Inter-Dimensional Channel – Mar 1 – Jun 27, 2020
Interspatial traces dimensionality in vastly varying forms, appearing in perception as conforming to dimensional representation within confines of spatial projection. If your world is defined as recognitional of three dimensions, projecting your telescopes through space will yield data that conforms to your three dimension perspective, and that is what you will process. Expect to have a lot of unanswered questions if you are dense enough to do this and expect to understand the 'universe' that you see 'out there'. Within the most microscopic of spaces, even confined to a pinpoint spot on some place on your earth, there are infinite spatial expansions going on which you are excluding from sensory process because you are programmed to process only your three dimensions.
To be more fully aware, in transcendence of the trap of three dimensional spatial perception, you must engage the subtleness of sensors innate within your being which are unrestricted, and from your physical entrainment are appearing as purely energetic in nature. In this nature, your inclination does not take you to engage these sensory receptors, so you must find your way to energetically feel your way into awareness.
The world you know, as sentient being, precipitates in origin of unbound energetic cells of infinite source. As attachment to such precipitant is the norm within your perception of sentience, a basis of fixed-form for your reality forms, and disconscience in autonomous force through propagation of your existence in being presents you in a normed state of accepting your precipitant zone of existence as your totality of existence. This works just fine if you keep things in perspective and realize you are merely taking a ride on earth plane for the sensory thrill of it, but most of you don't do it just that way. You tend to totally forget about the infinite basis of energy which creates you and your existent realms. To some extent it is understandable that you would forget in this way. The vastness of encompassing the totality of the basis for your reality doesn't just simply cram into your finite mind that is designed to entertain you through navigation amidst the third dimension world. However, you are always free to open your consciousness into this vastness, and you have multiple opportunities to do so on a regular basis. You just forget, and allow your emotional and mental, internal states to be directed through external stimulus that is arisen strictly out of the limited realm of perception, through the limited mind of linearity confined to third dimensional space. It is not always necessary for you to get into this big meditational space where the sense of bigger energetic reality becomes apparent. You can do a lot by imposing your own wisdom of understanding of the basis for your existence and remembering.
Remember that you and all you perceive are composed of energy, in infinitely abstract form, encompassing totality of existence. You, in your physicalness, at all levels of density, and all that you perceive as constituting a world in which you occur, are continually undergoing cycles of complete destruction and evisceration followed by complete creation anew, despite the encrusted states of continued existence with very slow changes you are wont to witness and believe as inevitable. Why they appear so is simply because you perceive them as so, arising through your reflection of precipitated state as the basis for your perceived reality of existence, originating externally to your own consciousness. You should rethink your inclination to allow your perception to dictate the way your mind feeds your expectations as to what would ensue.
In Truth, knowing and remembering that everything is being completely recreated in transcendence of time itself, and thus not even mentionable in terms of rate of speed, you have great power at your disposal to change anything from what is currently perceived into that of resonance with your inner core of consciousness that constitutes the essence of your spiritual being. How to do this? Remember and allow. Remember that what is in this instant is not inevitable to follow in the next instant, and forget that the earth plane is trying to suggest otherwise. It's simple, right? Why is this not common practice then? Well, because you don't automatically remember. And, when things change, you don't automatically correlate the change with the input from your own consciousness. And, you make the mistake of listening to your peers, and taking it as given that your reality is going to follow the same guidelines as they say theirs is following. And, to allow yourself to be recreated in a new way, quickly, you must let go of attachment to what is, and very few of you are ready to do that. If you overcome all of these obstacles, and give yourself a chance to initiate the energetic basis of change, and allow your entire existence to be recreated according to aspirational choices arising from your innermost spiritual energetic core, then your existence within precipitated reality space will be experienced into re-precipitation according to your energetic vibration, as you wish.
It doesn't have to be complicated. Just remind yourself every so often that there is always more going on than meets the eye, or any other third dimension sensory portal. Your earth being playground is third dimensional, yet integrated within, not separate from, infinite dimensional energy space.
Interactive conscious state is shaped in contour to the real dimension perception, the projection within infinite space of the precipitated energy states that appear as your world. Recreating with interactive energetic injection must allow for reshaping into reformation according to renewed energy forms. Your shaping grip must loosen for you to allow this. Attending your conscious awareness inwardly into multi-interdimensional sensorial perception activates this. Releasing your attention to the inception of reflective states from the third dimension structure and placing your conscious awareness into your inner vibration, with open perception into all dimensions in sensational perception effects the natural unbinding to the shaped contour of your dimension. You are thereby allowing your entire reality of energetic state to reform anew, yet according to your intentions that are feeding your energetic awareness as you enter such sensorial perception state.
So, you feel something, some emotion, some physical state, observation and reflective emotional reaction to states of worldly existence, and you seek change, and you see no direct physical path for change. You know you can help yourself to change with direction of your mind to gain the vibration essence of change - i.e. you don't like a situation, such as being uncomfortable, and you instantly know you would want to change from being uncomfortable, so you disassociate your ties to perception of the circumstances you are pouring into your consciousness through observation, and your knowing of seeking change from what is in this moment injects your energetic essence of change into your conscious state. You then float your perceptive consciousness to your inner vibration state and allow yourself to abstractly feel your sensorial perception. Stay here for a time and then return to your regular conscious activities, and if it happens again, do it again. You can work out how long you want to stay in vibration perception mode for yourself. Continued practice of doing this trains your mechanisms that shape your energetic precipitation of third dimension energetic state into resonance to your innermost being's energy.
Reconciling change is different from what you would be accustomed to doing within a strict third dimension reality perception. The direct cause and effect is not the same, and it is critical to realize how vastly different this is, and gain a sense of how to work with this. Otherwise, you would be tended to do a few tries at initiating change with intentional entry into vibration state, and not notice anything and then just give up and go back to the old way of perceiving what is externally happening and feeling to be a victim of circumstances. If you remember that your energy is continually being renewed, at a rate so fast it transcends time and doesn't make sense to even speak of fastness, then you will realize through contemplating what is really happening here that it doesn't make any sense to initiate a single injection of energetic vibration disassociation in congruence with reality states you are seeking to alter, and then watch and observe direct results from that single injection. Energetic creation and destruction are ongoing, and whilst you are bumbling to look for results, your energetic states go on precipitating. So, you are served better by injecting change and realize you are injecting your input into an infinite stream, but of great significance is that you are detaching from your current precipitation and allowing change to occur. Watching for specific change actually invites back in the conditions from which you were trying to shift, so you just push yourself back into the same sinkhole. You have to initiate energetic vibration and move on, trying not to think too much about what was. Every so often you can notice and realize change has occurred, and reflect on it, but don't dwell on what was. Make space for the new to come in and become your reality states.
This is how you heal yourself. This is how you heal your life, your body, your conditions, your purpose in life.
Move onward with this!