Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #7

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jun 28 – Jun 30, 2016

We have emphasized mental threading, entering vibration realms, as your Heart Center, with mental threading focus.  This so as to keep from getting hung up on the physical plane feeling parameters, and to turn focus away upon observing that no palpable feeling, sentience, states are present.  Nonetheless, heightened sentience within the finite dimension coordinates is an efficient means for transitioning among inter-dimensional realms, and adeptness in shifting into sentience can be of assistance to you.  So, how can you sharpen your sentience sensory receptors to perceive vibration states, and standing waves, more readily?  When your mind is attentive to feeling something, you can almost always feel something, somewhere, even if without your physical body.  This be your entry point, and from this entry point you can channel the vibration energy along coordinates as appropriate to you.  More likely, you will feel multiple points of vibration coordinates, and simultaneously you may channel these to one point or to multiple points.  Therefore, to enhance the sentient effect for your Heart Center Vibration entry point, expand your mind to gather all of the vibration points at awareness level, and multiply channel these into the pinpoint coordinates of your Heart Center.  Thus, feel the expansive amplitude of this vibration area, and enter the Heart Center Realm in this way.
The transmission, as we are speaking about, is somewhat akin to electricity moving along conductor surfaces, such as wires.  Vibration is the sentient entry point to the energetic feel, yet the transmission encompasses vastness in realms of possibility for the potential of energetic forms carryable along the vehicle of motion driven through your intentional will of consciousness.  Imagination has no limitations, and you may encode anything you imagine along the carrier frequencies.  Seeds may be planted for inter-dimensional intersection with finite dimension coordinates, energized with raised-dimension sensory parameters, beyond the feeling states, and finite dimension precipitations that would drive the usual motivation from a condensed dimension coordinate viewpoint.
Perhaps a most resonating understanding for you to entrust your will with regard to demonstrating influence in a carrier frequency way would be for your harmonic vibration with music to be taken into analogy.  Striking the chords of music that just resonates with you and makes you feel 'with it' is a good role model for the kind of satisfactory feeling you would seek in seeding your carrier frequency informationally, and effecting inter-dimensional intersection with some finite world.  Music in your third dimension world is of much more depth than an enjoyable pastime.  Music is a resonator among the dimensions.  Music is a vibration that reverberates on the finite dimension level, yet its finer threads of subtlety reach inter-dimensionally.
Thus, as you find yourself pulling the streams of vibration which is intersecting your somatic grasp, seeking for a purpose to channel the energy through the Heart Center and into the vastness of the vibrational realm, reach out for striking harmonic chords of inter-dimensional resonance as you do this, and feel your way to the high vibration states of inter-dimensional music.  The finite dimension entrainment must follow from this.
The 'music' we are talking about is music, perceived multi-sensorally, through your deeper, inner, multidimensional being.  From any finite dimension coordinates, the vibration state is a lead-in, and the similarity to musical of a sound variety on a finite dimension plane is a launching point, generating a reverberating experience of infinite realms.  Your purpose would be well served to see this resonant chord striking as an objective, and transluce yourself into expectancy of experience in higher dimension, energetic form.  This is strikingly akin to when you strike a vibrational musical object and proceed to just listen and feel, once the striking has occurred.  Pulling your vibrational sources together and feeding them through your Heart Center is your, you flash your intuitive wisdom into seeking the resonance of harmonic vibration, inter-dimensionally.  This is your striking.  Follows from that, you allow, with openness, for the experience to ensue.  This is your listening.
