Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #8

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jun 30 – Jul 3, 2016

Something you must keep in mind is that, if you are going to be issuing a radiating frequency emanating from your inner being's resonance, and your creation path becomes attuned to that, things will be coming unglued, and this can generate the kinds of feeling states and perceptions in the physical environment that appear as loss or being forsaken.  Some of the discordant settlings that have become a part of your customary existence are what you have become accustomed to and you have adjusted and found comfort in some way.  The walls build around your existence have become your fortress and you have taken interest in this.  Being receptive and taking on the frequencies generated around your environment has this result.  Now, we are talking about shifting into being a transmitter of your resonant frequency, and this is quite different, and some adjustment is required.  You may find yourself feeling quite lonely, or abandoned, because you are used to seeking comfort from physical plane phenomena outside of your inner self.  So, how can this adjustment be undertaken with persistence?
Well, if you imagine what it would be like to leave your physical body behind, permanently, you would be facing a complete letting go of all of the created, precipitated, result of your physical existence.  Any dependence or attachment to this would be faced with a shock wave at that point, because there is no choice but to leave it all in passing.  Yet, as most of you know at some level at least, passing through the veil between organic life and spirit life, your attention is quickly averted from the things you are sad to leave behind, and your world of being in the vastness of spirit is immediately familiar to you.  This is not a lot different from when you go to sleep and enter the sleep state, other than that you don't return back to the same body to continue the journey within that body.  So, relieving yourself of worldly attachments is not unfamiliar to you.  It is just that you don't readily remember to be that way.  In some ways what we are asking you to do is similar to going to a movie theater, buying tickets, getting drink and popcorn, sitting down in the theater when the movie starts, and then while the movie is playing, pay attention to everything else except for the movie, and to trust us that your experience will be much more rewarding for your internal being than if you were to watch and be entertained by the movie.  We get it.  That is not the obvious path for fulfillment.  However, let us ask you if paying attention to the earth plane and its events, and all of the letdowns you are subject to, when depending on other inhabitants, is a source of fulfillment?  In a twist of irony, fulfillment while in the physical plane comes from being attentive to all besides the physical plane, and a relegation of the physical plane to a peripheral view.  We know this is not easy and we know this goes against the tide of your draw into physical plane existence, yet we continue to beckon you to be a beacon rather than a receptor of stimuli from your immediate environment.
We can see that you have seen enough to know that there is merit in what we are teaching, and yet the times do occur when the tide of the finite dimensions seems to overtake, and it challenges you to find the leverage to maintain focus within the rush of tide.  The dance thus becomes how to maintain focus and find the leverage to keep your consciousness oriented to your inner generating beacon, rather than your tendency to be reactive to outside stimuli.  Think about ways that you can use color in this process.  You can, in those times of feeling the most foresaken, simply extend your mind and find the color, not necessarily mapping into a color you know as physical, which brings some comfort, and focus, and allows you to re-adjust your consciousness.  The inter-dimensional frequency of color that feels comfortable in your conscious mind, and allowed to seep into your inter-dimensional pores, directing into your center being, will help you to surf the tide, rather than to be overwhelmed by it.  If you can surf yourself up enough to lift your head over the overwhelming, and feel the vibration rush through your Heart Center, and strike the chord of resonance for harmonic frequency generation, then the shift has begun, and anything that seems overwhelming in the finite dimension will have its transient effects accelerated.
