Alchemy Resonance Meditation
[Author's Note: This meditation is first introduced in Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #21. It is also recommended to read Inter-Dimensional Channel Message #14, related to this meditation procedure. -Christopher]
We are going to introduce a meditation method which will cultivate the shift in paradigm that will entrain you to be more consistently in the harmonic resonance state, and hence remain in the NOW consistently and hence maintain the time dimension in its proper perspective. This we shall call Alchemy Resonance Meditation.
All of the characteristics of the physical state are completed, and at a given moment, proceeding to change into the evolving state. As usual progression indicates, some of what has settled is in accord with your energetic resonance, and some is in discord. The intent of this process is to alchemize the complete vibration state of the precipitated finite dimension state through feeding into your energetic core and allowing the resonant harmonic vibration of your energetic core to transform the vibration into pure energetic resonance, thus alchemizing the vibration into accord with your harmonic resonance. This is metaphorically similar to a smelting process wherein a metal ore is heated and transformed into the pure metal which is embedded within the ore. Same kind of thing, with your precipitated vibration state. We recommend doing this process at least once a day. The process follows.
Do what it takes to be focused. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, etc. This is good, but this may also be done under any conditions - you may enlist the focus of the mental energy through any configuration of coordinates. Gain a sense of your inner energetic core. The visual, sentient sensory impressions you have can vary widely. Importantly, enlist the services of your mental focus to do so, and consider it done, however the reflection is for your sensory focus. Holding this connective state, sense a vortex, a rush of energy through your being directly into your energetic center. This can be through any means, but importantly the destination is your energetic center. Your Heart Center Vibration is a strong suggestion, but you may feel that some other entry point is appropriate. Know your entire finite dimension state, in totality, as vibrative energy, and allow all of this energy to enter the vortex and be directed toward your energy central core. This is the allowance of the entire reality state to become fluid and to be consumed by your energetic core, with the light of your center serving as a transformer of the energetic vibration, feeding the vibrations which resonate with your harmonic frequency into your energetic center for integration into the precipitations yet to come. The discordant vibrations are consumed and evaporated, as they are out of resonance with the consuming energy. Allow this process to continue for as long as it feels appropriate to you. Time is not the relevant factor. Feel this and you will sense some state of completion as the vibration feeling will settle some, or you will just know. Take then, a little while to remain in feeling state with your harmonic energy center. Then move onward and proceed.
This procedure, if done regularly, as once a day or more, or even several times a week, will entrain your deeper energetic being to be a producer rather than a reactor. In doing this alchemical process, you are entraining your energy creation faculties to maintain accord with the resonance of your unique being. The changes, the effects as time goes on with you doing this, are for you to see. If you have been living a reactive life, with continual noticing of the discordant vibrations that have settled in place, and felt that this was as good as you could expect it to be, you may start to find that a life lived from the driver's seat of your energetic center will be quite different. Allow this adjustment to take place and be open minded to changes as they occur.
Allow your imagination to integrate into your use of this procedure and expand on the ideas. You may, for instance, use this idea selectively for things such as particularly raucus mind states, allowing the essence of the mind states to vibrate and enter the vortex to the smelting arena of your energetic core. Or you may do this when you get stuck in some configuration that has obvious discord, and you somehow have become convinced that it is to persist for a protracted length of some dimension, such as time. Take the whole encompassing thing in its entirety and allow its vibration into the vortex. As you become accustomed to this process, you will find that the vortex and channel into your energetic core will be fairly easily accessible from the mental plane, whatever is happening in the finite dimension situation.