Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #9

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jul 3 – Jul 6, 2016

Why is it that there is such a dialectic nature to your finite world?  Life/death, creation/destruction, growth/decay.  Why does everything seem to transient and unlasting?
In creating a world such as yours, a world in which the perception is raised that beings are separate and have independent individual choices, necessitates the installation of mechanisms fundamental to the extension of propagation of existence of the world itself as well as the thought-to-be separate beings in it, for a sustained level so as to allow for the dissipation of transient effects.  For the conscisous level of perception of experience to sustain to allow for setting and achieving of goals, for the directed wills of subtler level life forms to be able to direct propagated experience in dense forms, the ability for sustained survival had to be integrated into the framework of the creation of your physical world.  Perception of time is fundamental to the filtered finite plane existence, and perception of time it triggered by perception of change, and perception of change requires the perceived slowing of energetic transmission, which is integrated into the filtering of your world as a perceived absolute existence.  This is one reason for the dialecticity - to motivate your beings to propagate your own survival.  Without the discomfort of hunger, what would motivate you to consume food and nutrition, which propels the organic life forms?
So, this is one facet.  The dialectic properties of your conscious engagement in your three dimensional life parametrize the mechanisms through which your survival is possible, for a sustained duration.  In a finite environment where the perception of individual beings is created, with each having independent choices, the dialecticity, at the dense level, inspires choices that propagate survival.
Basic survival, root chakra concerns, are at the dense level of your lives.  Further subtleties of your mental and emotional interactions with your organic existence carry the root instillation of dialecticity into the finer aspects of your life with which your spirit is concerned.  With survival attested, attention turns to things like enjoyment and quality of life.  Your parametrization of these aspects of your finite existence is keyly driven by your feeling states, your emotional body.  In this facet of your life, dialecticity is instilled as a fundamental mechanism to motivate change.  Less-good feeling states motivate you to find your way to better feeling states.  If you are sad, you somehow want to find your way back to being happy.  If you are angry, you wish to find your way to being content.  This drives your motivation to initiate change in your life.  Your sacral chakra is the point where this fundamentally comes into play.
The subtler levels interface more closely with the higher dimensional aspects of your being, and the concept of dialecticity weaves a more intricate pattern, inclusive of which is the interactions of energetic influence among the varying levels of subtlety of your existence that you call life.  At the crown chakra point is your spiritual interface, your direct interface with your infinite nature.  At this point your dialect facet is with regard to awareness.  Heightened awareness equates to higher frequency existence, higher mind states, and higher vision with regard to your existence.  Lower awareness equates to confinement within a perception of reality of finite dimension, and motivation that is more keyly driven through survival mechanisms and basic feeling states that are more likely to relate to basic survival dialectic dense states.  The inspiration for dialectic shift from low awareness to high awareness is a spiritual quest - to reach upward in frequency, elevating afloat of the fundamental aspects to maintain organic life, and to reach connectivity with your infinite threads of existence, all whilst maintaining a finite life form in a finite dimension world.  As your survival can propagate without very much interest in this quest, some complexities are entering into the picture with regard to gaining leverage with motivation for this.  Much more than a basic dialectic progression from low to high, bad to good, is required, and interwoven throughout are all of the facets of less-subtle, more dense forms of the dialectic nature of your existence.
At some point, somehow, you are all guided to a point of wondering...  Your world is transitory in nature, and so is everything in it, including your organic life.  This sooner or later leads to a wondering, if the path has primarily encompassed motivation driven by basics of survival and drafting after feeling states that dwell on poles opposing states of discomfort for you.  At some point, you get to where you have the survival thing down, and a life based solely on that would not be enough to sustain the interest for most of you.  This brings the playing with feeling states into your realm, noticing ways that you can improve your feeling states in association with your interacting with the physical environment in which you find your existence.  This can keep you occupied for a while as well, but eventually you become weary of going back and forth in the dialectic way, or suspicious that such an existence can be at the ultimate of it all, and you just wonder what more is there beyond the transitory finite life existence.  Such is motivation for the crown chakra interaction, the spiritual quest, for burgeoning into higher dimension awareness.  At first, a dawning of this realization would be exciting and comforting, as you realize that a sense of your true nature, and restoration of your connection with it is in essence.  This would all be well and good, except that your finite dimension life continues, as do all of the dialectic parameters driving the denser facets of that existence.  Integrating your newly inspired spiritual quest into this life becomes a major undertaking in this quest.
The common pattern is to follow the dialectic path - lack of awareness, or less awareness, being absorbed in the finite, and being pulled by the draw of higher feeling states from within the finite, filtered existence, and then becoming weary of that cyclic pattern and re-energizing to try to heighten your higher dimensional awareness.  This itself is a cyclic pattern of the path of a spirituality seeking human.  What is more effective is to find ways to continue to invest your higher dimensional awareness, continually, whilst going through all of the cyclic dialectic events of the finite planes.  These are the bases for much of what we are teaching you.  We have been guiding you to finding ways to remember to focus your attention on the vibration of your Heart Center, because this transcends the cyclicity of the finite dialectic dance, and takes you directly to higher dimensional awareness.  This, enough on a sustained basis, and you will be integrating higher dimensional awareness regularly into the concommitant dwelling in the finite world.  We have also been teaching you ways to remember and to inspire yourself, using finite world situations as triggers, to acute your awareness to your resonant energy chord.  This, too, gains your attention toward higher dimensional awareness.  These methods you should continue to sustain, and we will offer means to use the dialectic nature of your experiences further as a ladder for heightening your higher dimensional awareness.  The means that your dialectic interactions range from pragmatic survival mechanisms, which there seems no need to question, to complex interactions that can trigger unfortunate circumstances for an earth being, which make you question your purpose for existing as an organic being.  Making wise use of these variations can lead you on an intricate path to acute inter-dimensional trajectories.
Dialectic forms, of varying species, couple together in configurations that appear to give relative permanence to observable effects through the eyes of a lively consciousness.  Separated out from each other, the effects do not appear as building blocks for dense lattice-like structures that they become in the filtered world that you experience.  Root chakra dialecticities such as hunger/satiety are pretty straightforward to see as a basic survival function, and generally are accepted as such.  Extended hunger, without a satisfying response for the reaching for satiety, can be coupled with feelings of frustration and eventually hopelessness, along with the physical discomfort.  Your sacral chakra dialecticities are thus coupled now with your root chakra dialecticities, and the configuration becomes more complex, and from the third dimension observation deck of the conscious spirit, not as obvious how the building blocks are interlaced together.  Not only is the interlacing not obvious, but the configuration is developing in ways that are leaving the being feeling bad, and seeking to assuage the discomforts of emotional dialecticities through physical dialectic resolutions.  It becomes somewhat understandable that, when this kind of coupling is going on among many of the dialecticities of the chakra energy centers of a conscious finite dimension being, configurations can result which govern the perception that your spiritual aspects of your being are distant.  Feelings of forsakenness and being mired in the world of the dense planet can ensue from this, and healing solutions can be non-obvious to the nominal beings.  A more conscious interaction among the dialecticities of the energy centers, reaching into the fundamental energy chord of the higher dimensions, and deliberately involving ones self into the building of the lattice structure of the dialectic energy structures, can all help to maintain the continuous, sustained awareness of your higher dimensional frequencies.  We shall continue this discussion, with forward messages, guiding into methods for engaging you most directly in the energetic lattice structure of your finite intersection.