Despite all of this talk about handling the being overflooded with the tide, and how to get your head above water, so as to initiate the energetic shift which will guide you to re-unification in your energetic center, it does not expect to be the norm that you will be flooded under the tide.  In the course, as you play in this kind of energetic engagement, you will not very often feel very far from connection with your energetic resonance, and will see soon that by noticing internally, your inter-dimensional understanding is there, and you can feel the wave of your own energetic center, and impulse this in the course of your goings about.  Feeling the rush through the Heart Center and striking the chords of resonance, can any time be powerfully done as you feel inspired and as your coordinates allow.  One particular place when you could assume this kind of power is with regard to entraining with healing states of other beings, or for your own healing intentions within your inner being.  Resonance chords carry the intentions of invocation to a Higher Power.  One of the imaginible things for you to accustom yourself to is the ease with which invocation occurs.  The energetic resonating procedure is always ongoing, and provoking your own harmonic resonance promotes your own invocations, so this is an autonomous thing, and not something you have to worry with your minute three dimensional mind about how to mechanize.  When the specifics come up, such as being an instrument in a healing process, a fleeting thought is enough for a feed into the energetic resonant stream.  That is it, and it is difficult for you to grasp this ease because your world teaches that things precipitate because of hard effort.  However, the resonant resulting from your invocations is only occasionally, and in a small way, about precipitating anything.  The energetic stream takes care of it all, and it is about resonating.  You should learn how to let go of trying to figure out the precipitating part of it, as though that is the mainstream event.  It is, as we have just indicated, only a very small part of the equation.
In concert with the consciousnesses of other involutionary beings, your effective energetic support, in healing and all consciousness energetic interaction can be brought into focus through intentional aligning and entrainment of the summation of resonant frequencies.  In this way, the resonance created is of waveform induced by resonance of all frequencies involved.  Thus, you would not be introducing any effects in discord with your own resonance, nor would you be inducing any effects in discord with resonance of another with whom you would be harmonically converging.  This method is directly followed through your own deliberate resonance, and thus bringing the other consciousness(es) into focus.  Allowing the resonances to entrain is the essance of your effort.  The energy streams shall carry the effects of your intentions into forwardness.  You may strike impulse to invoke the harmonic chords, emphasizing power into a pulsing form.  Be aware that your own energy stream is involved here and the harmonic effects carry into the forwardness of your consciousness as well.  This is not about isolatedly effecting the healing of another.  You may have heard expressions such as that the healer is healed as the healing process occurs.  Any engagement of your energy stream affects you as well, and thus clarity and authenticity are of importance in making unified harmonic convergence a valuable endeavor.
If your beginning point is something of finite dimension nature, which is triggering an energetic desire in you, it is of your interest to develop skill into alchemizing the finite dimension thread into inter-dimensional energetic form.  We shall now like to speak in these terms.
Somehow, at some point, your finite dimension excursion leads you to a point where you identify a gap between your current coordinate configuration and the completeness of a configuration which you feel would harmonize with your energetic state.  Maintain awareness that this kind of thing is streaming, and not just snapshotted on one thing, as it may sound in our discussion, which is for the purpose of energetic understanding.  So, as some kind of one of these gaps becomes apparent, typical third dimension behavior would be to go after seeking what appears from the limited perspective of the finite coordinates to be the missing point - this generated by the particular mind involved, based on its knowledge and memories and such.  Successful fulfilling of the quest in this approach depends on factors such as success in seeking what is thought to be needed for filling the gap, success in perceiving what is needed to fill the gap, and how closely the configuration resembles the configuration when the gap was first perceived and the object of the third plane to be sought was identified.  Whether or not this approach results in satisfaction, when you understand that completeness in your finite dimension coordinate configuration, and hence satisfaction in your reality, is a result of harmonic resonance with your inner being, rather than the resultant parameters of a filtered finite dimension configuration, then it follows that an assured path to completeness entails alchemizing the parameters of your perceived gap in your intersected existence into a state of harmonic convergence with your resonant frequency of inner being.
So, take the gap, or that which you think is missing for you to be complete and happy and satisfied, as you first perceive it.  Take it in your mind, and even if it is dynamic and changing (like you are feeling tired or overwhelmed and the gap is thus defined), let it be how your mind perceives it, and however subtly you must stretch your perception of vibration, feel the vibration of this mental conception, and allow this to feed through your Heart Center Vibration portal, and into your inner being energy stream.  Strike the chords of resonance, and allow yourself to proceed and take your course.  Dwelling on and ruminating on the object of the perceived gap will not help the process, but if you find this to be habitual, do the chord striking again and again.  Directing your energy this way is the path to completeness.