Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #6

interdimensional essay

Inter-Dimensional Channel – Jun 22 – Jun 28, 2016

You can become more adept with generating waveforms, and blending with the physical.  As we speak so much of the introduction of the subtler awareness of the inter-dimensional consciousness, as this integrates with your conscious state, your physical manipulation capability changes, yet so does your motivation basis for doing so.  Analogous to photographs which inherently absorb the reverse of their image, all manifested precipitations also do inherently integrate the reverse of the conditions.  Energetically, your invocation of the phase shift to the reverse of what is before you is available with your mental connection being the lead.  Your mental connection addresses the thought of intention, yet deeper and deeper, the thought vibration must be in concert and embrace the intention.  Embracing the intention is demonstrated among the lifting of constraints that strangle the belief or expectancy of the shift occurring.  Thus if you set an intention and invoke the shift in frequency to reverse an environmental precipitation, the initially most challenging thing for you to learn will likely be to believe it when it happens.  If this is an issue, it is better to practice this at first by invoking and then thinking about something else, until you have enough precedence to have faith that it works, and your crusted belief system will cease to put up an obstacle for the flow of energy.
You are always awake.  When you experience what you know as sleep in the physical dimensions, the eyes close, and your integration with physical precipitated reality closes, yet your Great Inner eye opens, and your wakefulness ensues thusly.  Thus, your third dimension thinking would enhance your interaction with your precipitated reality if you would realize this.  Psychologically you go around thinking that there is some point coming where you will be 'going to sleep', and take a break from everything.  This is only true on the filtered three dimensional plane.  The wakefulness of your Great Inner Being is always there.  What you think of as sleep is merely a removal of the filtering of your Great Inner Being to delude you into thinking the third dimension constitutes a wholesome reality state.  Now, you can learn to open the doorway for your Great Inner Being wakefulness during the times of physical plane wakefulness, and make it so the blending makes it so that there is not such a great difference when you go to sleep physically.
Your Great Inner Being awakeness has not the limitation you perceive in the third dimension, that you can do only one thing at a time.  This is a big part of why the division between being in your waking dense world and your eternally awake Inner Being seems immovable.  Switching from the Great Inner World to the finite world feels burdensome in shifting back to one thing at a time mode.  What can you do about this?  Making the transition more seamless seems that it would help.  Certainly making the Great Inner World more finite is not an approach that makes sense, nor one that is even possible.  Thus, your involvement in your dense existence would assist you in this endeavor by becoming more infinite.
Allowing the dense to reach a more translucent state, this lets in the light, this thins the veil which relegates the dense plane to be ostensibly separate from the infinite.  This is the opening of the Great Inner Eye.  Thus, to flip the switch, to awaken, one angular approach is for you to shift your mental focus and perceive translucence throughout all, and allow the light to enter.  Your confinement to restricted views of the physical world will immediately be diluted, and your infinite light view will assume more prominence in your immediate experience.
What then, you may ask?  What would really change?  This is where your persistence in doing these questful endeavors will bring change in you, in your life, in your intersection of your infinite being with finite configurations, gradually.  One moment of shifting your mental focus to gravitate your dense immediacy toward translucency would possibly not be very evidently any different, and there would very possibly not be much perceptible change in you.  However, making these endeavors your quests rather than responding and reacting to the results of your dense environment makes your fundamental basis for operating of an infinite nature, and this is an ongoing development.  Translucence, if mentally invoked for a persistent enough level, becomes more a natural occurrence, and so does the seamless transition between denseness and Great Inner Awakening.
