Weekly Channel – July 27 – August 3, 2014
I have been feeling the vibration and the need to work with other chakras as we have discussed working with the heart chakra, and the heartvision and such. I have felt that the vibration of the throat chakra connects with manifestations of details, and I am interested in expanding on this and working in a productive way, both as a service to my own life experience and a service to the evolutionary progression of the species with which I am committed to work in this zone. Please speak to me on this.
Your chakras are pinpoints, kind of like radio buttons on a web page. The individual chakras provide entry points for varying degrees of the multidimensional energies of which your being is a manifestation. The encompassment of all of the multidimensional energy forces at once would overwhelm your dense physical body and it would cease to exist in your dimension. The chakras provide entry points for you to access this energy, and the vastness of the infinite is available all of the time through the chakras. It is for various means of your physical existence that the different chakras exist, and your teachings about the chakras give adequate beginning hints as to the connections. However, the sort of awareness that you are currently awakening into is the much more powerful realization of these energies. Your work with the heart has taken you into new dimensions which continue to work. You may have noticed that your ability to access the heartvision readily in the last few days has not seemed to be so readily accessible. This is not because it is not accessible. It is because you have done a tremendous amount of shift in the last few days and week or so, and your dense world must have some time for integration to take place. Now you are noticing changes in a similar way in your throat chakra. This is to be kept in mind in the same way. The apparent time factor on your physical plane will make it appear to you that things have slowed or stopped. Take heart. This is not the case. Your access to the infinite energies transcends the world of time and places you in a perspective that has an expectancy of instant shift and change. This would sometimes have the effect of a jar of frozen liquid placed in boiling water, in which the jar would crack, if shifting were to take place instantly. So it takes time.
What counsel can you provide for me to be in a place of balance with regard to the initiation of shifting and the subsequent apparent time factor in allowing the shift to integrate in the dense world?
Reach for and give your attention to the infinite dimensional energies, and keep your attention there. See the world and its current state and the changing states as within the infinite. This is the message. This is the reality. If your attention is solely on the dense, the time factor becomes a hindrance. If your attention is on the infinite, you see the world and all of the factors of change as a kaleidoscope, where it all fits together and progresses in a continual, ever-changing stream of sensory (infinite senses) perceptions. When you notice your emotional/mental states becoming discomforted by the time factor or the desire for change, remind yourself of this, and give your attention to the infinite energies.
Will I naturally be guided to the insight into using the other chakras, as I am now with the heart and now the throat?
Yes, you are noticing that this is happening. The throat vibration was shown to you at the right time when you were thinking about the factors which connect with the infinite dimension energies that transmit through that chakra. As you proceed, the appropriate times will lead you to the openings in other ways. Be patient. This is akin to the light bulbs in a big scoreboard coming on gradually until they are all lit up. If they come on all at once, it can be a very bright shift, and would be difficult to comprehend. You will be guided gradually. Just be open and have childlike wisdom and innocence.
Can you provide me with any guidance as to the best way for me to engage my focus at times when the apparent reality in the dense realm is not consistent with the manifestation I am intending to produce, yet there is the integration factor, which results in the time factor?
You must realize that this integration factor is happening and that the present moment, with regard to recently induced energies, is not directly related. You must keep your focus on your intended response from the energies, and the best way to do this is to engage the vibrations of your energy portals. As we have discussed above, you are opening up now, more and more, but gradually. As you proceed, your energy centers will become more familiar to you, and in given situations you will know how to focus your attention on the relevant areas and their energetic vibrations. So, hold your intentions on the relevant vibration portals and make no association with the current observational events as an indication of whether or not the vibrations are working. They always work. It just must integrate into the dense.
Let us move onward!