Practice with this and get the more of a feel for it.  With some understanding and knowledge of this means for striking resonant chords, on a multidimensional level, your ability to do this can be a handy asset upon which you can draw during those times when you wish you could 'beam yourself up' from the physical plane, or also when you have those times when you are contemplating and have some direct finite dimension parametrization you wish to effect.  Typically, during those 'beam me up' moments, you have tangled yourself into some kind of discordant finite dimensional configuration.  If your inter-dimensional music harmonization has begun to become more practiced, the 'striking' and 'listening' procedure can be executed rather swiftly, and with the blowing forth of energetic power, the finite dimension entrainment can follow rather swiftly.  And in doing that, wouldn't you say that you actually are beaming yourself up?  To do this effectively does require a development of elasticity to be able to invoke enough power to draw the vibration through your inner will and shift the entrainment from discordant to a state of harmonic resonance.  There is room for skill development in this, as you progress along the finite dimension coordinate intersections.  Play and practice, and see where this can lead you, inter-dimensionally.
We are supplying you with a procedure here, a sequence, which is more involved than picking up a striker and striking a metallic surface to effect vibrational sound.  You may immediately wonder, when to strike, how often to strike, when the right moment to strike is.  Allow us to say that the lead-in is best with the rush of energy you feel as the vibration states are funneling through your Heart Center, and this is a gathering.  This is equivalent to your hand raised, with striker in hand.  In a productive moment you can mentally go through all of the preparation very quickly.  However, it is good practice to practice the deeper feel of this, and with that as a basis, the productive moments are more productive.  Once you feel the rush of energy in your Heart Center area, the striking momentum has begun.  Striking is in effect when you feel the resonant chords.  Your entire beingness becomes the hearing, as you, inter-dimensionally, perceive the reverberations.  This is one of those things to do for the sake of doing it.  The mind states, feeling states, frequencies invoked in your being, govern your experience, and from that follows anything of which your interest has entailed entanglement.  Another way to indicate what we are communicating here is that your time would be better spent doing the harmonic chord invoking we are talking about, rather than to ruminate over the obligations that your earth-bound spirit is weighing itself with.
One of the beautiful aspects about what we are teaching here is that, since all sources of vibration at your availability are entering the stream of energy that is directed through your Heart Chakra, any mental or physical distractions that would tend to decourse you from the concentration themselves constitute vibrations which in turn are fed into the energy stream, increasing its power.  This is something like having a propulsion machine wherein the exhaust itself is cycled into the machine to become more fueling power for the machine itself.  It would seem not possible from the finite dimension rules, yet inter-dimensionally, you must become accustomed to having expectancy for things like this.  This is how inter-dimensional space works.  Another reason to practice with this, so you can de-program the finite dimension thinking that is unnecessarily placing filters in the way.
You may be noticing already that harmonic chord invoking, as we are teaching you, is another means for raising the prominence of your fundamental resonant frequency that we have been discussing with you.  The harmonic chord of your inter-dimensional being is your fundamental resonant frequency, and striking harmonance with your innermost resonance emanates your natural frequency of harmonic resonance throughout your inter-dimensional existence, including any finite dimension intersecting you may be entertaining.
Now, it may also occur to you to wonder, as you are doing this from a consciousness perspective of an involution of energy, seemingly other involutions of conscious energy could be doing the same thing, or could be in range to sense the reverberations of your resonance.  The frequency energy at hand here is not so simply analytical as the sound vibration we are using for comparison, and although we say fundamental resonant frequency or vibration, there is much more going on than simply one waveform vibrating at a set frequency.  With this in mind, much more complex operations are possible, and you shall discover much of this on your own.  Your directed consciousness may, for instance, direct the reverberations of the striking resonance to entrain with resonant frequencies of others of involutary compositions of energy, thus supporting the healing and harmonic intentions of the other directed consciousness.  In inter-dimensional space, when such harmonic resonance intentions are directed, even from perceived finite dimension intersections, congruence with finite dimension coordinates is not a prerequisite.  Inter-dimensional channels for energy transmission abound, from anywhere/when to anywhere/when.
Now, as you move onward, give some idea to the thought of, as your harmonic resonance is struck, and reverberations occur, invoke other energy centers, such as solar plexus for power amplification, just as you would tune the chords on a musical instrument.  These can be involved in tuning the direction of the resonance chords, within finite dimensions and within infinite dimensions.