Your Chakra point, Ajna, can be of assistance in invoking translucence in your perceptive state.  To do this, feel the Ajna center, feel the vibration state, and see the vibration state.  Feel involutionally, energetic streaming, flowing and rushing inward, whilst simultaneously maintaining the idea, mentally, to invoke the seeing on all sensory levels of all within your immediate range of coordinates as transparent, and energetic in essence.  You will find that there is no relevance to whether your physical eyes are open or closed.  Expansion of mental acuity is relevant here, as there is no reactive motivation for doing the induction of translucence into your usual physical perception.  Amusement doesn't go very far, from a physical plane vantage point, and yes, you can do this as an antidote to feeling fatigued amidst the weightiness of the physical plane, but at times like that, the subtlety we are talking about is more difficult to grasp, and is done more successfully if you make a practice of it at times when your sensory perception is more acute.  Thus, if you would make a practice of fine tuning your mental acuity and perceiving the subtle vibrations everywhere, it would be to your advantage.  Being devoid of your physical plane dependencies does not naturally come to you when your energetic configuration is emphatic upon the physical world, but neither does weighing down yourself with density come naturally when your spirit is freed from the weight of the organic shell, as is your natural state.  Your integration of spirituality with humanity entails assuming what is natural to your spirit state, whilst engaging in a humanity-like organic journey.  Thus, we are emphasizing ways you can mentally attune yourself so as to guide yourself in such a way, and this is why we are guiding you to these methods such as consciously being wakeful to your Great Inner Being.
For so much, you have used the transition to good feeling states as a motivator.  As a means for climbing out of the emotional state abysses that you get yourself into, the promise of higher emotions of the spiritual serves as motivation.  This method can only go so far, because to get motivated that way, you go back into the abysmal states, and it becomes a cycle of repetition.  What we are teaching here is a way to transcend the cycle of abyss, followed by seeking for relief in mind states, and to get into the essential Great Spirit of your Being, as your method of operation, whether your 'wakeful' awareness is relative to the third dimension or not.  There is a slippery climb, because the leverage of friction to which so much of you are so accustomed does not provide itself for you to latch onto.  Your motivation has to come from the subtle, and the inner knowing.  Your progression in knowledge must be sufficient for your sustained interest in doing your mental focus in the way that will develop your spirit sufficiently.
To elevate the amplitude of your inner, resonant frequency, your finite plane impulse would draw you into states of tension enroute to issuing some sort of finite dimension effort system to create some effect.  This may be one of the hardest things for you to get used to realizing - the effort is entered through the mental arena, with no palpable finite dimension parameters involved.  So the tensing and emoting and physicalizing are all for naught.  Your striving must be for expansive awareness beginning with the mental configuration interface.  This causes much of you to recoil because you are used to seeing the mental configuration interface as a source of terror, from which the finite dimension creations you associate with the negative aspects of life appear to originate.  If you would kindly realize and remember that the experience in this way with regard to the mental arena comes about due to the restriction of direction of the mental arena with the finite dimension intersection, and mentally thread your consciousness in all dimensional facets of the mental arena, the recoil effect will be directed to its rightful proportion.  Attentive to your vibration state, and your inner resonant frequency, you are given something to feel, which is easier as a guide, because the stretch from the finite dimension plane is less.  Keeping your focus on 'just what is', as mental awareness into inter-dimensional space would entail, takes a sustenance of will that entails more sustained development, and motivation that is driven from the less-tangible subtle.
As our discussion of translucence of the finite dense becomes more integrated, even then, when you perceive what we are talking about, experientially from within the finite dimension perspective, the effects of sustained entailment of this conscious attentiveness is not readily evident.  After you do it for some time, you see and experience the shifts in paradigm which strike the chords of your involvement in the finite dimension arena.  We thus encourage your direction as we are guiding, yet without providing parametrization for an envisionable course for you.  We do offer that you are always connected and directing mental energy, to varying degrees of awareness.  You have certainly had some experience with your mental direction going awry, and have retracted from the conscious experience along the course of your finite dimension travel.  Is that what you would want to keep doing, or do you think it is worth trying a sustained effort that will shift your fundamental involvement with your mental energy direction and hence your finite dimensional intersection with the infinite dimensions?
We have stated you are always awake, and it is also true that your mental vectors are never dormant.  Your expansion beyond finite dimension intersection varies, and when this is minimal it is within what you would call subconscious that the bulk of your mental energy is thriving.  This is just another way of restricting your attention to the filtered world of finite dimension.  Exercising your mind, in the ways we are guiding you, guides you into inter-dimensional expansion, opening the gates to vast arenas of mental power.  How it is power, and how it is vast, and how your experiences will change, are known through the trusted sustained intention to expand in this way.