Chakra Dialectic Unification Meditation
[Author's Note: This meditation is introduced under the context first presented in Inter-Dimensional Channel Messages #9 and #10. -Christopher]
There is a meditation procedure which we would like to convey to you. This will help on numerous levels of subtlety. This, we are giving guidelines, can be done several times a day, and can be done with varying levels of depth of attentiveness - slowly and carefully with full focus, or 'on the fly' and quickly, when in the midst of some turmoil. Your creative imagination is welcome to expand on the abstractions we are providing, as your spirit is motivated, and as is needed to conform to the will of your own conscious connection. The intention is to proceed through each of the seven chakra energy centers of your being, from root to sacral to solar plexus to heart to throat to third eye to crown, one by one, to unify the dialectically opposing poles of each energetic form and vibrate the energy of the unified energy into connection with your central resonant energetic chord. As you proceed through the chakras and upon completion with the crown, feel the vibration of the central energetic resonant chord of your being. Upon completion, shift into moving onward. No need to get analytical about looking for things to happen or change. Allow this to integrate, and for the effects to take course on their own. Now, for a little more detail, but still somewhat abstract form, to guide you in this meditation procedure.
Throughout this procedure, maintain awareness of the center energetic chord traversing through the center of your entire being, with a connecting energetic circuit to each of your main energy centers. Bring your focus to the root chakra area, and feel the focus and the vibration to the level available at the moment. There is no need to get hung up on whether you are actually feeling a vibrating feeling or are imagining it. That is not relevant. Envision and feel the vibrations of both a light circle and a dark circle, intended to represent the opposing dialectic poles associated with the root chakra. Envision these circles merging together in unification, and feel the vibrations merging together into resonance. Feel this for a few moments, and allow the unified vibration to connect with your central energetic resonance chord, and feel this chord in its entirety, with this unified root chakra energy injected. Now bring your focus to the sacral chakra area, and feel the focus and the vibration to the level available at the moment. Envision and feel the vibrations of both a light circle and a dark circle, intended to represent the opposing dialectic poles associated with the sacral chakra. Envision these circles merging together in unification, and feel the vibrations merging together into resonance. Feel this for a few moments, and allow the unified vibration to connect with your central energetic resonance chord, and feel this chord in its entirety, with this unified sacral chakra energy injected. Now bring your focus to the solar plexus chakra area, and feel the focus and the vibration to the level available at the moment. Envision and feel the vibrations of both a light circle and a dark circle, intended to represent the opposing dialectic poles associated with the solar plexus chakra. Envision these circles merging together in unification, and feel the vibrations merging together into resonance. Feel this for a few moments, and allow the unified vibration to connect with your central energetic resonance chord, and feel this chord in its entirety, with this unified solar plexus chakra energy injected. Now bring your focus to the heart chakra area, and feel the focus and the vibration to the level available at the moment. Envision and feel the vibrations of both a light circle and a dark circle, intended to represent the opposing dialectic poles associated with the heart chakra. Envision these circles merging together in unification, and feel the vibrations merging together into resonance. Feel this for a few moments, and allow the unified vibration to connect with your central energetic resonance chord, and feel this chord in its entirety, with this unified heart chakra energy injected. Now bring your focus to the throat chakra area, and feel the focus and the vibration to the level available at the moment. Envision and feel the vibrations of both a light circle and a dark circle, intended to represent the opposing dialectic poles associated with the throat chakra. Envision these circles merging together in unification, and feel the vibrations merging together into resonance. Feel this for a few moments, and allow the unified vibration to connect with your central energetic resonance chord, and feel this chord in its entirety, with this unified throat chakra energy injected. Now bring your focus to the third eye chakra area, and feel the focus and the vibration to the level available at the moment. Envision and feel the vibrations of both a light circle and a dark circle, intended to represent the opposing dialectic poles associated with the third eye chakra. Envision these circles merging together in unification, and feel the vibrations merging together into resonance. Feel this for a few moments, and allow the unified vibration to connect with your central energetic resonance chord, and feel this chord in its entirety, with this unified third eye chakra energy injected. Now bring your focus to the crown chakra area, and feel the focus and the vibration to the level available at the moment. Envision and feel the vibrations of both a light circle and a dark circle, intended to represent the opposing dialectic poles associated with the crown chakra. Envision these circles merging together in unification, and feel the vibrations merging together into resonance. Feel this for a few moments, and allow the unified vibration to connect with your central energetic resonance chord, and feel this chord in its entirety, with this unified crown chakra energy injected. Now spend a few moments with attention focused on your entire central energetic resonance chord, with the connections of unification energy with all seven chakra energy centers. Feel this vibration and the resonance of your being in harmonic resonance with it. And then move onward.