Weekly Channel – Nov 23 – Nov 29, 2014
We refer to anxiety as that feeling when we are uncomfortable, and there isn’t always some evident effect going on in life that relates to it. There could be fear or worry or some other difficult emotion going on, and it may or may not relate to something in the physical plane that bothers us. What is this about, and what can we do about it? This causes life in the dense world to be strenuous and really not very enjoyable, sometimes.
Have you ever adjusted the window shades in a window, when the sun is shining in and it is a bit too bright in the room? When you adjust the shutters, there is a point where too much sun is being let in, and there is a point where it is just right, and then there is a point where they are too much shut and not enough light is let in. The experience that you call anxiety is happening because of a similar effect resulting from your filtering out the infinite light in order to carry on a life in dense existence. As light beings, particularly for those of you who have deliberately chosen a duration of life in the dense planes so as to give assistance to the transformational effects of the evolutionary times approaching your planet, you are positioned to adjust filters in your organic being which allow in the right amount of light to carry on your work as light beings, and to still employ your organic life form in an earth human way. The fine tuning of the adjustment in this filter is very narrow, and it takes adept skill to get it at just the right level. Too much light coming in makes the earth existence superfluous and you cease to be motivated to continue with the work you have set out to do. Not enough light and you get to feeling this anxiety thing that you are talking about. Viewing all of your life experience from the high dimensional energy state, as your true being is always doing, the easiest approach is to adjust the filters on the portion of the spectrum which allows too little light, because the alternative can burn out the organic life form and there goes the experience. So, many of you are continuously adjusted on the side of experiencing this anxiety. That is why you ‘sensitive’ people (light beings are the sensitive ones), often experience so anxious states. So, that is essentially what this is about. You must make effort to find yourselves on the point of the filter adjustment where you are letting just enough light, but also feeling good about things and not this anxiety. You see this as ‘work’ you have to do to clear issues and all of that kind of stuff. That is all product of the dense planes, and really not meaningful in the higher dimensions. It is all just the material of which the filters are constructed. And in ‘working through your issues’, you are adjusting the filters to a place where more light is coming in and less of the anxiety or difficult emotional states. Seems like a lot to go through but such is the nature of the existence in third dimension planet earth.
Now, to your question about what can be done. You want to have a good time there on earth. You want to feel good. Deep, internally, multidimensionally, you know the work you have set out to do, and that is really the priority. From the perspective of your higher dimensional being, dealing with anxiety on a regular basis is a trivial effect for the effort you are undergoing. So, it really helps to know all of this. The anxiety is there because it is the result of adjusting the filters at a safe place. Knowing that, it lets you know that there needs to be some tension there. The anxiety is your feedback that the filters are set and not letting in too much light. But, however, from there you can actively take part in adjusting the filters to meet your own needs. The key point here is how do you go about doing this, as an earth dweller in the third dimension. Your sense of vibration is your key parameter in allowing you to adjust the filters. If you pay attention to the feeling of the anxiety, it has a vibrational feel to it. We will refer to it as frequency, but the term frequency here is more complex than the megahertz type of frequencies you talk about in your world of science and engineering. It is really an expression of the way multidimensional energy is transmitted into the organic being in the third dimension and perceived by feeling. If you attune yourself to perceive this feeling in a deeper and deeper means of perception, you will find that you can maneuver the feeling state of it and shift the vibration. This is your means of adjusting the filter, so that the anxiety feeling is tuned down to a more manageable level. The key is to approach the anxiety feeling in a conscious way, and to ignore the temptation to find some elements of the world to relate to it, and to focus on the feeling itself. If you can perceive the feeling in a pure vibrational way, then you are well along the path to knowing how to tune the filters. So, this is the first step. Get beyond recoiling from the feeling of anxiety itself. Just the knowledge of the purpose of the anxiety, as we have discussed here, will help you to do this, and to be less intimidated by it. Once this becomes to feel somewhat natural to you, then you can work and play with the concept of adjusting the vibration itself. You are really the one at the controls. It is only a matter of learning how to use the controls. It may take some doing to sit with the anxiety feeling and not get caught up in the drama of what it is about, but once you get the feel of that, you will have the opposite viewpoint and it will feel weird to attach some third dimension meaning to anxiety or any other emotional state that causes discomfort for you.
