Weekly Channel Message #23

weeklychannel essay

Weekly Channel – Oct 5 – Oct 11, 2014

Shifting attention to the heart center and focusing on allowing the light beams to be present works.  I would like to expand on that subject today.
We have told you as a guideline to do this at least ten times a day.  There is a purpose to that.  In doing that you are setting up points in a grid, a grid that creates a field of energy beams in which your existence in the third dimension will continuously align with your higher frequency energy states which are relevant to your experiencing the higher mind states.  So, number one, keep doing this.  Your life should already be experiencing changes since you have been doing this for a week now.  True?
Yes, very much true.  I have had experiences of having the things I want go right for me, and have had times when I found myself just feeling good within the normal course of events.  I am hoping that this is only the beginning of profound changes in my life, and that I can continue to grow this valuable means of integrating with my own experience.
This experience should serve as encouragement to continue using this method.  Its simplicity belies its power.  Up to this point, you have needed to use this method to soothe the transformational upheavals in your own mind.  This is a primitive use for this consciousness.  If you continue to use this, you will see that consciousness has a continuity in this realm.  At this time, you are integrating the infinite with the third dimension, and you are in an in-between state in this regard.  There is a going back and forth.  You have crossed a threshold, knowing that this method will alleviate anything that can appear to create discomfort in the third dimension.  You just engage your conscious mind in this way we have shown you, and allow everything to continue on its course.  So continue to use it in this way.  Just shift your attention to the heart center, feeling the vibration if you can sense it, but not to force it.  Concommitant with that shift, bring your attention in the form of light, again not forcing the light to be there, but just remembering and allow it to become integrated into the conscious creation as it flows.  You are free to have in the background playing any consciousness energy about manifestations you desire, in any way that it feels appropriate to you.  This is all happening anyway.  The desires of your energetic state are activated by your connecting with your heart center.  Your enjoyment of them is enhanced by your conscious engagement in their existence, so we encourage you to do that.  You are somewhat held back because you don’t want to force the issue or limit yourself by having conflicting energy.  This is a valid consideration, but you don’t need to get hung up on this, because as we are saying, your energetic vibration is what it is, and in any given moment, it is vibrating the conglomeration of all of what has brought you to what you are in that moment.  It is the repetition of limiting patterns that can cause them to become fences keeping out just those desires that you wish for.  But you are past that point.  You are now aware of when your thinking is limiting.  What you should do is work more on giving yourself the freedom to dream and feel for anything that you want.  Anything!
I woke up one day just feeling good.  I didn’t have that overhanging gloom that seems to have been so prevalent throughout my life.  I want that to become the norm, so that my normal waking state is like that, and even better and better.  I want to feel better every day, and go deeper into this.  Will what I am doing now with this method get me there?
It will indeed.  We sense that you are feeling some sense of urgency with this because you are afraid that you will go back to the way things used to be.  No worry about that.  For one thing, you have this method for dealing with any kind of worry.  Just do that when you feel any kind of discomfort from worry or anything else.  Just keep doing this and trust.  As we have told you this should now be your means of engaging in meditation.  This means that you can do this as often and as consistently as you find possible.  You don’t have to wait for discomfort.  The discomfort is really the alarm bell on the third dimension doorstep.  That is all.  It reminds you.  That is the only reason it is there.  Otherwise, you will know from experience that this will deepen your consciousness, and in time, you will have a completely transformed experience in your life.
Okay.  I just need to settle in and keep doing this.  I feel like the experience itself can deepen.  I have found profound changes in my life just by shifting my attention, without really even having any deep prolonged meditative encounters.  I feel like there is much on the horizon in that regard, andt that the method itself is and will be more of a gateway to deeply profound experiences as I go into it.
True, although your realization of this is what is most important, rather than us saying it.  Someone can tell you that water is hot, but only you can experience the feeling of touching it.  Such it is with this meditation we are giving you.  Feel your way into it for your own experience.
Can I take this into my sleep experience as well, so that I may continue to engage in this readily all of the time?  I mean like, when I wake up during the night, give my attention to this meditation, and allow the grid points to be established at those times as well?
Yes, of course.  Your sleep experiences are part of your experiences.  More significantly than that, the energetic patterns that are established during your sleep times set up grid points that create standing waves that permeate your consciousness throughout your life.  So that when you deliberately engage in conscious creation of these grid points, during the brief waking intervals during your sleep patterns, you are creating more powerful standing waves that will enhance your life.  This will accelerate the process of gaining the momentum to living a truly joyous life, continuously and for the complete ongoing future of your existence.
I shall continue to work with this then.
Let us move onward!