Weekly Channel – Sep 7 – Sep 13, 2014
A couple of things I am noticing. When I feel discomfort, it seems that fear is at the root of it in one form or another. I continuously find myself having the desire to manifest with rapid response in the physical plane. Will you talk about these things today?
Fear is a singularity, it is a sucking in of the energy in one dimension. Not a vortex, but a linear pull for the energy. The secret to manifesting an alleviation of the fear lies in this knowledge. The distinction between the vortex and the linear pull of the energy stream is significant. You are of a nature where your normal functioning is through the means of vortex energy, the spiraling through the dimensions. This is the means that allows you to exist in an ostensible reality in the third dimension and at the same time be a being of the infinite dimensions. This is how you flow, and this is how you are in your natural state. When fear arises, you are not flowing in your vortex energy. You are then pulled straight into one dimension with no vortex component. This is what is happening. So, in the simplest terms, when fear arises, just remember this, and allow your vortex to instill its energy into your being, and the fear will alleviate. If you bring your focus to the center of your being, this will help you to reconnect with your vortex energy. The key is to just remember to do this when fear is present, or as you have pointed out, when any discomfort arises, which usually traces its way to fear in some way or another.
Now, coincidentally, this relates directly to your other topic – rapid manifestation. You can view manifestation in two ways. On one side you have a desire, something in focus which you would strive to manifest, and you direct the energy to bring this about. On the other side, you have your desire and you have whatever is observable in the moment, and if your desire is aligning with whatever is observable, then you have the same result, yes? So, back to the sucking of energy from the vortex state into the linear stream that is associated with fear. The same is true of your desire being out of alignment with your reality state. When you are discomforted with what you are observing, then you are being pulled into a linear direction, away from your natural vortex energy, and the path to restore comfort with your existence is to reconnect with your vortex energy, exactly as we have described already for encountering the feeling of fear.
So, when you feel the need for manifesting with rapidity, that is usually an indication of this state, and the method is to move into the center of your being and hold the desired manifestation in focus and feel the re-establishment of your vortex energy flow. Really, the moving out of the state of fear is another form of this. The desire when there is fear present, is to alleviate whatever the fear appears to be about. You learn, however, that the fear is never really ‘about’ anything. It is just there. And it is just there because of the linearity of your energy pull, as we have discussed here.
How do these linear energy pulls come about? I mean, why have this? Why not just always have the vortex energy flow, and be able to have a good time here?
You do have it at your disposal at all times to be in the vortex flow, and have a good time. We have just described to you how easy it is to re-estabish the vortex flow. You allow this energy pull to occur in order to give yourself something to strive for. It is really a kind of game you play at a more subtle level of your being. The reason it appears so daunting to you sometimes is that you are not fully conscious of all aspects of your being that are involved in this happening. It is sort of like you are walking along the street, say when you were a kid, and bouncing a ball, happily. You are perfectly happy to bounce the ball, but after some time, for some reason, you decide to make it more risky and challenging, so you throw the ball up in the air and try to catch it. You do this a few times, and you then throw it higher and higher to make it more challenging. It is sort of like that. At the higher dimensional level of your spirit, you can see that you are never in danger. All of the fear and the emotional states and the drama are only illusions of the third dimensional physical plane. Knowing this, you could just remain in your vortex energy state and go on having a good time, just as you the kid could happily continue to walk down the street bouncing the ball. But, your spirit looks for more challenging situations, and thereby creates the situations from which your energy is pulled into this linear fashion that causes you fear and misalignment with your being and your desires. You then have to find your way to the center of the vortex, and once you do, you appreciate what has transpired, and at the multidimensional perspective, this is a heck of a lot of fun!
How about if I can get in on this fun? What do I need to do? Be more focused and aware from the multidimensional perspective?
Yes, this is why we have said on a number of occasions that the thing to do, when you feel that the physical plane is difficult, is to focus on your infinite spirit. Remember that you are of infinite dimensions and that the three dimensional world is a projection. This does just that – it re-focuses you in the multidimensional world, and brings you into focus with the perspective of your spiritual being. Incidentally, you may or may not be noticing that you have been doing this, and much has changed for you, as an individual. Your stints with the fear and discomfort are shorter lived than they used to be. Yes?
That is true. Verry true. I just should keep doing that I think. I am tempted to bring up that the one challenge that appears again and again is that of being with other humans, with the ostensible free will. However, I must realize by now that this is faced in the same way, by drawing into the center of the being, and reconnecting with the vortex. The emotions seem stronger in those situations, so it takes more to do that, I guess. Any insight on that particular topic?
Humans and free will up the ante in this game we are talking about, with the being pulled from your natural vortex state, and into the linear energy. When it is just you that you have to deal with, it is really only your own mind and your own will and intention that directs the product of your reality. In the midst of ostensibly separate beings, it is as though you are continuously encountering devices that create this pull from the vortex. This is why you seek solitude sometimes, and feel so much more comfortable when you feel as though you don’t have to deal with any other humans. So, this is what is happening, and as with any game the more you practice it the better you get at it. So, if you will keep working at your skill in being able to return to your natural vortex state, with whatever is happening, then during the more challenging times, around other humans, your skills will serve you well!
It is really all the same dynamic. Your situations with other humans create desire states in you that appear to be related to the other humans, but it is really just another way of your energy being pulled linearly, and drawing you away from your natural vortex energy state. If you approach it this way, then you don’t need to get caught up in the details. You can go into the center of your being with the energy created by your desire state, and allow yourself to merge with the vortex at the center of your being, and all of the energy will be directed toward the vortex and into alignment. It is really easy for you to remember to do this, because there is always discomfort associated with your misalignment states, and this is by design. This reminds you to get back to center and focus on the center of your vortex energy.
Let us move onward!