Is there a way that visualization can be useful in this endeavor to learn how to adjust the filters and temper the anxiety level?
Visualization essentially means allowing in light. There may be pictures that project from your mental plane activities, but this is light transmitting into forms that align with threads along the dimensions with which you are intersecting on the mental planes. This is happening all of the time, and when you speak of visualization, it is really a means of becoming aware of it that you are talking about. Now, when we are talking about feeling the vibration when the anxious mind states arise, we are also talking about awareness. Effectively this will take you to the same place, in that as you approach through the realm of vibration, you will find yourself becoming more aware of the light forms that are intersecting your existence at that point. As you visualize and become more aware of the light forms, you become more aware of the subtleties of your feeling states, and are thus able to perceive the vibration in the deeper way. So, you can approach this through the visualization method, and as your awareness of the feeling frequencies becomes acute, you can then play with the controls of the vibration. So, yes you can take yourself to the same point with visualization, yet you must still learn to tune the feeling frequencies to your needs. It is not viable to do this strictly through perception of light and the visualization methods, because the filters themselves are adjusting the levels of the light. Focusing purely on light begs the filters to disappear altogether, and that would defy the third dimension agenda that we have already discussed earlier. Our recommendation is to enter the realm in the way that feels natural to you, either through feeling vibration or visualization of light, but to be aware of both, whichever way you do it. If you approach through feeling, allow your awareness of the light to expand. If you approach through visualization, allow your awareness of feeling to expand. Then take a playful attitude and see how you are able to effect changes in the feeling states through your internal adjustment of the vibration. And just don’t worry about the anxiety because now you know the purpose that it serves in your third dimension existence.
Let us move onward!
Please talk some about color, and integration into healing effects in spirits in occupation of third dimension organic shells.
You can let the color guide you, in the sense that the decision of what the color is can be allowed to enter through your conscious stream, and integrate with your consciousness and intention and vibration state which is incorporating the healing effects. The second thing is that the concept of color is nominally associated with visualization which the third dimension beings associate with the eyeballs and the vision of sight by the eyes, in the purely physical sense. To effect healing, the dimensional aspects of color must expand beyond this. The ‘vision’ is with the entire being and consciousness, integrated at the same time, and the reactionary effect of seeing in the physical sense, if clung to, is a limiting factor. So, you must kind of get the feel of this, and learn to perceive the color through all of the conscious threads of the being, moving throughout infinite dimension space, in all which ways, and you ‘seem’ the color rather than ‘see’ it. You feel it as much as see it. From this vantage point there is no distinction between being able to say you see the color or you feel the color or you hear the color or you smell the color. You sense the color from the multidimensional Truth of your being. You get to the point where you feel this and have a level of integration with it, and then you integrate this into your healing effects. This has an extremely powerful effects, and as you do this you will creatively find ways to apply this, in an integrated method which applies both in the third dimension and the infinite’s intersection with it. You must go into that level to perceive this. We cannot convey in words. We are hinting about how you can enter into the gateway of this, and now it is up to you to step that way. You have asked, and that indicates that you are ready for this. Move into this immediately, now.
Is there a kind of momentum of healing effects? Like, when healing energy is in effect and things start to heal, and sometimes they have momentum that reverts them back, and healing has to be applied. Is there a way to get to a kind of critical mass, where you can trust that the healing will continue in the same direction?
There is of course this, yet your real wondering is probably not if this happens, because you have observed it, but probably you are wondering what is underlying this, and is there a way you can engage in healing to effect the momentum shift so that you don’t keep going around in circles healing the same effects again and again. Well, you happen to ask this at a time when you have asked about the effects of integrating color, which is one aspect of how the healing can reach a depth where the momentum will be more significant. There is depth to healing. There is a scratch on the surface which closes over, but if the scratch reappears and reappears, then you are begged to wonder what is deeper about it. In using this color method, and really it is not so much about the color itself as it is the method that takes you into the perception of the color from the entire being, then you will be reaching into deeper realms in the healing and getting more to the root of the conditions which are driving the effects that are calling for healing. So, this is how to effect that momentum. Bottom line is that if something persists, go deeper and this ‘color’ method is one of the key secrets to doing this.
Let us move onward!