Weekly Channel – Aug 17 – Aug 23, 2014
If a being is locked into the mental plane and would like to connect quickly with the heart, what can they do?
Free fall. Connecting with the heart suddenly from a vantage point of the mental plane is feeling like free fall, so go for it. Just allow yourself to shift focus to the heart and be prepared to fall. Go through that momentary feeling of fearfulness, and shift to the feeling of vibration in the heart area. And give yourself some willingness to hold your focus there and allow things to shift. In multidimensional space, the mental plane is like a ledge, a ledge of mind control. The mind aspires to organize everything into a form giving the perspective that it has it all under control. So, shifting from this point is in effect falling off of this ledge. You, from your physical perspective, can accelerate this process by inducing the sensation of freefall. You, most of you, have had some experience of falling backward into a swimming pool, or as a child, falling backward onto your bed or to some pillows on the ground. Since this sensation is known to you, it is easy to induce this sensation. So, just induce that sensation and simultaneously bring your attention to the heart area, and hold it there. The feeling of freefall will dislock the mental plane. Anytime you notice the effects of being locked into the mind, you can do this. You know the effects – anytime there is fear or worry or some kind of discomfort that leads to ruminating kinds of thoughts. The mind moves along at the speed of thought, and your feeling states are integrated more with your body, which is denser. The effect of this is that the mind speeds along without regard to the feeling effects that are being created in your body. If someone is particularly subject to locking into the mind on a regular basis, some effort to work with balancing the chakras to establish some equilibrium would be beneficial, but if someone is not inclined to do that kind of work, or if someone wishes to make a shift from the mental area quickly in the midst of daily activity, then this freefall method can be used any time, even in the middle of all kinds of physical activity. This is the most effective method that we know.
Is there any way we beings can mutate quickly into the multidimensional realms as a means to transcend the difficult effects of the dense physical experience, such as physical pain or fatigue?
To do this, you must adjoin to your multidimensional faculties. In words, if you are totally plugged into the physical dense plane, then the effects you experience are plugged into the dense plane, and that is your ‘reality’. So, your ability to to mutate quickly is subject to the depth in which you have integrated your experience on the physical plane into multidimensional consciousness. If you will practice multidimensional awareness on a regular basis, with whatever you are experiencing, whether the difficult effects or the nonimal effects, then your means for mutating are enhanced, and it will become natural to do such things. So, the answer is yes, however there are skills that must be cultivated. It is something that dense dwellers are not naturally attuned to do, with awareness that is strictly focused in the physical realm. Our recommendation is that you make the integration of the multidimensional awareness a regular practice, throughout your life.
Would it help us to exist in a more multidimensional way, while in the physical world, if we find a way to integrate the heart and mind together and have them function as one?
Yes, actually all of the chakras can be integrated together, and this would have the effect of taking your physical plane existence, and transcending the physicalness of it, and you would be a dimension amidst the multidimensional existence. So this practice is recommended. Thinking along these lines and learning to function in a unified way will be very beneficial both for you as individuals and also for the vibration of your special existence and the interconnection that vibrates all beings of species characteristics with like frequencies. The heart and the mind are the easiest to see connecting in this way because they vibrate with high volume amidst your physical palpations. In the course of existence in the physical world, you can view the integration of the heart and mind as both a valuable enactment and a gateway into a unified energetic state which circuits you in the multidimensional realm. To enact this connection, the freefall method, already discussed here earlier, can be effective in the course of busy, real time, physical events. However, if you reach with your consciousness, directly for the circuit connection with the multidimensional realm, then this true gateway effect is fully realized. The freefall method, and the heart mind connection, in themselves, can be effective for ameliorating the effects of the physical plane, but the true effectiveness is brought to fruition only if you consciously engage in the multidimensional. So we recommend doing it this way, rather than just using the heart mind interplay as a bandage for overcoming the discomfort of physical life.
For engaging with all of the chakras in a multidimensional way, there is a technique you can use which is an extension of the freefall method we are talking about here for interconnecting the heart and mind. However, this technique is not so readily obvious from the physical vantage point, because it is not of a familiar sensational nature, as is the freefall method, so your consciousness must extend and reach for the ability to use this technique. If you first focus on the freefall method, as we have described, when your mind is locked in and there is noticeable discomfort because of the balance being heavily weighted in the mental plane, if you imagine that you are on the edge of a ledge or some surface above the ground and you just allow yourself to fall backward, and you engage in the accompanying sensation while simultaneously shifting your focus to the heart, then you get the basic idea. Now, let’s say you consider your seven physical chakras, and for each of them there is a multidimensional component, each with its own unique sensation akin to the mental freefall sensation. This is the part where your consciousness has to reach, because these sensations will not be readily available to you as extensions of physical experiences. So reach for this and feel the seven unique sensations occurring simultaneously, and allow all of your conscious chakra sensations to occur together and allow your consciousness to integrate with this experience as an extension of how your shift from mind to heart occurs. You do this and you will expand into the multidimensional. This takes you to the surface of your intersection with the physical dimension, from which vantage point you launch your beingness into the infinite realms.
How can the sensation of vibration be enhanced? It seems to be helpful in feeling a stronger connection to the multidimensional when the vibration feels stronger.
This is a relative thing. Just as the subtle music can be heard when the loud music is quietened, the subtle vibration can be felt when the dense vibration is shifted to a peripheral focus. So, if you are in a situation where you wish to sink yourself into the feeling of multidimensional vibration, consciously will the denser vibrations into a periphery of your attentiveness, and shift your focus to the subtle vibration, and hold this focus, and you will feel the vibration gain awareness in intersection with the consciousness of your being. You are correct that this is an effective method for engaging your awareness into the multidimensional realms.
Let us move onward!