Inter-Dimensional Channel – Feb 15, 2019 – Mar 1, 2020
Your species talks oft regarding the power of your mind, yet few of you traverse into paths of integrative understanding in regard to depth of meaning in such communication. Mental energy for you is always in play, and readily evident are continuous demonstrations of the mental energy in focus of effect regarding facets of your physical world experiences that are of concern to you. Thoughts are precipitative representations of mental vibration and are of frequent involvement amidst your integrative being as sentient transient of worldly projection. Transience amidst worldly projection gains interest for beings of sentience most evidently through denser vibrations than mental and this automomously renders your thought energy as a mere background phenomenon which is present but not part of the equation in a given moment. Your focus thus tends to dwell on the sensorial interactions of physical and emotional more so. However, consider a few things. Have you ever noticed times when you are going along feeling pretty good about things, with no evident physical negativities and feeling happy, and suddenly, like lightning, a worry-provoking thought comes in and suddenly it shifts, and now you are not happy, you are worried? Well, in such a situation, you just witnessed the power of the mind at work. All it took was one lightning-fast thought stream burst, and now your presense of sentient experience has gone from feeling good and happy to feeling bad and worried.
Left to autonomation, beings of sentience will go on with this kind of thing happening regularly, unnoticed. You may be feeling sated with your nutritional intake at a given moment, and a thought comes in about a delicious meal or kind of food, and suddenly your ostensibly physical state of being sated shifts into hunger. Mental energy is always flowing, and its power is always present. Your knowing of this and what what you do with it is the variable in the equation of your experiential progression as precipitated life form. Mental energy, being of much lower energetic viscosity than precipitations, physical and emotional, of immediate prominence in regard to existence and survivial at the dense plane levels, strikes quickly and moves with stealth as your occupation is consumed in the notice of the denser forms of energy. Furthermore, assuming there is enough awareness and interest in more deeply wielding the mental power in conscious direction, the central nervous system for your mental engagement in doing so is your mind itself, the superhighway for your mental energy. Furthermore, the mental plane so vast, and your dense world is so narrow, that unbridled flow of mental energy can serve to render a being as non-functional within the social flow of dense world occupation as sentient type beings. These points serve to place your innate tendencies into a place of considering the energy of mental plane as background, and yet this does not limit its power and only places its power in a perspective of yours that hinders the degree to which it is noticed from your faceted dense world view.
Mental state, in its rapidity of energy transmission, energy of flowing thinness, may not readily be obvious to effectuate transmution of dense states. Yet it must be that interchange is able to occur. Your mental transmissions are just not readily predisposed to operating in this way. Hence, we bring this up and wish to disclose to you the key secrets in learning how to do this. Your mental sensing predisposition is reflective of the greater density. This is inherent in the necessity for stability in form as you know it. Higher density reflectively influencing thinner density propagates the state of persistence of the more dense, which is what it takes to keep the formed in a state of inertia so as to continue to exist. You know no different and incline to see this mental/physical relationship as just the way it is, but it is really just a prop to limit the dynamics of your existence to elevate the appearance that dense forms are less volatile energetically. This is a property of your world.
As your world is energetic, of particular must be so that energetic flow is of capability to effectuate transformations of any density. Yet for transform to effect, the point of initiation is the state of conditions at the moment of injection of energetic flow. Your reflective nature in shifting your mental energy in accordance with sensing denser conditions thus is an immediate deterrent into ;injecting mental energy reflecting what is already in effect back into itself. You must realize and overcome this nature to receive the dense conditions into your mental stream. You must realize that your mental stream is generated by your consciousness and use the will of your intention to enter directly into current state of conditions whilst maintaining your mental energetic intention of effectuation of change. Step beyond the impulse to lapse into your thought streams ruminating on what is.
A secret to this now lies in how you gather and transmute your mental energy as you inject into your current state of density. Your thought streams tend to arise out of envisions of shifts in your observances within dense structure. You must realize that the specificity of these thought streams is more dense than the energy of essence from which the dense is formed. You must loosen your thought shaping intentions and allow your mental energy to diffuse, releasing the wrapping of dense plane reflections which echo reflections of dense plane conditions. This would likely have the feel to you of thinking about something and reaching a point of intending for it to become, and then quickly not thinking about it. Such a practice would feel to you to be counter to your objective, yet is precisely what is needed to effectuate the change you desire.
The third secret is that the change you desire does not need to relate to the present, yet you must gather the mental energy around the change you desire to the point of generating energy in your feeling states. This connects the circuit between your core inner being and your formed condition. Having reached a state of vibration with your mental stream and your feeling states in harmonic accord, you now approach your current intersection with dense formed conditional state and allow the mental energy to thin as your conscious will directs its injection into your dense placement. You now let it flow and you are done thinking about that stream. Move forth as your inclination is inclined to do. Be cleared with your thought channels and allow new streams to flow.
So, as your mood allows, you can feel free to allow your mental streams to venture into inspirations that raise your vibration. Get the energy going to where you can feel it, and move ahead with the direct transference into your current density conditions, and then move onward. Your dense world will necessarily be effectuated with change from this.
Facing dense conditions which directly reflect your emotional states into lower vibration frequencies, which translates into your feeling less desirable statewise, you can directly change your precipitated state into pure energetic vibration, in which the transcendence of the conditions occurs through your state, your energetic comprisation, which includes you and all of your densely constructed experiential conditions. You directly transform your conscious perception of you and your involvement in physical plane density into purely vibrational energetic state. This is easy but unknown to most because it characterizes as a dissolution of your reality states. But so what? If your reality states suck, why not dissolute them? Just shift your focus into direct perception of energy vibration and transcend into the All of the energetic Universe.
You are accomplishing much when you do this, and admittedly, it takes some adeptness to overcome the recoil effects of your physical state habituation which controls you into conformation with physical state conditions in order to really get yourself through purely shifting of conscious focus to be in a state of vibration feel without being a puppet being pulled by the strings of your physical plane attachments. But, when you get to be able to do this, you are doing much, as you are immediately getting yourself out of a bad situation and immediately shifting your energy into the higher vibration of your natural harmony, which brings your spirit into its natural harmonic state. In addition, you are removing your involvement in the pressure of maintaining the current conditions and perpetuating them which, in other words means that you are escaping the bad situation and removing the conforms causing it to stay in place, and thereby letting the energy of the Universe freshly construct new reality states of your existence, arising from the natural harmonic state of your being, which aligns with your true nature, and thus will not be such a sucky state of conditions. This is one good way to directly invoke yourself into the oft advised approach of letting go and letting God handle things - putting your woes into the Hands of God. Your conscious shift into your personal energetic vibration is your own entry into your God state. In shifting in this way, you are removing your attachment to awareness as restricted to third dimension physical precipitation, and directly invoking awareness of your true God Nature.
Practice this until it becomes natural.