fragmented crystalline energetic structures create frameworks that influence the quality of your finite experience. Seeing the finite world as a source has a necessity to drive oscillating between opposites in this way, and if your ultimate investment in gratification is thus engaged, you are continuously on a "to hell and back again" course.
So, how to re-paradigm your mental plane intersection with a finite world so as to realize that world as an objection rather than a generator of energy? One thing that will help, over time, is for you to perform the Chakra Dialectic Unification Meditation, which we introduced recently, on a regular basis. Another thing you can do is to take in a new paradigm in your breathing procedure, establishing an 'energetic breathing' of consciousness. It can be in synch, but doesn't have to be, with your physical breathing process, and can be congruent, but doesn't have to be, with your physical body. Feel the vibration of energetic, inter-dimensional life force, emanating from all dimensional space, seeping through 'energy pores' permeating your entire scope of being. Realize that this is an autonomic operation, just as your physical breathing is. You would not automatically find your way to noticing the energetic breath if conscious-confined to finite dimensions. Attentiveness to the energetic breath is necessarily expansive into inter-dimensional awareness. For this reason, practicing attentiveness to this breath embraces the paradigm shift we are talking about, with regard to realizing your true source of energy, from which the physical world in which your organic being dwells is a product. The reference to the inflow and outflow of inter-dimensional energy through your being as 'breath' is warranted because the parallels are close, and your physical breath is an awesome teacher for the kind of mental training that is appropriate in understanding the energetic connection. The autonomic aspect of both types of breathing processes is one parallel. The unlimilted levels of ability to deliberately engage your own volition in the breath process is another parallel. Merging the volitional engagement with the observation of autonomic breath process leads to explosive mental expansion of being, which experientially is ineffable.
Just as when you find the need to accelerate the physical breathing process, you can, at times when you wish to expand your inter-dimensional awareness, accelerate your energetic breath with varying levels of inensity. When you have that 'beam me up please' feeling going on, you can do this, and shift your awareness outside of the physical confinement. In those kinds of moments, the 'noise' of the dense may be such that your awareness of energetic breath seems to have a gap between the thought vibration and the feeling vibration, yet this should and must not be a deterrant. Never underestimate the power of the thought, and try to get over the thought that you must be directly, densely feeling something for it to really be happening. Putting forth the thought in this way during those physical environment yang times has an effect on your feeling ability during your focus when the physical density is more on the yin side. Unlimited, interesting, expansive, imaginitive things can happen in conjunction with your direct conscious involvement in your energetic breathing. Remembering to remember to direct your focus on the energetic breath even when it seems like a distant thought has a profound effect on the times when it is seeming much more than that.
Your experiences with energetic breathing will fluctuate as you intentionally play with synchronization with your physical breath. You can breathe totally in synch with your physical breath, or you can alternate the phase and be in opposite synch. The mind expandingness of observing these variations is to be experienced. It will at first take some subtle acuity to distinguish the energetic breathing from the physical lung breathing you are so used to noticing. It may seem awkward to perceive these in anything other than being in synch mode. As you pay attention, you will notice the distinction between these, and that intrinsically there is not a coupling directing their cyclic processes. Continue and continue and you get more of the feel for it. Some of the real power in this breathing expansion is evident during those times when you feel 'land-locked' into the dense world and as though there is no sign of relief any time soon. If you have adepted yourself to the point of feeling your energetic breathing process, you will have at your disposal the ability to immediately shift your understanding to draw into your energetic being's pores energy channels from the infinite reaches, and promptly initiate a configuration shift with regard to the 'land-locked' state. Your wisdom in activating your mental energy during these times is a determining factor in the power which drives your transitioning feeling states.
To gain perception of your energetic breathing process, one method we recommend is to multi-channel your mind, whilst your physical breathing process is ongoing, to watch the energetic breathing process in its autonomy. As there is not the direct correlation with your organic survival, the distinction is invigorating in your fidelity in perception. Some of this type of experience leads to your immediate ability to distinctly perceive the energetic process, and selectively work with the deliberate vs autonomic aspects of this breath. Keep in mind, inquisitively for now, that your energetic breathing autonomy cycles would correlate with the phasing of your fundamental resonant frequency, about which we have been speaking. Watch for insight into this correlation, as your sensitivity to the vibration states of your energetic breath develops.
Here we are presenting another means you can use with your mind/feeling interaction with the finite dimensions, which will help to inter-dimensionalize your world's existence. We have talked some in the course of our discussions about the 'surface tension' of the finite creation that you know of as your world. This is as a bubble within inter-dimensional space. If you subtlize your attentiveness to notice your energetic harmonic inner frequency chord, rooting you into inter-dimensional space, and at the same time notice your positioning at the inter-transmission point of the surface tension bubble of the finite world. Feel, perceive this, and auto-generate your fundamental harmonic energetic frequency chord directly along the surface of the surface tension bubble, allowing the frequency wave forms to propagate in their own way, in every direction outward, and inward, from your being as you are consciously intersecting the veil between the finite and the infinite. Generating frequency energy transmission from awareness of your fundamental inner frequency, infinitizes your consciousness, while your awareness that this is happening at the threshold between the finite world of illusive perception and your true infinite spirit impresses the stamp on your consciousness of unification of infinite energy with your finite world of perceptive illusion. This does more too in the form of navigation within the world of illusive perception. Harmonizing your fundamental frequency chord along the threshold between the finite and the infinite, the surface tension, entrains your finite world environment to align with your harmonic frequency, and allows for clarity in perception of the transitive nature of the energetic waves that are emanating from other elements of the finite world, without consideration of being in phase with your inner being. We have recently spoken about channeling vibrational residue from the extraneous finite existence through your Heart Center and into vibrational state there within, and gathering the vibration into a spreading of energetic striking of your inner gong, resonant frequency chord. This, in unison with the harmonic resonance rippling along the surface tension bubble, adds a power factor. Use this knowledge as your own volition leads you.