Weekly Channel – August 3 – August 9, 2014
After experiencing some experiences where I have felt connected through the Heart chakra, and the vibrations of the other chakras and of gaining insight into the engagement of life through deeper understanding of the chakras, I have somehow come to a point where I feel that the physical world is sucking all of my focus, and I would like to be able to experience the vibrational connection more readily and engage in life through that means. Is there anything I can do on an ongoing basis, to restore this connection when I feel that it is distant from my momentary focus?
There is an internal lightning bolt for which you can reach, within your own being. Do this. This lightning bolt is always there, and is directly accessible from your mental state, so there is always an instantaneous connection, and the vibration can be felt directly through this lightning bolt.
Ok, I can see/feel the lightning bolt. Will adeptness with this grow with practice?
Yes, it will become more natural. All you have to do is remember, “lightning bolt”.
I have heard talk about “lightworkers” on this planet. What exactly are they, and what is my connection with them?
Lightworkers are beacons, beings who are “gridpoints” in the geometric structure that defines the blueprint of the evolutionary development of the apparent reality in which your planet exists. Lightworkers have been present throughout the existence of your planet, but in current times, their number has expanded tremendously. This is so because the transformation of your planet is imminent, and it is served by having numerous gridpoints. Your connection is among them. You are not native to your planet, and thus may feel at odds being there. Take heart. You are involved in work that is not always readily evident from your waking state, and the challenges you face, particularly those with respect to other humans, are generating energy in the multidimensional realms, which are transformational for your planet and the species which are occupants there.
Is there anything I can do to expand my effectiveness in this way? I mean, while in the waking state, does it make a difference if I behave in a certain way, like with my emotional states? If I become impatient with other humans, does that impede the effectiveness of the work I have incarnated to accomplish here?
No, there is not an impeding of the effectiveness in this way. As we said, any of the challenges are generating energy, and the effect is vast in the multidimensional realms. There is no way that your interactions in the three dimensional space can effect this. Your own experience may appear to be affected, but this too is only in the three dimensional perspective.
My inclination is to continue to work with gaining awareness, and reaching for perspective that encompases the higher dimensions. I have found the vibration of the chakras and the other means we have discussed to be helpful for this. The impulse to be able to manifest on the physical plane continues to drive my interactions at this level. I am inclined to feel that this is the guide I should follow, because it feels right and there is inspiration in that way. Is this so?
Yes, your inspiration and impulse is one of your connections to your higher dimensional existence. Keep in mind that your level of clarity is a factor here. If you are feeling inspiration and impulse, your vibration is stronger when the level of clarity is higher. It is a good practice to strive for purity in your level of clarity. The lightning bolt is effective for this purpose. When you feel any kind of impulse, reach in your conscious mind for the lightning bolt and invoke its energy!
What can I do if I am not necessarily feeling an impulse that has any energy to it, but I would like to seek clarity? Can the lightning bolt energy be invoked at times like that, for the same kind of effect?
Sometimes, when I am attempting to become more connected at the vibrational level, I feel like it helps my concentration to contract, in a kind of inner tension, yet I feel divided on this because relaxing and allowing is the means for connecting with the higher dimensions. When I am in the midst of activity in the three dimensional plane, is this kind of tensing action a viable means of becoming more connected?
Yes, because in this situation the connection becomes close through this means. If you are feeling connected, then relaxing and allowing is the course to take, but if you are feeling disconnected and your conscious mind is striving to connect, then any form of concentration, to have even a thread of connection, will be effecttive. So, let go of the restriction on tensing in the physical. For example, the lightning bolt we are talking about. As we said, this is a connection through the mental plane, so there is no effect due to tension on the physical level. If tensing on the physical level helps you to make this mental connection, then do it. As the connection strengthens, you can relax as appropriate.
Will the lightning bolt connection be a viable means for connecting with the higher dimensions and releasing the connection to the physical realm just as the state of sleep is being entered?
Yes, this method is very useful. Any of the means that we have been discussing, but the lightning bolt method is particularly effective because you can take a direct route through all of the mental processes that make things look complex with regard to connecting with the higher realms. This lightning bolt is effective because the complexity arises in the mental plane, yet the lightning bolt transmits through and via the mental plane, and therefore is always accessible from there.
Let us move onward!