Weekly Channel – Aug 31 – Sep 6, 2014
While living in a world of density, with all of the constraints and burdens, it would seem that for it to be a worthwhile endeavor, there must either be a path to completely high emotions, or there is some sort of a mission that would benefit from an entity bearing the burdens. How can I know? How can I either find the path to higher emotions and stay on the high frequencies, or gain clarity on the intent of my residence in this arena?
You must remember that you are of the higher frequencies, whether you can feel it or not. We realize that there are times when it is difficult to believe this, but it is true, nonetheless. This being the case, you are never far from the higher emotional states. The times when you see the burdens and constraints are the times when the ‘anchoring’ pole of the dense world is evident, and it is those times that define the direction and the relative magnitude of the higher emotional states, as experienced in the dense dimensions. Now, the means for maximizing your higher experiences is to be aware that you are always within reach of the high frequency emotions, and to mentally engage yourself in a way that does not allow you to lose sight of this. In other words, when you are experiencing the difficult, the most important thing for you to do mentally is to remind yourself of the higher dimensions, and disengage from any thoughts that attach a permanence to the lower states. It is those kinds of thoughts that cause you to spend more of your time in the lower experiences.
What strategy is best, then, for one to employ, at times when the reflections from the dense experience bring the low frequency emotional states?
Hold steady in your belief and in your ‘anchor’ of your true self in the higher dimensions. Hold steady in the inversion of the reflection which appears to be associated with those states, and trust. Trust is a must and if you can do that, then it will come about in the way in which you are anchoring. You must realize that the dense responds at a rate consistent with the frequency of its density, and that is not your natural frequency, so it may appear to you for a time that nothing is happening, but this is just that it is happening at such a slow rate that it appears immobile to you. During the relatively infrequent times where there appears to be no path to relief, just do what you can to make yourself feel better, and keep yourself engaged mentally in the right way. You must not underestimate this.
Is it beneficial to make it a regular practice to mentally direct all effects in the dense realm to be as I wish them to be, on a continuous basis?
This would clear much confusion if you would do this. However, you must learn something else, because what causes this method to fail is your attachment to the results that you observe. If you have made a practice of directing through the mental plane, and then observed the result being different, then you may have concluded that this means is of no use, and not productive, which would discourage using energy in this way. However, there are multiple factors in play, including what you call unconscious or subconscious energy, and the results in any given moment are the culmination of all of the energies. The other thing is how you define what it is you would like things to be. If you are defining what you want to be as a result of avoiding a previous result that you did not like, then you are really engaging the energy of the result you did not like, and that is the playing field in which you are operating. So, in determining what it is you would like things to be, you would be best served by staying as close to consciously engaged in the high frequency energies, all of the time. So, when you practice this, you should connect, ‘ground’ yourself in the high frequencies as you mentally engage. This disconnects the threads with other dense entities, which would draw you into a playing field that is defined at that frequency. So, yes, do this, but simultaneously engage in the high frequency mental plane.
How can I connect with my heart chakra, or any of the chakras if I feel disconnected and am having trouble feeling the vibration?
Let them find their way to you. When you are disconnected and cannot feel the vibrations of the chakras, it is because your density is too loud and that is what you are hearing (feeling), and the energy of the chakras is more subtle so cannot be felt over the denseness. Mentally focus on the chakra, and do not force the effort to the feeling, but allow the dense to settle. Keep your focus, and allow the dense to settle. You will then feel the vibration. Incidentally, this is a powerful means for engaging yourself in the mental realm for manifesting that which you desire to be in effect in the physical plane.
How can I learn the means for employing the different chakras for different purposes in my physical plane experience?
Go through the heart, always. The heart is the seat of your desire, and is your cranial center. This is your focal point for all operations in the physical plane. Allow yourself to settle enough to perceive the heart, and enter through there with your feeling states and desires. The heart will lead you to vision of the means to employ the energies of the chakras, for your operations in the dense matter world.
Sometimes a great desire for outcome arises out of a strong emotional state that is anchored in the uncomfortable aspects of the dense realm. What is the best way to handle this, to engage the reversion of the situation to manifest what is desired?
The strong emotional state is like a gust of wind, and is not going to take root, so do not let this be the anchoring factor. In such situations, look to the center of the storm. Look to the root of your desire and focus there. Again and again we say that you are of the higher frequencies. This is so, regardless of how appealing the events of the dense realm are to your sensory reactions. If you can use the power of your mind to engage in the core energetic frequencies, then you will be lead to the root of your desire and you will not be swayed by the strong emotional states in the heat of the moment. If you make a practice of engaging this way, it will become more natural and second nature for you.
Let us move onward!
Will you give me a streamlined method for transmutation of fear into love, of fatigue into energy, of boredom into enthusiasm?
Find a way to draw your attention into the center of your being, and maintain that from which you are transmuting as though on the surface of a sphere. You are at the cener of the sphere, and that to which you must transmute is at the core, as though a seed is sprouting. Yet, this is a seed, not akin to the physical sense, but is in the sense of light and infinite energy. Feel the emanation of the energetic from within the core of your being, and allow the transmutation to effect. You need not try to measure or judge, and will not gain by doing so. Effect this transmutation, for any purpose, and allow it all to take course. This will work effectively for you.
Lately it has come to my attention that there are numerous lightworkers alive on planet earth, and are here to assist in the ascension of the planet into light. What is this all about, and am I among those lightworkers?
You are elevating this planet above the frequencies in which it has existed for millenia, and this is the time for that to happen. Just having your presence here is having an effect to do this. This is akin, in many ways, to placing luminaries in an area to illuminate the area. Your presence on this planet at this time is sufficient, and there is no need to exert any tremendous effort to do anything.
Is there a reason that those, such as myself, are born into this time without being aware of this purpose, and are existing among the earth dwellers as though that is our destination?
This is the means by which life on the planet forms, and that is part of it. It is inherent in the blueprint code of the human life form. Human life is of a nature that forgets the spiritual infinite and seeks to find its way back to it. No different for you lightworkers.
Is there any goal or strategy I should follow as I, myself, wake up to the spiritual knowledge of my inner being? I am not particularly interested in being here just for the fun of it. Yet, I am sometimes at a loss for how to apply my energy. I do not seek satisfaction from my career or from achievements any more. I don’t really enjoy teaching the earthbound life forms. So, why do this?
As we said, your presence is the key. That is all that is required. You are behaving as a luminary, and for the ride, you are following the human blueprint.
I guess then, finding ways to feel good, and spread that vibe, is a pretty worthwhile endeavor.
Let us move onward!